I'm really glad you're looking at that word, because like excitement, misinformation is a word that can close down a democracy, misinformation presumes that some information is allowed and other information is not allowed. Whereas in America, free speech means people are free to say really stupid things are wrong things are things that don't bear scrutiny but that's how we get smarter and smarter is that we have open debate and we see, you know where stupid ideas fall apart, and we are exposed to different points of view and people can criticize your question, the experts. What's really scary and fascistic about the word misinformation, the tech companies and now the Biden ministration are constructing it this way is that there's this layer of professional experts who are blessed by the administration or by big tech or by pharma, are all three, right, and you can listen to them. You have to listen to them, and anyone no matter how credentialed, and this ranges from, you know, Peter McCullough, who was deep platformed for a while he's had 500 academic citations, ranging to Well, me and my, you know, having written in every major news outlet for 35 years to, you know, President of the United States and we could go on and on. Anyone who's critical or a man or woman in the street, you know who has every right. Every much every bit as much value in his or her opinion as anyone's. They're not allowed to question, and if you go against the dicta really from these priestly knowledge cast, then bad things can happen to you and I think in, in my own experience and now in Eric's experience. And many people who are being De-platformed, it's not just reputational for concussions, it's, it's major business repercussions I mean when when AWS, which is a server tells conservative platforms that they will not host their platforms or payment processors say we're not going to process payments to you. And these are not terrorist organizations right then, we've reached a kind of digital Stalinism, you describe yourself as a distressed liberal. Yeah, that's an interesting formulation to me. I can see many layers there potentially. You're gonna make me cry. I mean what can I say, you know, it's not a secret anymore. I think many people from the pure left and the I see myself as a classical liberal, you know, left liberal. Something's wrong. Like, I worked really hard to get to Biden, I campaigned for him. I mean, we ran campaigns for his policies, I worked really hard, using my voice to defeat President Trump, and I think there are a lot of things wrong with conservatism that we can talk about if you like but classical liberalism, individual rights, freedom of speech, my body my choice. Equality right equality of opportunity that has been almost besmirched. And what is arisen really quickly and its placement really got consolidated since November, I feel, is a kind of very totalitarian CCP style or fascistic ideological rigidity that I don't recognize you know that celebrates, I mean I knew we were in trouble when a bunch of conservatives were deep platformed and left wing, friends and allies and colleagues on social media were cheering. Like that's there's no one who reads history thinks that's good, you know, no one who reads history thinks they'll stop with the other side,
Unknown 5:48
they never stop with the other side, the whole, I am not an anti Vaxxer I want to make that really clear that's been part of the, you know baseless and wrong, attacks on me to discredit what I think there's some very important journalism around, Ralph Beric and get a function and around other things involving criticisms of the lockdown and so on but I don't believe in medical coercion, and I know that totalitarian states like I read history. I wrote the end of America. Your body is where totalitarianism takes place right and there there are reasons that in a free society there are laws saying you can't see my medical records. You can't force me to take a medical procedure. You can't force me to have an abortion, you know, you can't. You can't force me to have a child, right and maybe as a woman I understand the danger of the state invading the body, you know, more than people who don't think about gender and feminism but the history of totalitarianism is the state saying, you will do this with your body whether you want to or not, because once the state can do that. you, there's no resistance, you can't push back after that. And so, when I see the left, embracing a kind of cult around medical coercion and a cult around not asking questions and, and kind of rolling back the enlightenment and like literally left wing friends of mine and loved ones have said Don't send me peer reviewed studies, because I don't want to know, you know that that you've got evidence that contradicts the kind of comforting layer of very expensive propaganda at the top right, I don't want to see it these are, these are sophisticated, educated people, some of them are journalists don't send me peer reviewed published studies that will show that I, you know that these guys are wrong, don't send me information about the CDC, having a foundation that gets $12 million a year from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and from pharmaceutical companies don't tell me there's something wrong with what has become a kind of pantheon of gods, who are unquestionable. That's not the left, you know that's not the left I respect that's not the noble tradition of especially I'm Jewish, the Jewish liberal tradition of back to the 19th century and before that, you know, critical thinking, questioning authority, aggressive, you know skepticism about a priest class, and, you know, experts, I mean we're the people who kept asking questions, many other people did as well but I can't believe that the left, with its long tradition of fighting for free speech, you know Ginsburg, the whole trials, the Lady Chatterley trials, you know the whole movement of, you know, literacy, and, and education of working people and, you know, public education free public libraries, that's, those should be our legacy, as well as everyone else's, and we're just giving it up and saying you know what we want to join this cult because it's in power and not doing it is scary. It's terrifying.
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不明 1:45
不明 5:48
私は反Vaxxerではありません。そのことをはっきりさせておきたいのですが、根拠のない間違った私への攻撃は、ラルフ・ベリックや機能を手に入れるなど、監禁事件への批判を含む非常に重要なジャーナリズムがあると思うのですが、私は医療による強制を信じていません。私は「アメリカの終焉」を書きました。自由な社会では、私の医療記録を見ることができないという法律が存在する理由があるのです。医療処置を受けることを強制することはできません。中絶を強制することはできません。私は女性として、ジェンダーやフェミニズムについて考えていない人よりも、国家が身体に侵入する危険性を理解しているかもしれませんが、全体主義の歴史は、国家が「あなたが望もうが望むまいが、あなたの身体をこうしなさい」と言っているのです。左翼が医療の強制や質問をしないというカルトのようなものを受け入れ、啓蒙を後退させているのを見ると、文字通り左翼の友人や恋人が言うように ピアレビューされた研究を送らないでくれ、知りたくないんだ、右上の非常に高価なプロパガンダの慰めの層と矛盾する証拠を持っていることを知りたくないんだ、と。ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団や製薬会社から年間1,200万ドルを得ている財団を持つCDCについての情報を送らないでください。それは左派ではありません。私が尊敬する左派ではありません。特に私はユダヤ人ですが、19世紀とそれ以前に遡るユダヤの自由主義的伝統の高貴な伝統ではありません。批判的思考、権威への疑問、積極的な、つまり司祭階級や専門家への懐疑心です。言論の自由のために戦ってきた長い伝統を持つ左派が、ギンズバーグや、チャタレイ夫人裁判、識字率向上のための運動、労働者の教育、公共教育、公共図書館の無料化など、これらは他の人たちと同様に私たちの遺産であるべきなのに、それを放棄して、この教団が力を持っているから参加したいと言っているだけで、それをしないのは怖いですよね。それは恐ろしいことです。
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Unknown 0:00
And last, I think we recently covered
Unknown 0:03
you joining this class action
Unknown 0:04
lawsuit with former President Trump against, broadly speaking, big
Unknown 0:09
Unknown 0:10
So tell me a bit about this. I should note that it's actually 1000s of people as part of this class action lawsuit He's certainly the best known. And I should also note that I didn't vote for him. He's not my guy, you know, I don't agree with him about a lot of things but I do agree that big tech should not be censoring private individuals, and that it's, you know, a huge blow to civic discourse that they would go as far as to censor, a former United States president, so it's a lawsuit that America first, has put together, I'm not yet formally admitted to it though I just got the documents to sign. So, I believe I'll be part of it. And apart from that it's a pretty compelling, a lawsuit because I think a lot of people are aware that big tech has started kind of in a very purge like Stalinist way to you know go after it first, it was the Conservatives and at first it was marginal people and at first it was, you know people inciting violence which is never good and it's not for Smith amendment protected speech, but then it was me, you know, and the reason I was deep platformed by Twitter, about five weeks ago, and my 146,000 followers can no longer find me there is, I posted a video of my husband a pie reading Dr. Ralph berec CV, which clearly identifies gain of function research and NIH funding for his research. And that got 74,000 views, before my account was frozen. And the second thing I want to note is, I was deep platformed. A day later, as I was trying to upload a press release, verbatim that I was read that I'd read verbatim, of a sitting, United States States Senator Kim fetcher of Oregon, about her bill, SB 72 to ban vaccine passports and mask mandates. So to me, if we've gotten to a point where a giant tech company or even a little company is silencing people who are providing first hand, sourcing for major, major news stories or reading press releases from elected officials, that's like not America anymore. And the last thing I want to say about that is that the Twitter spokesperson told a lot of news outlets that I was D platformed and told them the reason was vaccine misinformation, which is very damaging, I'm a reporter, and I have 35 years of extremely solid reporting and eight bestselling nonfiction books. So, that's scary to that big tech is kind of singling out citizens and and smearing them, you know, baselessly, and now we've seen it last week just to move from myself to a much more general situation when Jen Sakhi at the White House, the White House spokeswoman identified 12 private citizens, you know, who were expressing their opinions, and at the level of the White House told big tech, go after these people so it's a scary marriage of government and technology in censoring open debate. Well, and so it sounds to me like you're saying that you don't believe you broke any rules here even well, so I guess first of all, I would challenge that phrasing broken rules right every private company, and I I'm Seo tech I have my own platform, you know we have terms of service. Twitter has Terms of Service, every private company is entitled to say, if you violate our terms of service, you can be, you know, D platformed. But nowhere in the fine print and I read Terms of Service, you know, as a co Tech, I read theirs. It didn't say we're gonna go to your employers and tell them you're not critical. If I had seen that I would have built up 12 years of intellectual capital on another platform, and also those terms of service change all the time. So, when the last time I read the Terms of Service pretty recently. They said Don't harass, no threats of violence, no advertising that's all completely legitimate, but they didn't say, Don't post the CV of a grant recipient of the NIH, and they didn't say don't post any communications from elected United States government officials. No, I mean it's it's it's pretty fascinating and you're also saying that no one actually communicated with you directly. And I can say you know just from some of our unfortunate experience with a number of big tech companies that, that seems to be the MO. Yeah,
Unknown 4:55
I mean, again, I keep thinking of training, like obedience training because I had been briefly deep platformed before. And when I was raising my kids in the 90s there was this very popular book called 123 Timeout, you know you're supposed to eat that's one, that's two and the third time they go to their room, you know that's a discipline, and that's appropriate for a toddler, it's not appropriate for a 58 year old, journalist and an author, or anyone, because that's really the conditioning it was like oh first try. Don't skin. Oh, second strike through Thompson and suspension, but there's no communication like this is off limits or don't go near Vaccine Information or don't post the medina website, so nothing I did again violated the terms of service. The last time I had read them, and nothing in the communication was the kind of way you would communicate to a customer about, you know, breaking the rules, and this is very characteristic no bigger picture of closing democracies or emerging totalitarian societies they did this on tuition allowed to see this. They totally did things like this in Germany when it was still a fragile democracy like creating very vague laws, that if you broke the rules, you were in big trouble but you could never really know what was going to trigger that breaking of the rules and it could be for very trivial things like listening to BBC Radio, or, you know, making fun of a Fuhrer. But that might trigger a very harsh penalty. So I'm not saying it's the same thing but I'm saying you do see closing democracies, this kind of training that, oh, you know, if you go too far, but we won't tell you exactly what that is, something terrible will happen to, and certainly, certainly I do feel like, you know, to give interviews which Twitter spokesperson did with every major news outlet in North America and Britain, many of which I write for like the Guardian, calling me not credible, was very much a gut kind of demonstration to other journalists of what could happen to you, and, you know, I've obviously survived that that's not the worst thing in the world, but what's really scary is the ripple effect it has a chilling effect on other journalists because I've gotten so many emails from other reporters saying I really admire you, I'm so sorry you were D platformed, and when I would say, Well, can you see that publicly. They University said, I would but I'm really afraid of being D platformed and I've seen the self censorship that has gone on in the wake of some high profile D platforming of, you know, journalists, and also, the last thing I want to say is your wonderful journalists Petter swab asked me something like, you know, do you feel, what you said appropriate or something like that at all i mischaracterized what he said. But I want us to remember what it means to be American. In America, right. There is no policeman, telling you what feelings are appropriate or not appropriate. And I fear, yes, their private platform they can do what they want. But when the government, you know uses our tax dollars to send a message that these tech companies will do their bidding and will target their enemies or their critics, in a way that shows debate that's, they've got around the First Amendment and they've gotten around the Constitution and that's what we should look at.
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この件について少し教えてください。この集団訴訟には、実際には何千人もの人々が参加していることをお伝えしておきます。また、私は彼に投票しなかったこともお伝えしておきます。彼は私のお気に入りではありませんし、彼とは多くのことで意見が合わないのですが、大手テクノロジー企業が個人を検閲するべきではないということには同意しています。また、元米国大統領を検閲するまでになるというのは、市民の言論にとって大きな打撃です。だから、私も参加することになると思います。というのも、多くの人が、大手テクノロジー企業がスターリンのような粛清方法で、最初は保守派、最初は限界的な人々、最初は暴力を扇動する人々を追いかけ始めたことを知っているからです。最初は保守派で、最初は周辺の人々で、最初は暴力を扇動する人々で、これは決して良いことではなく、スミス修正条項で保護された言論ではありませんでしたが、その後は私でした 5週間ほど前にツイッターでディーププラットフォーム化され、14万6千人のフォロワーが私を見つけられなくなった理由は、私が夫のパイがラルフ・ベレック博士の履歴書を読んでいるビデオを投稿したからです。ラルフ・ベレック博士の履歴書を読む夫の動画を投稿したのですが、そこには彼の研究に対する機能獲得研究とNIHの資金提供が明記されていました。この動画は、私のアカウントが凍結される前に74,000回再生されました。そして2つ目のポイントは、私はディーププラットフォーム化されたということです。その1日後、プレスリリースをアップロードしようとしたところ、オレゴン州選出の米国上院議員キム・フェッチャー氏が、ワクチンパスポートとマスク義務化を禁止する法案SB72について、私が読んだ内容をそのまま掲載していたのです。もし、巨大なハイテク企業や小さな企業が、主要なニュース記事の情報を提供したり、選挙で選ばれた議員のプレスリリースを読んだりしている人々を黙らせるような状況になっているとしたら、それはもうアメリカではないような気がします。最後に言いたいのは ツイッターの広報担当者が多くの報道機関に 私がDプラットフォーム化されたことを伝え 理由はワクチンの誤報だと言ったことです これは非常にダメージが大きいです 私は記者であり 35年間の極めて堅実な報道と 8冊のベストセラーのノンフィクションを持っています。大手テクノロジー企業が市民を特定し、根拠なく中傷していることは恐ろしいことです。先週は、私自身のことから、もっと一般的な状況に話を移します。ホワイトハウスのジェン・サキー報道官が、意見を述べている12人の民間人を特定し、ホワイトハウスのレベルで大手テクノロジー企業に「この人たちを追いかけろ」と言ったのです。あなたは自分がルールを破ったとは思っていないと言っているようですが、まず最初に、ルールを破ったという表現に異議を唱えたいと思います。すべての民間企業、私はSEO技術者で、自分のプラットフォームを持っています。Twitterにも利用規約がありますが、すべての民間企業には、「利用規約に違反した場合、Dプラットフォーマーになることができます」と言う権利があります。しかし、利用規約のどこにも、共同技術者として利用規約を読みましたが、どこにも書かれていませんでした。あなたの雇用主に連絡して、あなたが危機的状況にないことを伝えるとは書いてありませんでした。もしそれを見ていたら、12年分の知的資本を別のプラットフォームで構築していたでしょうし、利用規約は常に変更されています。最後に利用規約を読んだのは、ごく最近のことです。嫌がらせをしない、暴力の脅しをしない、広告を出さないというのは完全に合法的ですが、「NIHの助成金受領者の履歴書を掲載するな」とは書いてありませんでしたし、「米国の選出された政府高官からの通信を掲載するな」とも書いてありませんでした。つまり、とても魅力的で、実際には誰もあなたと直接連絡を取っていないと言っていますね。いくつかの大手ハイテク企業との不幸な経験から言えることは、それが手口のようだということです。そうですね。
Unknown 4:55
私は以前、簡単なディーププラットフォームを経験したことがあるので、服従訓練のようなトレーニングのことを考えています。私が子供を育てていた90年代には、「123タイムアウト」というとても人気のある本がありました。肌に合わない。2回目の攻撃はトンプソンと停職処分になりますが、これは禁止だとか、ワクチン情報に近づくなとか、メディナのウェブサイトを投稿するなとか、そういうコミュニケーションはありませんので、私が再び行ったことは何も利用規約に違反していません。前回、利用規約を読んだのですが、ルール違反について顧客に伝えるようなコミュニケーションは何もありませんでした。これは非常に特徴的なことで、閉鎖的な民主主義国家や新興の全体主義社会の大きな図式ではありません。まだ民主主義が脆弱だった頃のドイツでは、非常に曖昧な法律を作って、ルールを破れば大変なことになるということをやっていましたが、何がきっかけでルールを破ることになるのかは分からず、BBCラジオを聴くとか、総統をバカにするとか、非常につまらないことがきっかけになるかもしれません。しかし、それが非常に厳しい罰則の引き金になるかもしれません。同じだとは言いませんが、閉鎖的な民主主義国家では、「ああ、やり過ぎれば、何か恐ろしいことが起こるだろう」という訓練が行われているということです。自分に何が起こるかを他のジャーナリストに直感的に示しました 私は明らかに生き残っています 世界で最悪の事態ではありません しかし本当に怖いのは波及効果です 他のジャーナリストに冷ややかな影響を与えます 私は他のレポーターから多くのメールを受け取りました あなたを本当に尊敬しています あなたがDe プラットフォーム化されたのは残念です と言うと 大学側は「そうしますが、公に見てもらえますか?また、最後に言いたいのは、素晴らしいジャーナリストであるペッター・スワブが私に「あなたの言ったことは適切だと思いますか」というような質問をしたのですが、私は彼の言ったことを間違って伝えてしまいました。しかし、私はアメリカ人であることの意味を忘れないでほしいのです。アメリカでは、そうですね。どんな感情が適切かどうかを教えてくれる警察官はいません。プライベートな場では、好きなことをすればいいと思います。しかし、政府が私たちの税金を使って、ハイテク企業が自分たちの言いなりになり、敵や批判者をターゲットにするというメッセージを送ることは、憲法修正第1条を回避し、憲法を回避しているということであり、私たちが注目すべき点です。
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