(私たちのこの体は髪の毛、皮膚に至るまで父母からいただいたものである。傷つけないように、大切に生きることが親孝行の始めである)Independence Day Shooter Was ANTIFA, not a Trump Supporter
By Michael Baxter - July 5, 20222861903
マイケル・バクスター著 - 7月5日, 20222861903
彼によると、警察はクリモのポケットから、"ホワイト・アメリカ "への軽蔑を詳述した3ページのマニフェストを急いで見つけたという。ラップ調の広大な文章で、クリモは「白人の特権」を非難し、「白人のアメリカ」の没落を呼びかけ、カマラ・ハリスとAOCに「白人の体制」に対して戦争を仕掛けるように懇願しています。
"クリモ氏は尋問の間、彼のマニフェストとMAGAレガリアを着た画像との整合性を尋ねられた。彼は担当の捜査官に、「おいおい、君には僕がマガに見えるのか?オレンジ色の男を支持しているように見えるか?" と言った。彼は、ドナルド・トランプとその支持者を嘲笑するためにMAGA装束を着てMAGAイベントに参加したのであって、彼らに同調したわけではないことを認めた。彼はまた、ANTIFAの台頭についても語った」と情報筋は語っている。
Several mainstream media outlets on Monday wasted no time labelling the Independence Day killer, Robert Crimo, a Trump supporter, citing as evidence social media posts that show Crimo draped in a Trump flag and attending Trump rallies and Qanon gatherings. The photos seemed authentic, but Crimo was no supporter of Donald J. Trump. To the contrary, the six-foot-tall, 120lb. self-proclaimed rapper, who used the moniker “Awake the Rapper,” was an ANTIFA activist who picked the 4th of July to carry out his murderous spree because he hates America and White privilege.
Several mainstream media outlets on Monday wasted no time labelling the Independence Day killer, Robert Crimo, a Trump supporter, citing as evidence social media posts that show Crimo draped in a Trump flag and attending Trump rallies and Qanon gatherings. The photos seemed authentic, but Crimo was no supporter of Donald J. Trump. To the contrary, the six-foot-tall, 120lb. self-proclaimed rapper, who used the moniker “Awake the Rapper,” was an ANTIFA activist who picked the 4th of July to carry out his murderous spree because he hates America and White privilege.
From a rooftop perch Crimo murdered six and wounded 20 with what the MSM and criminal Biden regime have called a “high-powered” rifle, a nebulous term liberals use in describing any firearm more powerful than an Airsoft gun. Crimo’s theater of operation was the predominately White neighborhood of Highland Park, Il., not inner-city Chicago. He initially fled the scene but was later apprehended by local law enforcement and federal agents following a brief car chase.
An Illinois FBI field agent speaking under condition of anonymity gave Real Raw News data points that, if true, prove the MSM and government are conspiring to conceal Crimo’s true allegiance and reason for murdering innocent parade-goers.
According to him, law enforcement found in Crimo’s pockets a hastily written 3-page manifesto detailing his disdain for “White America.” In sprawling text styled as rap stanzas, Crimo decried “White privilege,” called for the downfall of “White America,” and beseeched Kamala Harris and AOC to wage war against “White establishment.”
“During interrogation Mr. Crimo was asked to reconcile his manifesto with images of him wearing MAGA regalia. He told the Agent in Charge, “C’mon, do I look MAGA to you? Do I look like I support the orange man?” He admitted he attended MAGA events wearing MAGA paraphernalia to mock Donald Trump and his supporters, not align with them. He also spoke to the rise of ANTIFA,” our source said.
Moreover, Crimo, a biological male, self-identified as a female and told investigators he was taking progesterone therapy while awaiting approval for government-sponsored, taxpayer-funded sexual reassignment surgery. Although Crimo reportedly earned income through his music, he was a Medicaid recipient. On March 23, 2010, Hussein Obama’s Obamacare Act barred insurance companies from categorically excluding coverage for sex change procedures.
“This is a very evil, very disturbed, very confused kid,” our source said of 22-year-old Crimo, who has facial tattoos and partly orange hair,” our source said.
Crimo, he added, likened himself to Joaquin Phoenix’s the Joker in the homonymous motion picture. In it, the movie’s titular character inspires a violent counter-culture revolution against the wealthy.
Lastly, Crimo told federal investigators his killing spree was partly inspired by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
“Soon I’ll officially be a woman, and I don’t want whities telling me what I can or cannot do with my body,” Crimo reportedly said.
“When investigators asked him where he got his weapon, Crimo laughed manically, saying it was ‘a gift.’ He then shut up and demanded a lawyer,” our source said.
“FBI Director Christopher Wray was made aware of Crimo’s partial confession. Wray sent down orders to not explicitly mention ANTIFA,” our source said in closing.
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