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2021-09-15 02:14:00 | ビル・ゲイツ

Facebook Says Its Rules Apply to All. Company Documents Reveal a Secret Elite That’s Exempt.

A program known as XCheck has given millions of celebrities, politicians and other high-profile users special treatment, a privilege many abuse

Mark Zuckerberg has publicly said Facebook Inc. allows its more than three billion users to speak on equal footing with the elites of politics, culture and journalism, and that its standards of behavior apply to everyone, no matter their status or fame.


マーク・ザッカーバーグは公の場で、Facebook Inc.は30億人以上のユーザーが政治、文化、ジャーナリズムのエリートと対等に話ができるようにしており、その行動基準は地位や名声に関係なくすべての人に適用されると述べている。




2019年に行われたフェイスブックのホワイトリスト作成に関する内部調査では、弁護士とクライアントの間の特権と記されており、これらのユーザーに対する優遇措置が広く行われており、"公的には擁護できない "とされています。


JournalのFacebook Files調査の次の記事をメールでお知らせしますか?ここでサインアップすると、主要な技術ニュースのメールアラートも受け取ることができます。




FacebookのMistakes Prevention Teamのプロダクトマネージャーは、「VIPリストが増え続けている」と書いている。Facebookの従業員が新しいユーザーをXCheckに登録できないようにすることで、「出血を止める」計画を発表しました。





-デザイン:Andrew Levinson。デザイン:Andrew Levinson、一部の写真はカラーフィルターを使用しています。

ジェフ・ホーウィッツへのお問い合わせは Jeff.Horwitz@wsj.com まで。

In private, the company has built a system that has exempted high-profile users from some or all of its rules, according to company documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The program, known as “cross check” or “XCheck,” was initially intended as a quality-control measure for actions taken against high-profile accounts, including celebrities, politicians and journalists. Today, it shields millions of VIP users from the company’s normal enforcement process, the documents show. Some users are “whitelisted”—rendered immune from enforcement actions—while others are allowed to post rule-violating material pending Facebook employee reviews that often never come.

At times, the documents show, XCheck has protected public figures whose posts contain harassment or incitement to violence, violations that would typically lead to sanctions for regular users. In 2019, it allowed international soccer star Neymar to show nude photos of a woman, who had accused him of rape, to tens of millions of his fans before the content was removed by Facebook. Whitelisted accounts shared inflammatory claims that Facebook’s fact checkers deemed false, including that vaccines are deadly, that Hillary Clinton had covered up “pedophile rings,” and that then-President Donald Trump had called all refugees seeking asylum “animals,” according to the documents.

A 2019 internal review of Facebook’s whitelisting practices, marked attorney-client privileged, found favoritism to those users to be both widespread and “not publicly defensible.”

“We are not actually doing what we say we do publicly,” said the confidential review. It called the company’s actions “a breach of trust” and added: “Unlike the rest of our community, these people can violate our standards without any consequences.”

The Facebook Files

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Despite attempts to rein it in, XCheck grew to include at least 5.8 million users in 2020, documents show. In its struggle to accurately moderate a torrent of content and avoid negative attention, Facebook created invisible elite tiers within the social network.

In describing the system, Facebook has misled the public and its own Oversight Board, a body that Facebook created to ensure the accountability of the company’s enforcement systems.


Facebook is trying to eliminate the practice of whitelisting, the documents show and the company spokesman confirmed. The company set a goal of eliminating total immunity for “high severity” violations of FB rules in the first half of 2021. A March update reported that the company was struggling to rein in additions to XCheck.

“VIP lists continue to grow,” a product manager on Facebook’s Mistakes Prevention Team wrote. She announced a plan to “stop the bleeding” by blocking Facebook employees’ ability to enroll new users in XCheck.

One potential solution remains off the table: holding high-profile users to the same standards as everyone else.

“We do not have systems built out to do that extra diligence for all integrity actions that can occur for a VIP,” her memo said. To avoid making mistakes that might anger influential users, she noted, Facebook would instruct reviewers to take a gentle approach.

“We will index to assuming good intent in our review flows and lean into ‘innocent until proven guilty,’ ” she wrote.

The plan, the manager wrote, was “generally” supported by company leadership.

—Design by Andrew Levinson. A color filter has been used on some photos.

Write to Jeff Horwitz at Jeff.Horwitz@wsj.com


マイクロソフトの創業者であるビル・ゲイツ氏(65歳)は、世界で最も裕福な人物の一人です。彼は財産の大部分をビル・アンド・メリンダ・ゲイツ財団に投資しています。ゲイツ財団は、彼と妻が設立した財団で、世界中の、特に貧しい国での健康と予防接種の分野で最大のプレーヤーの一つとなっています。これまでに17億5,000万ドルを投じて、コビット19ワクチンの開発・製造を支援し、ワクチンの公正な分配を提唱しています。世界的な健康危機をたびたび警告し、コロナウイルスに限らず、ワクチン接種キャンペーンにたゆまぬ努力を続けてきた彼は、世界中の陰謀論者の厄介者となっている。ビル・ゲイツ氏は、Süddeutsche Zeitungとのインタビューで、科学の進歩、予防接種ナショナリズムの危険性、次のパンデミックへの備えについて語っています。

Was die Welt aus der Corona-Krise lernen kann - und warum sie das in den Augen des Microsoft-Gründers und Gesundheits-Mäzens Bill Gates bislang versäumt hat.

Microsoft-Gründer Bill Gates, 65, zählt zu den reichsten Menschen der Welt. Einen großen Teil seines Vermögens steckt er in die von ihm und seiner Frau gegründete Bill-und-Melinda-Gates-Stiftung, die inzwischen einer der größten Akteure beim Thema Gesundheit und Impfung weltweit ist - vor allem in ärmeren Ländern. Mit bisher 1,75 Milliarden Dollar unterstützte sie Entwicklung und Produktion eines Covid-19-Impfstoffes und setzt sich für eine gerechte Verteilung des Vakzins ein. Seine oft wiederholten Warnungen vor globalen Gesundheitskrisen und ein unermüdlicher Einsatz für Impfkampagnen - nicht nur gegen das Coronavirus - haben ihn zum Feindbild von Verschwörungstheoretikern in aller Welt gemacht. Im Interview mit der Süddeutschen Zeitung spricht Bill Gates über den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt, die Gefahr des Impfnationalismus und die Vorbereitung auf die nächste Pandemie.

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