Drugs are flowing in at a point that we've never seen before, levels that we've never seen before. If you look at the human trafficking mostly trafficking, unfortunately mostly trafficking in women, nobody's ever seen numbers like this. These are killers, these are thugs. These are people that are being released from the jails of other countries, I stopped payment to those other countries I get along very well with the heads of those countries. I stopped payment to those countries, and they accepted all of their MS 13 people back they were not taken aback for a long time. And I said well how much do we pay, and they said we paid them 500 million a year. I said stop payment immediately. The next day I was called by the heads of those countries saying We would be honored to take Ms 13, back into our country it would be a great honor. So, you know what we've done is incredible. What we've done in terms of the border in terms of rebuilding our military, so many other things right to try as an example. Right to Try for 44 years I've been trying to get an approved that's where somebody is terminally ill, and we won't let them use a very promising medicine. So we've done all of these things but illegal border crossings look at what's happening to our country now illegal border crossings drew up more than 14 100%, that's 1,400% and getting much worse. And this is only the people that we capture, and then they released them of course, because we had a policy stay in Mexico, you have to stay in Mexico, we won that in the courts and we went it was Mexico and we get along great with Mexico and the president. He's a terrific guy it's no good for him either. It's no good because people are coming in from all over the world, not just from Latin America, South America, they're coming in from all sorts of countries, including the Middle East. So we have people coming in I just saw a report where Sweden is doing very bad on crime. Germany is doing very bad and Dr E's used to be the safest countries ?Gerece in Eur?ope, and now they're becoming very ue one of the most unsafe countries in Sweden, you know why they're letting in people into their country that are causing tremendous disruption. Well, we're letting in people at a level that Sweden never even could imagine. So people are just flowing across our borders. We hadn't stopped we built almost 500 miles of border wall, and it would have been finished in four weeks, and then Biden decided to stop it. So now we have openings and now I understand they want to stop it but they're having a hard time with a contract is I know contractors, better than anyone. They're very brilliant they may not read or write in some cases, but you know what is smarter than the rest is water.
Unknown 3:04 So I just want to thank everybody. I'm apologetic because gas prices are sky rocketed, if you look at your gasoline prices. When I left it was $1.87. a gallon, and now it's way over $3 In many cases, and by the way, I hate to say it but it's going up and really going up the Keystone pipeline 48,000 people, the real number is 48,000 people out of work almost immediately now Biden never said that during the campaign, I told you he would do that, but he never said that during the campaign. So the Keystone pipeline. A disaster right yet. He allows Russia you know what stop there is that the I stopped the Russia pipeline probably the biggest pipeline in the world going into Germany and other countries in Europe. It was stopped, he approved it, and he let it be built so he let them have a pipeline in Europe by Russia, but he doesn't let us have the Keystone XL pipeline and all of those people are out of work, and the union heads, believe it or not, they supported job by they want to get rid of those union heads right now I will tell you the workers supported me, but they supported Joe Biden. You look at so many other things like China and the China virus, they have to pay reparations, we've been hurt so badly in terms of death human life and in terms of monetarily, to a level that they have to pay us and, frankly, if they paid us $10 trillion, that wouldn't cover it, but they really have to pay the world because this has started in the world the entire world has been not only disrupted, but it's almost been destroyed and we're doing well because we built such a great economic foundation, we created the most jobs of any president ever been 160 million people working, we would never close and then we got hit by the pandemic. And like every other country we had some very tense moments but we did an incredible job but because the foundation was so strong. We're back now far better than any other country. They used to say Oh but look how well India is doing well, India has been hit harder than anybody now, but they used to use that as an excuse they used to use other countries as an excuse about how well they're doing, but now they're doing unbelievably badly and we're doing great as a country, especially those areas and in particular areas run like Florida, Rhonda Sanchez at Texas Greg Abbott and other places if you look at the places run by Republicans are doing unbelievable. So we really built in fact twice we built it back the first time we were stronger than ever before. And then we had the pandemic, we did an incredible job. We came up with a vaccine early, we gave shots, much earlier than anybody thought possible nine again nine months less than nine months we did this it was gonna take four or five, six years. Some people thought it would never happen, but we did it, and we're very proud of it and, honestly, we've saved our country we've saved the world what we've done for the world will be written about later on maybe not right now because they don't want to give us credit, but it'll be written about it again I want to thank everybody that's there. You are incredible, incredible people. The election was rigged the election was rigged like never before we got him by surprise, four years ago.