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連動する世界 ロシアが優位に立つ軍事 2

2018-04-20 16:19:51 | ロシア

「Nord Stream 2」とは何か

この4年間、ドイツとロシアが渾身の力を込めて進めてきた海底パイプライン・プロジェクト「Nord Stream 2」。この建設をめぐって、米独の対立がエスカレートしている。



『米、極超音速ミサイル開発へ ロッキードと10億ドル契約
07:59AFPBB News

米ワシントンにある国防総省の建物(2011年12月26日撮影)。(c)AFP PHOTO / STAFF

(AFPBB News)






 ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領は2月、欧米諸国の防衛システムの影響を受けない新型の極超音速ミサイル(キンジャール)を開発したと発表している。【翻訳編集】AFPBB News』


French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, arriving back to back, will bring a unified message: Save the deal.


According to a statement, issued after the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, both countries have agreed to resume a political process on Syria, including the discussion within the Geneva and Astana platforms.


The latest airstrike by the US, the UK and France on Syria is an act of aggression and the violation of the international law, Vladimir Putin said during talks with Angela Merkel.

"The Russian President once again stressed that the actions of a group of Western countries that committed an act of aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic grossly violated the norms of international law, including the UN Charter, and caused significant damage to the process of peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis," the statement reads.

The press service added that Putin and Merkel had emphasized the importance of conducting a thorough and unbiased investigation by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) mission in Syria.

"Both sides expressed readiness to facilitate the resumption of political and diplomatic efforts on the Syrian dossier, including in the Geneva and Astana format, and to continue bilateral contacts on this matter," the press release read.

Following the talks, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia would continue striving for Syria's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Last Saturday, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom launched strikes on a number of targets in Syria in response to an alleged chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the three countries fired over 100 cruise and air-to-surface missiles, most of which were shot down by Syrian air defenses.

The attack came the same day that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) mission was set to start the probe into the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, which the West had immediately blamed on Damascus.

Following the accusations, the Syrian government has strongly denied being behind the alleged attack and stated that the missile strike was "brutal aggression."

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Russia has expanded its capabilities of launching strategic missile systems from unprecedented distances, Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) chief Gen. Lori Robinson told Congress.

"Russia continues to modernize its delivery systems capable of launching from distances not previously seen," Robinson told a hearing of the US House of Representatives Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces on Tuesday.

Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood told US policymakers at the same hearing that they take very seriously the capability of Russia and China's hypersonic weapons research and development.

"We are very seriously concerned about the rate of development we see [in hypersonics] in China and also in Russia," he said.

Also on Tuesday, US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) chief Gen. John Hyten told the Senate Armed Services Committee that there was nothing in the US arsenal that could stop Russia's new hypersonic weapons.

However, Robinson said that North Korea today posed the most immediate threat to the United States.

"North Korea remains the most immediate threat to our homeland," Robinson told a hearing of the US House of Representatives Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces on Tuesday.

Robinson added she remained confident that the already-deployed force of US Ground-Based Mid-course Interceptors mainly deployed at Fort Greely, in the US state of Alaska was sufficient to defend the United States against any long-range missile threat from North Korea.

"I'm confident the mid-course [interceptors] can defeat that threat today," she added.





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