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The amended suit was filed one day before Joe Biden grabbed the lead in Pennsylvania.

2020-11-08 02:54:00 | 偏向マスメディア
米選挙の郵便投票用紙に驚きのSF Express、プロバイダーが確認:中国からの郵便物
2020/11/07 06:05
初投稿 01:03

メールイン投票は、2020年米国大統領選挙で多くの論争を巻き起こす。 (APファイル写真)


米メディアUSAトゥデイは4月4日、ウェブサイトで開票の様子をライブ中継し、ジョージア州アトランタのカウンターが、山積みの投票用紙の中から中国製の「SF EXPRESS」のパッケージを拾い上げ、情報を確認した後、それを脇に置いている様子を撮影した。 SFエクスプレス」

米メディアは、ジョージア州アトランタの投票所で、S.F.エクスプレスの郵便物の小包を窓口係員の手に持っている様子を撮影した。 写真はUSA TODAYより

An election watchdog has found 21,000 dead individuals still on Pennsylvania voter rolls in the final weeks of the 2020 election.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election integrity group, says 92 percent of the registrants died more than a year ago. The group also says there is evidence of voting activity after death. The findings were mentioned in an amended lawsuit against the Pennsylvania Department of State over its failure to maintain accurate voter rolls.

The PILF says that as of October 7, 9,212 registrants have been dead for five years, 1,990 registrants for 10 years, and 197 registrants for 20 years. "Pennsylvania still left the names of more than 21,000 dead individuals on the voter rolls less than a month before one of the most consequential general elections for federal officeholders in many years," the group said.

"This case isn't complicated," said John Christian Adams, the PILF's president and general counsel. "For nearly a year, we've been offering specific data on deceased registrants to Pennsylvania officials for proper handling ahead of what was expected to be a tight outcome on Election Day. When you push mail voting, your voter list maintenance mistakes made years ago will come back to haunt in the form of unnecessary recipients and nagging questions about unreturned or outstanding ballots."

The complaint further claims 114 individuals registered to vote after death, and hundreds of votes were cast by deceased individuals in the 2016 and 2018 elections.

The amended suit was filed one day before Joe Biden grabbed the lead in Pennsylvania. Republican lawmakers have echoed concerns about voting irregularities. "When you're breaking the law, ignoring court orders, counting ballots in secret & threatening to steal the presidency, it's not ‘PA's business.' It's America’s business, and we have the right to expect votes will be counted (1) fairly, (2) w/ transparency & (3) NOT in secret," Sen. Ted Cruz said on Twitter Friday.

Democrats say their expected margin of victory in Pennsylvania will far exceed the number of disputed votes in the state.

The Pennsylvania Department of State did not respond to a request for comment by press time.






補正された訴訟は、ジョー・バイデンがペンシルバニア州でリードをつかむ1日前に提出されました。共和党議員は、投票の不正についての懸念を反響させています。"法を破っている時 裁判所の命令を無視して 秘密裏に投票を数える&大統領職を盗むと脅している それは'PAのビジネス'ではありません。It's America's business, and we have the right to expect votes will be counted (1), (2), w/ transparency & (3), NOT in secret, " Sen. Ted Cruz said on Twitter Friday.



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