同時に、アメリカでは第二次独立戦争が勃発し、偽バイデン政権の崩壊は必至である。世論調査によると、85%のアメリカ人が、この国は間違った方向に進んでいると考えている。また、圧倒的多数が "政府は腐敗しており、私のような普通の人々に敵対している "と考えていることも示している。他の世論調査でも、3700万人の銃所有者が、偽バイデン政権とその支持者に対して軍事行動を起こす準備ができていることが示されている。
銃の所有者は、警察が不能ゆえ、行動を起こさざるを得ないのです。例えばシカゴでは、2021年、警察は "生命、身体への差し迫った脅威、または大きな財産的損害・損失 "をもたらす406,829件の事件に対応しなかった。これは、そうした優先順位の高い緊急通報の52%にあたります。
ヘンリー・マコウ博士は、米国のHMの失敗したリーダーシップについて、次のように一般論を述べている。「彼らの軽蔑は、トランスジェンダーと結婚した同性愛者のバラク・オバマを大統領にしたことに見ることができる。そして、選挙を不正操作して、犯罪者で売国奴の老人性愛者の変態息子を大統領にしたのです」NSAの情報源の一人が指摘するように、いまだに彼らを支持している軍隊や機関の誰もが、"秘密にされナンセンスを食わされるキノコ "なのです。
このような洞察により、ますます多くのネズミがUNITED STATES CORPORATIONという沈没船から去っていくのです。
In Europe, farmers with tractors — the modern equivalent of pitchforks — went on the warpath. This is most evident in the Netherlands, where manure is dumped on the lawns of politicians, and borders and airports are closed by farmers outraged by poorly planned restrictions on nitrates.
Demonstrations in favor of the unification of Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok have begun in Poland and elsewhere.
Meanwhile, the EU regime is so corrupt that it publishes only outright lies instead of real economic data. Otherwise, why would the European Statistical Office Eurostat say this about how they calculated the so-called inflation of 8.6%: “there are no relevant data or they are subject to statistical confidentiality.” These are the actions of a failed regime.
At the same time, the Second War of Independence is raging in the United States and the fall of the false Biden regime is inevitable. Opinion polls now show that 85% of Americans believe that the country is moving in the wrong direction. They also show that the overwhelming majority believes that “the government is corrupt and set against ordinary people like me.” Other polls also show that 37 million gun owners are now ready to take military action against the fake Biden regime and its supporters.
Gun owners are forced to take action because the police can’t. In Chicago, for example, in 2021, the police did not respond to 406,829 incidents that posed an “imminent threat to life, bodily injury or major property damage/loss.” This is 52% of all such high-priority calls to the emergency service.
Dr. Henry Makow expresses a general opinion about the failed leadership of HM in the United States when he says: “Their contempt can be seen in the fact that they made Barack Obama, a homosexual married to a transgender, president. Then they rigged the elections and put a senile pedophile, a criminal and a traitor, with a pedophile pervert son”.As one of the NSA sources notes, everyone in the armed forces and agencies that still support these people are “mushrooms who are kept in the dark and fed nonsense.”
“These people don’t take human life into account, they stuff you with PORN FEAR because it fills their pockets. Vanguard and Blackrock are among the largest shareholders of the Bavarian Nordic company, which produces the Jynneos monkey vaccine. The largest shareholder is Invesco, which by “coincidence” cooperates with the World Economic Forum. The share began to grow rapidly on May 9, 2022,” a source in the Mossad reports.
Such insight causes more and more rats to leave the sinking ship of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
For example, Jeffrey Sachs, a super-insider, recently became a villain and provided valuable and powerful information to help liberate the American people.
In particular, he pointed to the following people as the key leaders of the future world dictatorship of HMM:
Leo Strauss , a political scientist at the University of Chicago , and Donald Kagan , a classical scholar at Yale University . Among the leaders of the neoconservatives were Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan (Donald’s son), Frederick Kagan (Donald’s son), Victoria Nuland (Robert’s wife), Elliott Abrams and Kimberly Allen Kagan (Frederick’s wife).
Sachs, who identifies HMM as “Neocons,” says that their “opinion is based on a common false premise: the military, financial, technical and economic superiority of the United States allows them to dictate conditions in all regions of the world.”
He also came as close as he could (I think he fears for his life) to accuse these people of attempted genocide when he said
“I was chairman of the Lancet Covid commission for two years. I’m pretty sure it came from the American Biotechnology Club […….] We don’t know for sure, but there is enough evidence. [But] this is not being investigated, either in the United States or anywhere else.”
White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain Arrested
By Michael Baxter - January 22, 20234903135
White Hats on Saturday arrested White House chief of Staff Ron Klain shortly after he announced he’d be leaving the illegitimate administration in a few weeks for personal reasons, a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
Klain, a high-value target, had worked under globalists Al Gore and Barack Hussein Obama before joining the Biden campaign in late 2019. Throughout 2020, he worked as a senior advisor to Biden’s presidential campaign and was given the chief of staff position after Biden had successfully stolen the 2020 election.
White Hats assert that Klain was a crucial player in masterminding the 2020 steal. They say Klain in early 2020 told Biden he had a foolproof plan to defeat President Trump even if Trump captured many electoral votes early on election night. Klain was a member of an advisory group that put forth the ideas of rigging voting machines and hiring “mules” to perform last-minute ballot dumps, our source said.
“If you’re winning, great. If you’re losing, we’ll make you win. Either way, you win, and Trump loses,” Klain reportedly said in a June 2020 text message to Biden.
Klain helped Biden seal the steal. Without Klain’s input, Trump would’ve crushed Biden just as he had battered the witch Hillary Clinton in 2016, our source added, saying, too, that although White Hats had been surveilling Klain, they opted to wait until he was alone and isolated before making an arrest.
His announced impetus for stepping down—personal reasons—was a smokescreen; Klain discovered White Hats were on his tail and, fearing for his life, prepared to flee the United States immediately. White Hats believe Klain was tipped off because he was holding a one-way ticket to Warsaw, Poland, when U.S. Special Forces disguised as Maryland State Police stopped Klain’s vehicle near his home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, a Deep State enclave.
When Klain demanded why he’d been pulled over, asking, “Do you know who I am?” the Special Forces lead replied, “I sure do,” and yanked him from the car. The airline ticket in his breast pocket had a departure date for the following day.
“We’re pretty sure Klain would’ve flown to Warsaw and headed to Ukraine for safety. That’s where many Deep Staters go these days, especially if they figure out they are targets of a military arrest. This guy was a major player, and we got him. We have a ton of evidence to use against him at a military tribunal,” our source said.
In closing, he said it was Klain’s ingenious idea to use Tyler Perry Studios White House facsimile after the U.S. military denied Biden entry to the actual White House in January 2021.
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By Michael Baxter - 1月22日, 20234903135
"クレインはワルシャワに飛び、安全のためにウクライナに向かったはずだ。ディープステーターの多くは 軍の逮捕を知り ここへ向かっている この男は重要人物で、我々は彼を捕まえた。軍事裁判で使える証拠が山ほどある」と情報筋は言う。