JUST IN: White House Press Sec. Sanders says she can't guarantee that a recording of the president using “the N-word” will never be heard by the American people.
It remains unclear if such a recording exists.
《ニガー(英語: nigger)とは、主に英語圏において、一般に黒人を指す蔑称として用いられるスラングの一つである。和訳は黒んぼ、黒奴など。少なくともアメリカ合衆国においては、アフリカ系アメリカ人に対する差別用語と見なされることから、今日ではこれを避けて"N-Word"という婉曲的表現が用いられることもしばしばである。》

Sunday on MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation With Al Sharpton,” former White House staffer and “Apprentice” contestant Omarosa Manigault Newman claimed President Donald Trump wanted to start a “race war.”
Manigault Newman said, “Every single time he had some type of issue with the community, I was there. I was the person in the room that could take him to task on that. The one thing I realized once I was there was he was disingenuous to his commitment to diversity.”
She added, “There is really no real commitment to diversity in the White House, and he’s unapologetic about it because he’s completely contradicted the commitment he made when he did that campaign of what do you have to lose? Well, clearly, we have to lose a voice, an advocate, someone who understands the issues and knows how to reach out to the community. We have a lot to lose. In fact, we’re losing right now because Donald Trump is disingenuous about his engagement and his outreach. And in fact, I believe he wants to start a race war in this country.”
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
It remains unclear if such a recording exists.
《ニガー(英語: nigger)とは、主に英語圏において、一般に黒人を指す蔑称として用いられるスラングの一つである。和訳は黒んぼ、黒奴など。少なくともアメリカ合衆国においては、アフリカ系アメリカ人に対する差別用語と見なされることから、今日ではこれを避けて"N-Word"という婉曲的表現が用いられることもしばしばである。》

Sunday on MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation With Al Sharpton,” former White House staffer and “Apprentice” contestant Omarosa Manigault Newman claimed President Donald Trump wanted to start a “race war.”
Manigault Newman said, “Every single time he had some type of issue with the community, I was there. I was the person in the room that could take him to task on that. The one thing I realized once I was there was he was disingenuous to his commitment to diversity.”
She added, “There is really no real commitment to diversity in the White House, and he’s unapologetic about it because he’s completely contradicted the commitment he made when he did that campaign of what do you have to lose? Well, clearly, we have to lose a voice, an advocate, someone who understands the issues and knows how to reach out to the community. We have a lot to lose. In fact, we’re losing right now because Donald Trump is disingenuous about his engagement and his outreach. And in fact, I believe he wants to start a race war in this country.”
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN