最近発見された電子メールによると、CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)は、Covid-19ワクチンの接種が条件に合わないようだという批判を受け、「ワクチン」と「接種済み」の定義を修正した。
CDCの職員であるAlycia Downsは、2021年8月25日に同僚に宛てた電子メールで、"我々が掲載したワクチンの定義には問題があり、人々はそれを使ってCOVID-19ワクチンは我々自身の定義に基づくワクチンではないと主張している "と述べています。
その定義は、Immunization Basicsというページで見ることができます。
How Much Did The US Government Pressure Twitter To Ban Alex Berenson?
July 13, 2022
米国政府はTwitterにどれだけの圧力をかけ、Alex Berensonを追放させたのか?
Covid騒動の当初から、私たちはRon Paul Liberty Reportで何度もベレンソン氏を追いかけ、引用してきました。ベレンソンは、政府や主要メディアのパンデミックに関するレトリックを、かつてジャーナリストがそうであったように、懐疑的に受け止めていた。そして、この発言で追放されて間もなく、CDC長官でさえ、彼の書いたことが真実であることを認めた。
数日前までTwitterの買収に動いていたイーロン・マスクが、Twitterでベレンソンに反応した。"これについては、もっと言っていただけますか。'...政府がTwitterにかけたかもしれない圧力...'" と。
Nearly a year ago, former New York Times Journalist Alex Berenson was permanently banned from Twitter for writing the following lines about the Covid shot: “It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine. Think of it – at best – as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS. And we want to mandate it? Insanity.”
From the beginning of the Covid hysteria, we followed and cited Berenson many times on the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Berenson took government and mainstream media rhetoric about the pandemic the way journalists used to take it: with a heavy dose of skepticism. And not long after he was banned for saying so, even the CDC Director admitted what he wrote is true.
But at the time, he was a danger to the government narrative on Covid, and the “private” social media company Twitter silenced him. They did not only silence one reporter who was a thorn in their side, however. They preemptively silenced anyone else who might might question the narrative. The message was clear to all the would-be Alex Berensons out there: do you want to follow him to the digital gulag?
So not only was Berenson’s free speech under attack – free speech itself was under attack.
Many, especially libertarians, might respond that Twitter as a private company has the right to do business with anyone they wish. That is true, but only to the extent that Twitter is actually acting as a private entity. The real question is to what degree has Twitter and the other social media companies been directly doing the bidding of government?
After nearly a year-long legal battle with Twitter over the ban, Berenson settled with Twitter and was reinstated earlier this month. Writing about his reinstatement, he hinted at something very ominous: “The settlement does not end my investigation into the pressures that the government may have placed on Twitter to suspend my account. I will have more to say on that issue in the near future.”
Elon Musk, who had been in a deal to purchase Twitter until a few days ago, responded to Berenson on Twitter: “Can you say more about this: ‘… pressures that the government may have placed on Twitter …’”
Berenson replied, “I wish I could, but the settlement with Twitter prevents me from doing so. However, in the near future I hope and expect to have more to report.”
Questions about the vaccine were silenced just as were questions about the origins of the virus. Was it possible that the outbreak originated in a Chinese lab that just happened to be funded by the US government? And if so, how far would powerful people in the government wish to suppress any discussion or investigation into this possibility?
At a critical time – just as authoritarians were locking the country down and threatening anyone who refused the shot – all public discussion about the matters was shut down by “private” companies that just happened to have very close ties with the US government.
This raises fundamental questions about the First Amendment that hopefully might be explored by Congress after the November elections. The American people deserve to know who is trying to shut them up…and why.
Ronald Ernest Paul is an American author, activist, physician, and retired politician who served as the U.S. representative for Texas’s 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1985, and for Texas’s 14th congressional district from 1997 to 2013. This article was originally published on the Ron Paul Institute.
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Charles-Louis Havas (5 July 1783 – 21 May 1858) was a French writer, translator, and founder of the first news agency Agence Havas (whose descendants are the Agence France-Presse (AFP) and the advertising firm Havas).
アヴァスはルーアンのユダヤ人の家系に生まれた[2]。1835年、彼は国際問題への関心の高まりを意識してアジャンセ・アヴァスを設立し、外国の新聞を翻訳し、それをフランスの全国紙、地元のビジネスマン、政府に販売した[2]。新聞は必ずしも正確ではなく、しばしば偏向していると認識し、彼は自分の機関に情報を提供する現地に自分の特派員を持つという概念を模索した[2]。 彼はブージヴァルで死去した。その後、ロイターの部下だったポール・ロイターとベルンハルト・ウォルフがそれぞれロンドン(1851年設立のロイター通信社)とベルリン(1849年設立のウォルフス電信局)にライバル通信社を設立する。1852年にアバスの後を継いだ息子たちは、諸経費を削減し、有利な広告ビジネスを展開するため、ロイター、ウルフと協定を結び、それぞれの通信社にヨーロッパ各地での独占報道区域を与えることにした。この協定は1930年代まで続いたが、短波無線が発明されて通信費が改善され、コストダウンが図られた。国際情勢が緊迫していた当時、アバスが報道範囲を広げるために、フランス政府は最大で47%の出資をした。
(『アメリカの保守本流』広瀬 隆 より)