Obama Just Made a Hilarious 'Freudian Slip' Attack on 'Uncle Joe'
Barack Obama was in Georgia, campaigning on behalf of Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) for the Dec. 6 runoff against Herschel Walker.
Once again, the Democrats were playing the Obama card because of Joe Biden’s supreme unpopularity in the state. They can’t even bring Joe in to campaign; he’d likely sink their chances.
But the thing about Obama is he’s forever the narcissist and divider. He’s supposed to be there on behalf of Warnock. But somehow he managed to say the quiet part out loud about Joe Biden.
By ニック・アラマ|2022年12月01日 23時00分
“We all know some folks in our lives who — we don’t wish them ill will. They say crazy stuff and we’re all like, ‘Well, you know, Uncle Joe, you know what happened to him, you know, it’s okay.’ They’re part of the family, but you don’t give ’em serious responsibilities.”
Did he truly just say that? Talk about passive-aggressive.
Now, he could have said, “Uncle Fred” or even “Uncle John” or any one of a dozen names. But he said “Uncle Joe,” painting a vivid and exact picture of Joe Biden — the guy who says “crazy stuff,” “you know what happened to him,” and “you don’t give ’em serious responsibilities.” All said with a little smirk, since he knows that anyone listening will clearly get his meaning.
That was exactly how they treated Joe during Obama’s time. Joe was the guy who was the joke, the guy about whom Obama reportedly said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” Even now, Obama is treating Joe like “the also-ran,” the guy he wouldn’t support in the 2016 campaign, throwing his support for the presidency to Hillary Clinton. Yet even knowing all this, knowing all Joe’s deficiencies, this is who the Democrats stuck us with, in order to try to hold onto their power. They did give “Uncle Joe” the “responsibilities,” selling him as an “experienced moderate” instead of the incompetent leftist he truly is.
Now I don’t know, but it does sound like maybe Obama is as tired of all this as we are, when he lets this slip out; though, it’s kind of slimy to publicly denigrate your “family.” One has to wonder what’s going behind the scenes in all the drama, as Biden continues to deteriorate. They must be doing what they can to cover and deal with it.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so harmful for the country. But I think we’re fast approaching the point where they’re going to have to fish or cut bait when it comes to Joe–soon, they’ll get to the point where they will no longer be able to cover.
"フレッドおじさん "とか "ジョンおじさん "とか、いくらでも言い方があったはずだ。しかし、彼は「ジョーおじさん」と言い、ジョー・バイデンの鮮明で正確な人物像を描いた。「おかしなことを言う」「彼に何が起こったか知っている」「重大な責任を負わせない」と言う男だ。というようなことを、ちょっとニヤニヤしながら言う。
オバマの時代、ジョーはまさにそう扱われていた。ジョーはジョークを言う人で、オバマが「ジョーの物事を台無しにする能力を過小評価しないでくれ」と言ったと伝えられている人です。今でもオバマはジョーを "the also-ran "のように扱い、2016年の選挙戦では支持せず、ヒラリー・クリントンに大統領選の支持を投げている。だが、このようなことを知りながら、ジョーの欠点を知りながら、民主党は権力にしがみつくために、このような人物を私たちに押し付けたのである。彼らは「ジョーおじさん」に「責任」を与え、無能な左翼ではなく、「経験豊富な穏健派」として売り込んだのである。