公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2023-01-24 03:37:00 | 偏向マスメディア



『I’ve got a 75 year old man, who has NEVER been in trouble before, sitting in PRISON over not paying a small tax on the use of a company apartment, a company car, or his grandchildrens education, etc., while drug dealers & murderers freely roam the sidewalks of New York, with nothing being done to stop them. Crime, in fact, is at an all time high! The Radical Left Democrats put him there. 90 days in jail, or 10 years (life!), depending on what you say about “Trump.” Our Country is going to Hell

今まで一度も問題を起こしたことのない75歳の老人が、会社のアパートや社用車の使用、孫の教育などにかかるわずかな税金を払わないという理由で刑務所に入れられ、一方で麻薬の売人や殺人犯がニューヨークの歩道を自由に歩き回っているのに、彼らを止めるために何もしていないのである。犯罪は、実際、史上最高水準にあるのだ。急進左派の民主党は、彼をそこに置いた。90日の刑務所か、10年(終身!)か、"トランプ "について何を言うかによって決まる。私たちの国は地獄に落ちている!

その状態が昨夜のタッカー・カールソンのケネディ暗殺と関連してマイケル・フリン元中将のでっちあげ訴訟の背後にいる選挙で選ばれることがないアメリカの支配者CIA ペンタゴンがいることのメディア自身によるその構造の初暴露に現れている。米国メディアはこれまでの陰謀論という『考えない目隠し』のための言葉は取り払う段階に来た。彼はパーマネントワシントンDCと呼び始めた

“Russian oligarchs like Oleg Deripaska perform global malign influence on behalf of the Kremlin and are associated with acts of bribery, extortion, and violence,” Driscoll said. “As alleged, Mr. McGonigal and Mr. Shestakov, both U.S. citizens, acted on behalf of Deripaska and fraudulently used a U.S. entity to obscure their activity in violation of U.S. sanctions. After sanctions are imposed, they must be enforced equally against all U.S. citizens in order to be successful. There are no exceptions for anyone, including a former FBI official like Mr. McGonigal.”
In a statement, Michael Driscoll, the FBI assistant director in charge, said, “The FBI is committed to the enforcement of economic sanctions designed to protect the United States and our allies, especially against hostile activities of a foreign government and its actors.”

According to CBS, “his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions.”

Former FBI agent Charles McGonigal, who had a hand in investigating Trump-Russian collusion, was arrested on Saturday for his ties to Russia.
Collin RuggJanuary 23, 2023
BREAKING: FBI Official Who Investigated Trump Russia Collusion Arrested for Colluding With Russia


「オレグ・デリパスカのようなロシアのオリガルヒは、クレムリンのために世界的な悪意ある影響力を行使し、収賄、強要、暴力行為と関連している」とドリスコルは述べています。「申し立てられたように、McGonigal 氏と Shestakov 氏はともに米国市民であり、デリパスカのために行動し、米国の制裁に違反してその活動を不明瞭にするために米国法人を不正に使用しました。制裁が課された後、制裁を成功させるためには、すべての米国市民に対して等しく実施されなければならない。マクゴニガル氏のような元FBI職員も含め、誰に対しても例外はない。"

CBSによると、"米国から制裁を受け、昨年その制裁違反で刑事告訴されたロシアの大富豪オレグ・デリパスカとの関係 "だそうです。


Articles of Impeachment Accusing President Biden of ‘Treason’ Have Been Introduced in the House of Representatives
President Biden has been hit with formal impeachment charges and has been accused of “treason.” The Articles of Impeachment have been filed in the House of Representatives. The impeachment charges were announced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Friday.

“I have introduced House Res. 57, these are Articles of Impeachment on President Biden,” Rep. Greene said. “For abuse of power in regards to his willingness to use his position of power to aid his son Hunter Biden in his business dealings.”

“I have also introduced another Article of Impeachment on President Biden, which is H. Res 597,” she continued. “This has to do with the national security crisis that President Biden has created with regards to the extreme threat at the southern border.”

“I have introduced House Res. 598, Articles of Impeachment on President Biden in regards to the failure in Afghanistan,” Rep. Greene went on. “And I have introduced House Res. 596, Articles of Impeachment on President Biden for the Covid eviction moratorium and his willingness to use his position to try to do what he shouldn’t be doing. We have three branches of power.”

“Joe Biden swore an oath, he said ‘I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’ and he is failing to uphold his oath,” Rep. Greene added.

“Joe Biden is failing the American people by refusing to uphold the law and the Constitution,” she said. “But Afghanistan is where it really hurt. You see, Article III, Section 3, Joe Biden could be guilty of treason.”

“Our law says that levying war against the U.S., adhering to the enemies of the U.S., and giving ‘aid and comfort’ is treason,” Rep. Greene said. “President Biden did that by arming the Taliban with our taxpayer-funded U.S. equipment and weapons. He abandoned Americans in Afghanistan and seems to have no interest in getting them back.”

On Friday, Becker News reported that the State Department admitted in an “off-the-record” call that the U.S. government believes there are as many as six times as many Americans trapped in Afghanistan than the public has been told. The Washington Free Beacon broke the story, based on Capitol Hill sources.

“We now know this administration repeatedly lied to the world about the citizens of our country it abandoned in Afghanistan,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R.-CA), whose office has assisted with evacuating Americans, told the Free Beacon. “But it did something even worse: It broke a sacred bond of trust between Americans and their government. This isn’t close to over.”

In September, Becker News first reported that the State Department blocked private and humanitarian flights in and out of Afghanistan. Fox News later obtained leaked internal emails that provided further proof that the State Department hindered Americans’ efforts to exit the country.

Also in September, a ‘hostage crisis’ was reported at Mazar-i-Sharif airport in Northern Afghanistan, where the Taliban grounded flights of U.S. civilians seeking to flee the country. President Biden had broken his promise to get 100% of Americans out of the country, as an AP fact check pointed out.

“The bottom line: 90% of Americans in Afghanistan who wanted to leave were able to leave,” Biden claimed in remarks at the White House. “For those remaining Americans, there is no deadline. We remain committed to get them out, if they want to come out. Secretary of State Blinken is leading the continued diplomatic efforts to ensure safe passage for any American, Afghan partner or foreign national who wants to leave Afghanistan.”

“For the record, Biden vowed that he would get 100% of Americans out before withdrawing forces,” the AP fact check stated. “And his suggestions Tuesday that many of the remaining Americans are dual nationals who may be undecided about leaving do not reflect the full reality.”

“He contended 100 to 200 Americans are still there” and have “some intention to leave,” adding: “Most of those who remain are dual citizens, longtime residents, but earlier decided to stay because of their family roots in Afghanistan,” the AP noted. “And White House press secretary Jen Psaki said afterward that Biden is telling those people that if they decide in two weeks that they want to go, ‘we will get you out’.”

It is now nearly November, and a State Department off-the-record call reveals that the federal government estimates 600 Americans have been left behind in Afghanistan, while lying to the American people the entire time about the true number.

This isn’t the first time that Rep. Greene has submitted Articles of Impeachment against President Biden. In January, Greene introduced H. Res 57, Articles of Impeachment, which were Referred to the Subcommittee in March. In August, Greene introduced H. Res. 596 and H. Res. 597. Most recently, Greene filed H. Res. 598, which accuses the President of the United States of “dereliction of duty by leaving behind thousands of American civilians and Afghan allies, along with numerous taxpayer-financed weapons and military equipment, endangering the lives of the American people and the security of the United States.”

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