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President Trump has called for the immediate termination of Big Tech’s Section 230

2020-11-27 21:09:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット

President Trump has called for the immediate termination of Big Tech’s Section 230 liability protections for reasons of “national security.”

President Trump posted to Twitter late Thursday evening his call for the “immediate” termination of Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act, declaring that the liability protections of Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter should be stripped for “purposes of national security.”

Currently, Big Tech companies claim they act as a neutral platform, meaning that they receive certain protections from what people post on their site under Section 230, which gives them a “liability shield.” However, given that they have engaged in the censorship of conservatives, they act more like a publisher, who is more liable for what is on their site.

The announcement followed a tweet from President Trump that attacked Twitter for “sending out totally false ‘Trends’ that have absolutely nothing to do with what is really trending in the world.” He argued that the trends are simply made up, and they are only “negative” ones. “Same thing will happen to Twitter as is happening to Fox News daytime. Also, big Conservative discrimination!” the President concluded.

This is not the first time that the President has called for the end of Section 230. Last month, after Facebook and Twitter removed a story from the New York post about emails between Joe Biden and his son Hunter, he also called for the repeal of Section 230. However, this is the first time that the call has been made to do it “immediately,” and also the first time “national security” has been posited as a reason for doing so.

The President’s actions may have had something to do with the behaviour of Big Tech over the course of this election. Throughout the election, a large quantity of the President’s tweets and other social media postings, along with those of many of his supporters, have been labelled as misinformation, with Tucker Carlson even arguing that Big Tech rigged the election in favour of Joe Biden “in plain sight.”

Only this week, the personal Twitter account of Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano was banned, after the Senator had organised a hearing in his state’s legislature about the vast irregularities that took place in this month’s presidential election.

In May this year, the President signed an executive order that would strip the liability shield away from Big Tech companies if they engaged in “censoring or any political conduct.” As National File reported:

The executive order also instructs Attorney General William Barr to work with the states to develop their own legislation regarding censorship online, and also instructs his adminstration to start developing policies to “ensure taxpayer dollars are not going to any social media that suppresses free speech. The President noted that Big Tech companies have had “unchecked power to censor, restrict, edit, shape, hide, alter, virtually any communication between private citizens and large public audiences.”

トランプ大統領は "国家安全保障 "を理由に、ビッグテック企業の第230条の責任保護を "即時 "打ち切ることを呼びかけている。

トランプ大統領は木曜日の夜遅くにTwitterに投稿し、FacebookやTwitterのようなビッグテック企業の責任保護は "国家安全保障の目的 "のために剥奪されるべきであると宣言し、通信品位法の第230条の "即時 "終了のための彼の呼び出しを投稿しました。

現在、ビッグテック企業は、中立的なプラットフォームとして行動していると主張しています。つまり、第230条の下では、人々がサイトに投稿した内容から一定の保護を受けており、"責任の盾 "を与えているのです。しかし、保守派の検閲に従事してきたことを考えると、彼らはより出版社のように振る舞っており、彼らのサイトに何が掲載されているかについてより多くの責任を負うことになる。

今回の発表は、トランプ大統領のツイートに続いて行われたもので、「世界で本当にトレンドになっていることとは全く関係のない、全く間違った『トレンド』を発信している」とツイッターを攻撃した。トランプ大統領は、トレンドは単なるでっち上げであり、"ネガティブ "なものばかりだと主張した。"日中のフォックスニュースに起こっているのと同じことが、ツイッターにも起こるだろう。また、大きな保守的差別も!」と大統領は締めくくった。



ペンシルバニア州の上院議員 ダグ・マストリアーノ氏の ツイッターアカウントが 禁止されました 今月の大統領選挙で 行われた膨大な不正行為について 上院議員が州議会で公聴会を開いた後です

今年5月、大統領は、"検閲や政治的行為 "に従事した場合、ビッグテック企業から責任の盾を剥奪する執行命令に署名しました。ナショナル・ファイルが報じたように


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