また、ミネソタ州では、「Defund the police」(警察の資金止める)、「Get rid of the police department」(警察署をなくす)といった運動が敗北し、全国的な状況を物語るような勝利もありました。ミネソタ州では、「Defund the police」「Get rid of the police department」という運動が展開されました。ミネソタ州の警察を廃止し、警察署長を廃止して、公共安全研究所のようなもので代用し、警察署長を廃止して市議会を設置するという提案が投票でなされました。警察署長を選び、基本的には警察ではなくソーシャルワーカーで犯罪に対処するというのは、1年前には投票していたかもしれないミネアポリスの人々を見事に騙したことになります。確かに、フロイド事件の真っ只中、その余波で暴動が起きた時には、投票していたかもしれません。しかし、私が思うに、これは警察の資金援助運動の終わりを示すものではありますが、非常に急な区切りであることは確かです。
And then there was some other victories that will tell you things about the national scene like the defeat in Minnesota, of the defund the police. Get rid of the police department movement. There was a proposition on the ballot to get rid of the Minnesota police department and to get rid of a police chief in Minnesota to substitute some kind of Institute for Public Safety and have no police chief and have the City Council which is it could probably fit very, very well into some kind of age or legislative body in China or or Venezuela. To pick the pick the police commissioner, basically addressing crime with social workers rather than the police just went down to a pretty handy deceived by the people of Minneapolis who might well have voted for this a year ago. Certainly they would have voted for it at the height of the Floyd incident and the aftermath of it and the riots that took place. And, but really, I think, because it marks the end of the defund the police movement, but it sure puts a very, very abrupt break on it. So by and large throughout the country, there was a massive rejection of the Biden express train to Marxism, in almost every respect for Jinya is probably the most traumatic because the issue in Virginia is replicated in almost every state, county, village and town in America because it permeates the public schools. The public schools are not controlled by by and large by the government. They're not controlled by the even school board. They're controlled largely by the teachers union, and the education industry, the NEA the National Association of School Boards. Remember it was the National Association of School Boards that conspired with the Biden administration behind everyone's back to get the Attorney General to turn into political hack and write a letter threatening parents with being domestic terror being prosecuted as domestic terrorists under the Patriot Act. without citing a single incidents of violence, a single incidence of terrorism single incident of anything and to this date, the Attorney General has been invited to produce some example that would support such an astounding letter written so quickly such as that, unable to do it clearly shows the political muscle of the education industry. Now they run schools throughout America. So Virginia, as you know, is best known now for the for the mistake that was made by Terry McAuliffe in the debate in late September when he pronounced almost matter of fact, the parents should have no role in education. And he said it's so matter of factly so easily, that it was as if we must all agree with that. Meaning not just his own rabid left wing, now pretty close to Marxist followers, but all of us somehow we all agree that parents should have no role in education, and that the education bureaucrats and apparatchiks should decide on the education of our children. It shows you how removed the left, the Socialist Marxists are from the reality of America. Because in most circumstances, that mistake would have been rectified with a statement like well, I didn't mean to say it quite that way. They shouldn't interfere in a negative way. Or they shouldn't be the sole arbiter. The teachers after all have to be considered that's what I meant. I just went too far to did that he might have won the election. Because he would have been lying. He told the truth. This is what they believe. That's why he doubled down on it. That's why Biden came there and Harris, and supported. They didn't see any problem with what he said they didn't make him corrected or corrected in their own speeches. That's why Harris announced it was a bellwether, I'm sure that we're gonna win.
And she was like a jerk today, right. And that's why Obama, the great prince of the Democratic Party was taken from behind the curtain and brought out he almost specifically endorsed by talking about how frivolous and how meaningless the Republican issues were meeting these parents as the parents bringing up problems like teaching their children that all white people are evil or that they themselves are eating as white. And that miracle was born as a racist country and as always, that we're able to because we're systemically racist, or coming home and telling their parents that today my teacher asked me to do I feel more like a boy or a girl. So this is what drove the issue in in Virginia and change the race and the issue we're talking about now, the reason this is so important, and so important to us, want to fight to regain our rights. Save our country, save our way of life. How we've got to understand because they don't accomplished a lot in 2020
Transcribed by https://otter.ai