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Trump Threatens to Sue Pulitzer Committee for Awarding Russian Collusion Coverage

2022-06-02 20:56:24 | 偏向マスメディア

By Gary Bai June 1, 2022 Updated: 2022年6月1日



"委員会のウェブサイトで賞の公表と表彰を続けることは、事実の歪曲であり、個人的な名誉毀損であり、委員会が自ら正しいことを行うよう説得できない場合は、訴訟を起こすことになる "と前大統領は述べている。




"サスマン氏[sic]は、私とロシアのアルファ銀行とのつながりを示すと称する偽情報に関してFBIに嘘をついたこと、また、懸念する市民としてFBIに近づいたこと、クリントン陣営とヒラリー・クリントン自身の言いなりになったことを隠していたことについて訴追されている "とトランプは述べている。


この陪審員の判決に対して、トランプは火曜日にTruth Socialで抗議し、法制度は腐敗しており、"我々の裁判官(と判事!)は非常に党派的か、妥協しているか、ただ単に怖がっているだけだ "と言った。

"私に対するうんざりするほど虚偽の攻撃を執拗に流布してきた出版物とともに、あなた方は私の評判を破壊するためにできる限りのことをした、どうすれば私の評判を取り戻すことができるのか?" トランプは手紙の中でこう述べている。

"私は再び、あからさまなフェイク、軽蔑的、中傷的なニュースに基づいて授与された賞を取り消すよう求めます "と前大統領は手紙の中で述べています。「もしそうしないのであれば、私たちは法廷でお会いすることになるでしょう。



Former President Donald Trump sent a letter last week threatening to sue the Pulitzer Committee if they do not withdraw prizes given to journalists from The New York Times and the Washington Post.

In a May 27 letter to Pulitzer Prize administrator Marjorie Miller, Trump threatened to sue the Pulitzer Prize Board if it did not rescind the awards it gave to New York Times and Washington Post for publishing “false and fabricated” allegations that the Trump campaign and administration colluded with Russian entities.

“The continuing publication and recognition of the prizes on the Board’s website is a distortion of fact and a personal defamation that will result in the filing of litigation if the Board cannot be persuaded to do the right thing on its own,” the former president stated.

In 2018, the committee awarded the Pulitzer Prize in journalism to the staff of The Times and The Post for their reporting on alleged Russian connections to the Trump campaign and administration.

In his letter, Trump urged the Pulitzer Committee to examine newly unveiled evidence in the trial of Michael Sussmann, the former attorney for Hilary Clinton’s 2016 election campaign who was charged with lying to the FBI.

Sussmann alleged to the FBI before the 2016 U.S. presidential that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian entities in election interference. FBI agent Scott Hellman testified during Sussmann’s trial that it took less than a day to determine that the information Sussmann provided did not support the Russian collusion allegations.

“Mr. Sussman [sic] is being prosecuted for lying to the FBI regarding false information purporting to show connections between me and Alfa Bank in Russia, as well as lying about approaching the FBI as a concerned citizen and hiding the fact that he was doing the bidding of the Clinton Campaign and Hillary Clinton herself,” Trump stated.

The former president’s letter came during the final days of Sussmann’s trial. A Washington-area jury, which reportedly included several Clinton donors and a woman whose daughter is on the same crew team as Sussmann’s daughter, unanimously found Sussmann not guilty on May 31.

In response to the jury’s ruling, Trump protested on Truth Social on Tuesday, saying that the legal system is corrupt and that “our Judges (and Justices!) are highly partisan, compromised, or just plain scared.”

“Together with the publications that have obsessively promulgated disgustingly false attacks against me, you have done all you can to destroy my reputation, how do I get my reputation back?” Trump stated in the letter.

“I again call on you to rescind the Prize you awarded based on blatantly fake, derogatory and defamatory news,” the former president said in the letter. “If you choose to not do so, we will see you in court.”

The Epoch Times has reached out to the Pulitzer Prize committee for comment

White Hats Will Monitor Midterm Elections







「2020年にバイデンが午前3時に 謎の票の束を受け取ったが」 「我々はそれを阻止する立場にある もし、カウンターの机の下に無防備な投票用紙が入ったスーツケースが置かれているのを発見したら、その場所に踏み込んで、すべての投票用紙を精査する」と説明した。



"包括的なブリーフィングを受けたのはトランプ大統領だけであり、我々は彼の祝福を受けている "と、この情報筋は言った。



(訪問回数 7,544 回、今日の訪問回数 7,544 回)

The White Hat partition of a splintered U.S. military will actively monitor midterm election results in real-time, with boots on the ground in hotly contested states and a team of cybersecurity specialists at a fortified command center, a White Hat source told Real Raw News.

White Hat commanders seeking to thwart a repeat of 2020 have ample proof that desperate, devious Democrats will once again try to sabotage the U.S. electoral process. Without citing specifics, he said White Hats have intercepted both encrypted and plain text emails from anonymous accounts, which the military believes are run by Deep State assets. Deep Staters, he added, have been discussing election theft plans under assumed, innocuous names.

“They definitely know we’re watching, and they’ve gotten craftier. I can’t say much because it would hinder our efforts, but we’ve identified suspicious patterns suggesting a massive, unified effort is underway to undermine the midterms,” our source said.

White Hats have committed a sizable force to prevent that outcome. Members of the Special Operations community, dressed in plain clothes, will stake out drop boxes and polling booths in at least 9 states. They will also be on the lookout for busloads of both ANTIFA and illegal immigrants being shuttled between voting stations in states without voter ID laws—a favorite tactic among Democrats.

“Anyone caught will be immediately arrested or deported,” our source said.

At the same time, White Hat election analysts will be sitting in an impregnable command bunker at Fort Gordon, where they will conduct real-time surveillance on “hot spots” that have a history of widespread voter fraud. Irregularities will be tracked and acted upon at once, our source said.

“You know how in 2020 Biden received those mysterious 3:00 a.m. bundles of votes, well, we’ll be in a position to stop that dead in its tracks. If we catch wind of suitcases of unsecured ballots left under some counter’s desk, that spot will get raided, and every ballot scrutinized,” he explained.

When asked how many men White Hats have committed to the mission, he said, “Even I don’t know that number. A lot. It’s collaborative—Special Forces, U.S. Army Rangers, and Marines. We’ll be using every method possible to keep the Democrats from perpetrating election fraud on the American public.”

And asked Whether White Hats had briefed Republican senators, representatives, and governors, he said they were “aware of the plan” but not privy to particulars, as White Hats want to avoid the appearance of impropriety and restrict logistical specifics to “military only.”

“The only person given a comprehensive briefing is President Trump, and we have his blessing,” our source said.

(I know people are anxious to hear about Alec Baldwin’s execution. I will an update on that out later this evening, CST.)

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「裸で生まれ、裸で死ぬ "とボールドウィンは叫び、贅肉のついた顎から汗を垂らした。「クランドール提督、今の私はどうだ?そして、ドナルド・トランプ、お前もくたばれ。俺がお前を有名にしてやったんだ。"











Crandall副提督は明らかに苛立っていて、"サーカスのリングマスター "であることに疲れたと言った。

The men responsible for effecting Deep State executions have seen it all. Or have they? From Gavin Newsom’s demonic homily to Loretta Lynch’s sudden transformation to a Born-Again Christian, GITMO hangings have been replete with unexpected twist endings and theatricality. And a bloated Alec Baldwin, who was hanged there Wednesday morning, expanded that tradition with an outburst both comedic and acrimonious.

Somehow a handcuffed Baldwin had writhed his prison pants and underwear down to his ankles while being driven from Camp Delta to the execution site. He appeared from the Humvee half-naked, exposing himself to Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall and 3 other officers there to witness the hanging.

“Born naked, die naked,” Baldwin shouted, sweat dripping from his flabby jowl. “How do you like me now, Admiral Crandall? And F*** you, Donald Trump. I made you famous.”

President Trump was not present.

Before addressing Baldwin, Vice Adm. Crandall publicly reprimanded the chaperones, demanding to know how Baldwin’s disrobement had gone unnoticed and why both soldiers were seated up front. He called it a dereliction of duty and a violation of standard operating procedures. He commanded the soldier who had been riding shotgun to pull up Baldwin’s pants.

By that time, though, Baldwin was lying prone on a damp patch of grass, squirming around.

“Hey, Crandall, did you know I played a colonel in Pearl Harbor, with Kate Beckinsale. Don’t think I wasn’t tapping that,” Baldwin said, and began humping the ground.

“Tase him now,” Vice Adm. Crandall barked.

“We should just put a bullet in his brain,” an officer present said.

“Not procedure,” Vice Adm. Crandall replied.

The soldiers who had driven Baldwin to the gallows unholstered their tasers, then fired the small, barbed darts at Baldwin’s exposed skin. He trembled a moment but seemed otherwise unharmed. The soldiers helped him atop the platform where another soldier whose uniform bore no rank or insignia fitted him with a rope necklace.

The rest of the event went as planned. Baldwin, shaken but conscious, offered no resistance as Vice Adm. Crandall gave the “execute” command.

Baldwin was pronounced dead at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday morning.

Vice Adm. Crandall, obviously exasperated, said he was tired of being a “circus ringmaster.”

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