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ビックテックは一線を超えた 米国上院議員が声明

2021-06-14 14:02:00 | ビックテック
Thank you all for joining us today. You know there has been a lot said about big tech censorship of what transpired around the origins of the COVID-19 virus, and where this came from, how it moved to a pandemic. And then there's also questions about what the American people were told, and the timeliness or like their off of what they were being told, we know that Facebook recently reversed their decision on taking down any kind of information that said it came from the lab in Wuhan, that Beijing should be held to account YouTube had previously announced that it would censor any content that contradicted the Beijing run, and China funded World Health Organization, YouTube, even took down a video from some medical doctors who were questioning the value of these lockdowns and we're questioning what it does to the population, and especially what it does to our children, Twitter, they locked down the account of biologists to Chinese biologists who was saying this is what they're doing gainer function research, this is what you're doing, and the Wuhan Institute of virology holding the Chinese Communist Party to account. I will tell you this big tech has really stepped over. They have stepped over the line on this one, we all have suggestions of how we as a Senate should move forward and things that we should do to make certain this never happens to the American people. Senator Ron, thank you.

Unknown 2:22
I'll tell you where we need to start, you got a unique thing happened. I think of just last week, where by unanimous consent that hardly ever happens on a critical issue unless you're maybe renaming a post office or something. We got to do the Senate to ask our own intelligence agencies to release the information that we house, and for as much havoc, as this has created not only for our own country, across the world, why we wouldn't start there with President Biden spoke to Secretary Blinken, asked him, he said, had no good reason why you would not release that information we need to start there to get to the bottom of it. And when you talk about big tech being mom on the subject. Basically, when you've got every US Senator, that wants to at least start there, we need to have accountability. And I think it's for them to step up and lead the charge. They are the place that people look to listen to. Where are they at, and we need to start there, let's hold our own intelligence agencies accountable release that information declassified Marshall.
本日はお集まりいただき、ありがとうございます。ご存知のように、COVID-19ウイルスの起源にまつわる出来事について、大企業の検閲について多くのことが語られています。Facebookは最近、武漢の研究所からの情報を削除するという決定を覆し、北京の責任を問うべきだとしました。 YouTubeは以前、北京が運営し、中国が出資する世界保健機関に反するコンテンツを検閲すると発表していました。YouTubeでは、ロックダウンの価値を疑問視する医師たちのビデオを削除し、国民に何をもたらすのか、特に子供たちに何をもたらすのかを問いかけました。私が言いたいのは、大企業は本当に踏み越えてしまったということです。上院としてどのように前進すべきか、アメリカ国民にこのようなことが起こらないようにするために何をすべきか、私たちは皆、提案をしています。ロン上院議員、ありがとうございました。

不明 2:22

Unknown 0:07
Apply that percentage to the 600,000 Americans that lost their lives. Which is why I believe the news media will never admit their complicity and why they will never admit they were wrong here, but it's not too late, lives can be saved. We're still going to need early treatment, no matter how effective vaccine is no matter how effective immunity from having been infected is, other people will get infected. Other people gonna need early treatment so I am begging I employing the media. Pay attention, people like Dr. Corey, Dr Peter McCollum, the other doctors had the courage and compassion to treat patients. It's not too late, we need to start it really robotics for early treatment now finally Senator wicker who joins me in holding big tech accountable and dealing with section 230 of censorship. Thank you, Senator Blackburn in, and others.

Unknown 1:00
The last quarter of a century has seen enormous growth in the internet, and much of its been positive, as we all know, but the result of this quarter century has been that it has allowed a handful of internet big tech platforms to grow enormously large enormously rich and enormously powerful, to the point where they decide what is the news, they decide what information the public is going to get what information is going to be blocked, and, and it's not just the, uhand virus, which is an outrage. As, as my colleagues have just described, we could we could cite chapter and verse, time and time and time again about these big platforms deciding what we will hear and what we can't hear. So let me just, let me just help out by saying, Senator Johnson is right and I will cite a few examples, Google threatened to cut off several conservative websites, including the Federalist, how do they have the power to do that, how can they justify doing that companies, restrict or terminate conservative users accounts and content on social media. Facebook announces suspending the account of a former president of the United States that has too much power for them to decide who can and who cannot make news and be quoted Twitter removed Twitter move to censor any Coronavirus coverage that they thought in their judgment might cause widespread panic. How does a multi rich, powerful internet platform get to make that decision, and I could go on and on and on. That's why I joined with senators like Senator Blackburn, in, in trying to correct the 230, the section 230 gaps, but also introducing legislation to, to make it clear that these large internet tech platforms cannot discriminate based on their own opinions, and based on what they think the public should and should not be allowed to hear. This is a serious, grave threat to freedom and the open exchange of ideas under our Constitution, and I'm glad to stand with these members on this task.

Unknown 3:43
Thank you all as you can see, this is something that is going to span several committees here in the US Senate, and it is our job to get to the bottom of what happened and then to bring forward remedies like Senator wicker has just laid out. Got a question to the EU and call for an investigation into.

不明 0:07

不明 1:00
この四半世紀の間に インターネットは大きく成長しました その多くは肯定的なものであったことは周知の通りです しかしこの四半世紀の結果として 一握りのインターネットの大技術プラットフォームが 巨大に成長し 巨大に富み 巨大に力を持つようになりました 彼らがニュースを決定し 一般市民がどの情報を得るか どの情報がブロックされるかを決定するほどになったのです これはUハンドウイルスだけではありません 憤りを感じますね 私の同僚が説明したように、これらの大きなプラットフォームが、私たちが何を聞き、何を聞けないかを決定していることについては、何度も何度も何度も言及することができました。ジョンソン上院議員の言うとおりです。いくつか例を挙げてみましょう。グーグルは、フェデラリストを含むいくつかの保守的なウェブサイトを遮断すると脅しました。フェイスブックは、元大統領のアカウントを停止すると発表しました。これは、誰がニュースを作れるか、誰が引用できないかを決定する力が強すぎるということです。ツイッターは、コロナウイルスに関する報道を検閲し、広範囲なパニックを引き起こす可能性があると判断して削除しました。多種多様で強力なインターネットのプラットフォームが、なぜそのような決定を下すことができるのでしょうか、まだまだ話は尽きません。だからこそ私は、ブラックバーン議員のような議員と共に、230条の不備を是正するだけでなく、これらの大規模なインターネット技術プラットフォームが、自分たちの意見や、公衆に聞かせるべきこと、聞かせてはならないことに基づいて差別することができないことを明確にするための法案を提出しました。これは、憲法の下での自由と開かれた意見交換に対する深刻で重大な脅威であり、私はこれらのメンバーと共にこの課題に取り組むことを嬉しく思います。

不明 3:43


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