公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-12-14 19:56:00 | グレートリセット

Bill Gates Caught Planning ‘Catastrophic Contagion’ That Kills ‘Millions of Children’ to Inner Circle

Fact checked

Bill Gates has been caught targeting young people and children in a dystopian preparedness exercise called “Catastrophic Contagion.” Gates is trying desperately to stop any information about this disturbing summit from leaking out to the public, but unfortunately for him there are now too many brave people determined to expose his evil to the world.

Thanks to brave whistleblowers we have got all the information you need about “Catastrophic Contagion” but first let’s take a look at Gates’s form when it comes to what he calls “preparedness exercises.”

Remember “Event 201”, a preparedness exercise featuring a coronavirus pandemic, conducted in October 2019 under the auspices of the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and involving the usual suspects including the World Health Organization, China’s CDC, Anthony Fauci and others?

The timing was exquisite, and the COVID-19 pandemic started within weeks of the exercise and went on just as they predicted it would. The globalist elite were in heaven. The World Economic Forum could not resist gloating about the situation, singing the praises of “brutally efficient” lockdowns.

The average person was terrified into submissive compliance by mainstream media, who shamelessly served as hand maidens of the elite. We were locked down, punished, made ill, injected and impoverished. The economic consequences for everyday people have been disastrous and are continuing to mount.

In case you doubt that the elite are happy about this, take a look at the size of Bill Gates’ psychopathic smile when CNN host Fareed Zakaria says the economy is going to take a long time to recover.

Of course, the rich got richer. The elite are now more elite than ever before.

And of course, the elites themselves did not have to suffer through punishing lockdowns. The World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum are both based in Switzerland which happened to be one of the few countries that did not enforce lockdowns and mask orders.

It’s one rule for thee and another for me.

Considering what humanity has been forced to go through these past few years, it is imperative that we keep a very close eye on the actions of those who profited from the pandemic.

In particular, you should be aware that Bill Gates just conducted another exercise, aptly called “Catastrophic Contagion”, on October 23, 2022.

Bill himself showed up to conduct the “tabletop” exercise with luminaries from the world of biosecurity and global health including ten current and former health ministers and senior health officials from a variety of WEF-infiltrated countries including Germany, Singapore and India.
ビル・ゲイツは、"Catastrophic Contagion "と呼ばれるディストピア的な準備運動で若者や子供たちをターゲットにしていることを捕らえた。ゲイツはこの不穏なサミットに関する情報が世間に漏れるのを必死で止めようとしているが、彼にとっては残念なことに、彼の悪事を世界に暴露しようと決意した勇敢な人々があまりにも多くなってしまったのである。

勇敢な内部告発者のおかげで、我々は "Catastrophic Contagion "について必要な情報を手に入れたが、まずゲイツが "準備運動 "と呼ぶものに関して、その形態を見てみることにしよう。









特に、ビル・ゲイツが2022年10月23日に「Catastrophic Contagion」と名付けた別の演習を行ったばかりであることを意識しておく必要があります。


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