そのうち15人が自殺し、その中には億万長者の小児性愛者ジェフリー・エプスタインも含まれていた。 8人が自動車や飛行機の事故で死亡し、14人が不可解な状況で死亡した。
H/T @No1Waffler
Judicial Watch: Records Reveal Tech Operatives Allegedly Used by Hillary Clinton Campaign to Spy on Trump WH Had Contract with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
ジュディシャル・ウォッチ ヒラリー・クリントン陣営がトランプ大統領をスパイするために使用したとされる技術者たちが、国防高等研究計画局と契約していたことが記録から判明
(ワシントンDC) - ジュディシャン・ウォッチは本日、ジョージア工科大学から4人の個人間の通信記録127ページを入手したと発表しました。これらの記録から、マイケル・サスマンのダーラム調査起訴状で言及されている個人は、2016年から2021年にかけて国防高等研究計画局(DARPA)と働いていたことが明らかになりました。また、同団体が当時のトランプ陣営の顧問であったスティーブ・バノンをターゲットにすることに関心を持っていたことを示唆する文書もある。
ダーラム氏は、27ページの起訴状を使って、この事件で起訴されていない4人のコンピューター科学者が、インターネットデータへのアクセスを「悪用」して、2016年にドナルド・J・トランプの会社とクレムリンとつながった銀行の間のサイバー接続に関する爆発的理論を展開したという、はるかに拡大した物語を展開しました - 彼は、この理論を、彼らが実際には信じていなかったとほのめかしています。
起訴状の「研究者-1」は、ジョージア工科大学のもうひとりのコンピュータ科学者、マノス・アントナカキス氏だ。"研究者-2 "はダゴン氏。そして「技術幹部-1」は、2013年にサイバー犯罪事件の解決に貢献したとしてFBI長官賞を受賞し、今月、同じく情報サービス会社のNeustarを退職したJoffe氏だ。
先週提出された法廷書類で、ダーラムはこの作戦が "非公開および/または所有権のあるインターネットデータへのアクセス" を悪用して、トランプタワー、トランプ氏の自宅、トランプホワイトハウスを直接スパイしていたと主張している。
反トランプ作戦は、"係争中の連邦政府のサイバーセキュリティ研究契約に関連して、大量のインターネットデータを受信して分析していた米国に拠点を置く大学の研究者の支援 "を利用しました。
2016年11月18日、編集された電子メールアドレスは、"Manos Antonakakisに代わって "ジョージア工科大学の2人の職員に、"Signed DARPA Contract:" と題した電子メールを書き込んでいる。
2016年11月21日、ジョージア工科大学の契約担当者であるAshley Williamsが返信しています。
あなたの記録のために、新しい賞のコピーを添付します。契約はDD 254で特定された出版制限の対象となることに注意してください。私はAFRL(空軍研究所)と積極的に協力し、基礎研究が出版制限から除外されていることを明確にするためにDD 254を改訂しています。契約書にはサインしたものの、AFRLのスポンサーが出版制限を解決するまで、プロジェクトの開始を延期しなければなりません。
2:55 p.m. Angelosは、「私はそれでいいと思うが、契約担当者が同意するかどうか真剣に疑問だ」と答えている。
2017年1月9日、DARPAの職員であるKelly McLaughlinがAntonakakisをフォローアップしています。彼女はこう書いている。
DARPAは、添付のSOWで提案されたコストをカバーするために、2016年10月にジョージア工科大学のTransparent Computing(TC)契約に153,138ドルを付けました。SOWは、あなたの学業給与の0.83ヶ月分、リサーチエンジニアであるDavid Dagon一人の給与、そして4人の大学院生リサーチアシスタントの資金を要求しています。提案された大学院生費用は、UNCの大学院生、あるいはジョージア工科大学の大学院生を対象とするものだったのでしょうか?SOWには、ジョージア工科大学の研究家として記載されています。
この資金がUNCをカバーすることになっていたのかどうか、教えてください。もしそうであれば、TC BFM の Laurisa Goergen が TC のジョージア工科大学の POC に連絡を取り、現時点で何かできることがあるか確認します。
電子メールによると、Neustarの社員がAntonakakisとの共同作業のためにジョージア工科大学を訪問した可能性があります。2016年5月27日、NeustarのAtreya Mohanは、"Introducing Peter Burke: "という件名の電子メールにこう書いている。
ただ、ピーター(当社のSVP Engg and Operations)に紹介したかっただけです。
アントナカキスは同日、「What the [f*ck] is going on? なぜGOPが何もしないのか、説明してもらえますか?"と。
2016年8月25日、ジョフィからアントナカキス、ダゴン、ロレンゼンへの電子メールは、スティーブ・バノンを調査することに関心がある可能性を示している。件名は、"To be added... "である。Joffeは、"彼らは彼が何らかの手荷物を持っているかもしれないと考えている... ;-) "と書いている。Washington Postのオピニオン記事へのリンクが貼られている。
"国防総省のDARPAの資金情報は、トランプ・ホワイトハウスをスパイするためにクリントン陣営によって悪用されたのか?"と、Judicial WatchのTom Fitton社長は問いかけている。"ダーラム起訴に関与した「技術」専門家が、トランプ大統領を中傷するために使われた偽の文書に非常に興味を持っていたことを、電子メールは強調しています。"
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 127 pages of records from the Georgia Institute of Technology of communications among four individuals. These records reveal that the individuals, who are mentioned in the Durham probe indictment of Michael Sussmann, worked with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from 2016-2021. The documents also suggest the group was interested in targeting then-Trump campaign adviser Steve Bannon.
Judicial Watch obtained the records through an October 13, 2021, Georgia Open Records Act request for records of communication among Rodney Joffe, April Lorenzen, David Dagon, and Manos Antonakakis.
According to The New York Times:
Mr. Durham used a 27-page indictment to lay out a far more expansive tale, one in which four computer scientists who were not charged in the case ‘exploited’ their access to internet data to develop an explosive theory about cyberconnections in 2016 between Donald J. Trump’s company and a Kremlin-linked bank — a theory, he insinuated, they did not really believe.
The indictment’s “Originator-1” is April Lorenzen, chief data scientist at the information services firm Zetalytics. Her lawyer, Michael J. Connolly, said she has “dedicated her life to the critical work of thwarting dangerous cyberattacks on our country,” adding: “Any suggestion that she engaged in wrongdoing is unequivocally false.”
The indictment’s “Researcher-1” is another computer scientist at Georgia Tech, Manos Antonakakis. “Researcher-2” is Mr. Dagon. And “Tech Executive-1” is Mr. Joffe, who in 2013 received the F.B.I. Director’s Award for helping crack a cybercrime case, and retired this month from Neustar, another information services company.
In a court filing last week, Durham alleged this operation directly spied on Trump tower, Trump’s home, and the Trump White House by exploiting “access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data.”
The anti-Trump operation used the “assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract.”
On November 18, 2016, a redacted email address writes on “behalf of Manos Antonakakis” to two Georgia Tech officials in an email titled “Signed DARPA Contract:”
Hey Ashley,
Please send to Michael the signed contract for their records.
On November 21, 2016, Ashley Williams, a Georgia Tech contracting officer, replies:
Good morning!!
Attached is a copy of the new award for your records. Please note the contract is subject to publication restrictions identified in the DD 254. I’m actively working with AFRL [likely Air Force Research Laboratory] to revise the DD 254 to clarify that fundamental research is excluded from the publication restrictions. Although we’ve signed the contract award and I have to defer project initiation until the publication restrictions are resolved by the AFRL sponsor.
Let me know if you have any questions.
On August 2, 2016, Antonakakis writes to Danielle Gambino and Keromytis, Angelos, a DARPA employee:
The subs and I, would like to have the permission to begin spending against the project from August 15th. This is the date when students needs to be hired [as graduate research assistants], so we can execute against the goals we have set in the [statement of work] this year.
UNC, GT and UGA would require an acknowledgment from you (or DARPA) that we are allowed to do that. I guess, once we are done negotiating the contract we will have to have as an effective start date the August 15th. If we cannot do that, it appears that it will complicate things for all three schools, as we cannot immediately hire the students necessary that will execute against the set milestones.
Please let me know how you think we should resolve this issue.
At 2:55 p.m. Angelos replies, “I’m ok with that, but I seriously doubt the contracting officer will agree.”
At 3:16 p.m. Gambino also replies:
As usual, Angelos is correct!
Working with contracting to authorize pre-award work can take a while and typically is not allowed until closer to contract award. Although I certainly appreciate your eagerness to start working, we are at the very start of the contracting process – this is really way too early for this type of request. (The contract specialists haven’t even been assigned yet.)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any other questions.
On January 9, 2017, a DARPA employee, Kelly McLaughlin, follows up with Antonakakis. She writes:
DARPA put $153,138 on the Georgia Tech Transparent Computing (TC) contract back in October, 2016 to cover the costs proposed in the attached SOW. The SOW asked for 0.83 month of your academic salary, salary for one Research Engineer, David Dagon, and funds for four graduate student research assistants. Were the proposed grad student costs supposed to cover UNC grad students or Georgia Tech grad students? The SOW shows them as Georgia Tech students.
Please let me know if these funds were supposed to cover UNC. If so, the TC BFM, Laurisa Goergen, will reach out to the TC admin POC for Georgia Tech to see what, if anything, can be done at this point.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Emails indicate that Neustar employees may have visited Georgia Tech to collaborate with Antonakakis. On May 27, 2016, Atreya Mohan from Neustar writes in an email with the subject line “Introducing Peter Burke:”
Hello Manos
Just wanted to introduce you to Peter (our SVP Engg and Operations).
Peter. We contact Manos on his gmail account for consulting purposes and his Georgia Tech email address for interactions that relate with the university (example: sponsorship etc)”
Burke replies:
Hi Manos,
It was great to meet you today – it is very interesting work that you do and I see great opportunities to collaborate with you.
I would like to try to figure out a time to come and spend more time with so that you can continue my education :-)
I am guessing you are based in Atlanta?
Antonakakis writes that evening:
Hey Mohan,
Many thanks for the intro. Peter, the pleasure was all mine!
Yes, you should come and visit us. I would suggest sometime in September, when the semester starts and my students are back from their internships in the bay area. You are more than welcome to visit sooner, but it will be just me and my three postdocs.
The Neustar team is always welcome to visit my lab. Anytime you, Rodney, Brian or anyone else want to visit.
Antonakakis responds to this chain again on July 14, 2016, writing:
By now all of you should be aware of the great news from DARPA. We have a 5 year long collaboration ahead of us, so I think it would make sense for the Neustar team to visit Atlanta and my lab.
How is the week of August 15 looks like for you? Mine is completely open. Perhaps, we should schedule the visit then?
In an email to Antonakakis on January 29, 2017, Dagon writes:
The Russians are killing spies with knowledge of the dossier materials:
Oh, and Trump purged the National Security Council (removing General Dunford) and put Steve Bannon (his PR guy) on the NSC:
My guess: The purged NSC will now say that Russia has given us great intel on ISIS, and that we should lift sanctions now that Russia is helping. (The public will have no way to judget [sic] this.)
All this to protect Trump from the dossier materials.
Antonakakis replies the same day, “What the [f*ck] is going on? Can you please explain why GOP is not doing something?”
He then writes again a few minutes later:
Some in the GOP knows what’s up (Graham, McCain), but most are all too happy to have their narrow, specific agendas advanced (e.g., removing social security, ACA/Obama-care repeal, more tax cuts for companies, etc.) They put party ahead of country, in short.
In 2018 the Senate (and maybe the House) may flip, and there will then be real investigations (but again, party will be ahead of country, as Democrats look into corruption for narrow purposes).
Now that the Russians are killing people with knowledge of the dossier, we can hope for a defector who gets to a non-US embassy in Moscow.
An August 25, 2016, email from Joffe to Antonakakis, Dagon and Lorenzen indicates a possible interest in investigating Steve Bannon. The subject line is “To be added….” Joffe writes: “They think he may have some baggage… ;-)” A link to a Washington Post opinion piece is included.
“Was the Defense Department’s DARPA funding information misused by the Clinton campaign to spy on the Trump White House?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The emails highlight that the ‘tech’ experts implicated in the Durham indictment were very much interested in the fake dossier used to smear President Trump.”