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2015-12-18 10:58:46 | ジョージ・ソロスのワンワールド
Shortly before cancelling his Israel trip, Presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared on national television and dropped the bombshell that he believes that Israel support ISIS by funding them.

On the Morning Joe show, Trump said:

ドナルド・ジョン・トランプ(Donald John Trump/1946年6月14日-/男性)は、アメリカ・ニューヨーク州出身の実業家。1980年代の不動産ブーム期にオフィスビル開発やホテル・カジノ経営などで大成功を収め、「アメリカの不動産王」と称された人物。また、開発・運営する不動産には自身の名を冠することでも知られる(トランプ・タワー、トランプ・プラザ、トランプ・マリーナ、トランプ・タージマハールなど)。
Donald: Right now, you have things going on, you have so called people that you think are on our side, they’re not reporting it, they’re not talking about it, and in some cases they’re involved with it. I mean look: I’ll give you an example.

Some of our so-called allies that we work with and that we protect militarily, they are sending massive amounts of money to ISIS and to al-Qaeda and to others.

Joe: So, who are you talking about there?

Donald: You know who it is. What do I have to bring it up for? You know who it is.

Joe: Because you’re running for President. Are you talking about the Saudis?

Donald: Joe. Hey Joe. Other countries are giving massive amounts of money. People from other countries are giving massive amounts of money.

Joe: So are you saying the Saudis are doing this?

Donald: Of course they’re doing it. Everybody knows that.

Joe: Okay, any other countries?

Donald: There are, but I’m not gonna say it, because I have a lot of relationships with people. But there are. And you know that. And everybody knows that. And nobody says it. Nobody talks about it.

Joe: You aren’t even saying the countries that are doing it right now. Why aren’t you willing to name those – you say you have a lot of relationships –

Donald: Hey Joe. Joe. All you have to do is check your records. Our government knows the countries.
“Everybody Knows.”


Dailystormer.com reports:

Everybody in the government and the media knows, is what he means by that. The average person doesn’t know. Everybody who reads the Daily Stormer knows.

The country pouring money into ISIS that Donald Trump just referred to is Israel.

And the way he said it was pure magic. Exactly how it should have been done.

(Note: Some have been saying he could have been talking Turkey, but that’s obviously wrong. If he’s going to call out Saudi Arabia, he’d call out Turkey. This was a country which is unmentionable. And there is only one such country.)

The media purposefully avoided mentioning this little exchange, because of course they don’t want people Googling “which countries fund ISIS.”

But Donald was signaling. Not just to us (though he was doing that), but to all the powerful and/or intelligent goyim in the world who understand the situation with the Jews and are fed-up with it. There are people all over who know what we talk about here, because they are involved with the world. They just are bullied into not talking about it. There are people in government, there are high-level businessmen, there are people in law enforcement and intelligence who are sick to death of these Jews.

They’re as unclear as we are about his connections to certain Jews, and how he is going to approach this foremost of problems.

He was signaling to all of them: “look, I’m gonna deal with this.”

Because you don’t call out Israel for funding ISIS unless you’re serious about dealing with the Jewish problem.

I am absolutely certain that back-channels of the rich and powerful were as loud about that 90 second exchange as the national media was silent.


You all know I joke a lot. I have fun, call Trump things like “Glorious Leader” and “ULTIMATE SAVIOR,” I talk about bag-less cats. It makes the site more interesting to read, and it is funny when the media quotes it like I’m a 100% serious skinhead neo-Nazi White supremacist gas chamber technician.

But let me speak totally seriously: with each day that goes by, my faith increases that the Donald could truly turn this thing around to where we might have a chance.

He has entered a whole new realm.

The fire rises.

Yes, Vladimir Putin Just Praised Donald Trump
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2015

The thing that I wanted to happen just happened, finally: Vladimir Putin praised Donald Trump.

He made the statements during his annual press conference marathon, which took place today and lasted three hours.

Washington Post:

Putin also briefly touched on the White House race, saying Russia would work with “whomever the American voters choose” but singling out Donald Trump as someone he could “get along very well.”

“He’s a very lively man, talented without doubt,” Putin said according to the Interfax news service after the three-hour news conference. He added that Trump is the “absolute leader in the presidential race.”

“He’s saying he wants to go to another level of relations, closer, deeper relations with Russia,” Putin continued. “How can we not welcome that? Of course we welcome that.


There will be a full translated video of press conference up later (probably dubbed). We’ll post it when it’s available.

If Trump were to get elected, the entire face of the planet would be changed. It is almost too much to think about, too much to wrap your head around.

Both East and West would be run by full-on alpha male patriarchists.




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