しかし、FAAの内部告発者がReal Raw Newsに語ったところによると、AAは大規模な偽装行為を行っているとのことです。AAの主張に真っ向から反論した彼は、最新の飛行機は適度な風が吹く中で離着陸できるように十分な装備が施されており、パイロットは荒天時に航空機を扱う訓練を受けていると述べた。
TMTG also plans to launch an on-demand video streaming service to combat “woke” and “politicized ‘entertainment’.” Trump revealed the company may also stretch its resources to web services and payment processing.
"Disney Channel’s Disney Zombies was woke. I mean for a kids show I feel like they also had serious meanings to it"
トランプ・メディア&テクノロジー・グループ(TMTG)は、来月、「招待客」を対象としたベータ版を立ち上げた後、2022年初頭にすべてのユーザーを対象としたオンラインサービスを開始する予定です。この新会社は、"ビッグ・テック・ジャイアンツとビッグ・メディア・ボスの支配に挑戦する "とトランプ氏は声明で述べ、"これは我々の国を救うためのものだ "と付け加えています。
ドナルド・トランプ元大統領は、自分のFacebookやTwitterのアカウントの禁止を回避するために、Truth Socialを立ち上げる準備をしていると発表しました。
AP Photo/LM Otero, File
「これらのプラットフォームの堕落は無視できない。米国では検閲の "滑りやすい坂道 "をはるかに下っており、米国人が議論することをますます禁じられているテーマは、現代の最も重要な問題のひとつです」と述べました。
CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via Getty Images
続いてトランプ氏は、"あらゆる政治的立場の人々 "のための「Truth Social」という「ビッグテント」プラットフォームを紹介しました。
TMTGはまた、"woke "や "politicized "entertainment""に対抗するため、オンデマンドのビデオストリーミングサービスを開始する予定です。トランプ氏は、同社がウェブサービスや決済処理にもリソースを伸ばす可能性があることを明らかにしました。
トランプ氏は、彼のアプリは「ビッグテックの巨人たちの支配に挑戦する」と述べ、主要な技術プラットフォームの「腐敗」に対処するとしている。AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File
"結局のところ、全員が同じ考えを持ち、異なる考えを持つ人を黙らせたいと考えている少数の権力者が、アメリカのほぼすべての主要なメディア、テクノロジー、エンターテインメント企業を支配していることは信頼できません "とトランプは結論づけています。"私は、自分や自分の支持者のためだけでなく、アメリカ合衆国のためにも、アメリカ国民の声に対する彼らの首根っこを断ち切る決意です!"
今年の初めには、「From the Desk of Donald J. Trump」というブログ形式のプラットフォームを一時的に実験し、他の人がFacebookやTwitterで共有できるような投稿を可能にしましたが、このプラットフォームは夏の間に閉鎖されました。
Former President Donald Trump is gearing up to unveil his new social media venture, saying the project will “challenge the dominance of the Big Tech giants” and will address the “corruption” of major tech platforms.
Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) is set to launch in beta for “invited guests” next month before coming online for all users in early 2022. The new company will “challenge the dominance of the Big Tech giants and Big media bosses,” Trump said in a statement, adding that “this is about saving our country.”
The former president noted that the United States is filled with people who are capable of thinking for themselves and he admires people who don’t go with the herd. He slammed “a small group of self-righteous scolds and self-appointed arbiters” for censoring Americans on social media — “the public square of our times.”
The 45th president listed several examples of censorship, such as medical doctors being banned for contradicting other health authorities and the suppression of reporting about President Biden and his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings.
Former President Donald Trump has announced that he is gearing up to launch his own social media plaform to circumvent the ban on his Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Former President Donald Trump announced that he is gearing up to launch Truth Social to circumvent the ban on his Facebook and Twitter accounts.
AP Photo/LM Otero, File
“And as everyone knows, we’ve seen a sitting president of the United States effectively silenced by a small oligarchy of tech titans and ‘mainstream’ media corporations,” Trump said.
“The corruption of these platforms cannot be ignored. We have fallen far down the ‘slippery slope’ of censorship in our country, and the topics that Americans are increasingly forbidden to debate are among the most important issues of our day.”
Trump proceeded to call censorship and “cancel-culture” un-American, which has “direct, real-world consequences,” pointing to the chaotic troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, the southern border crisis, and the ongoing Democratic spending debate.
Trump Media & Technology Group is set to launch in beta for “invited guests” next month.
Trump Media & Technology Group is set to launch in beta for “invited guests” next month.
CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via Getty Images
“In a country that had free speech and a free flow of information, none of this would ever have happened — and no one understands that better than the people doing the censoring,” the former president claimed.
In the statement, Trump said that after reflecting on the problem of censorship, he realized it was up to him to “restore” free speech by introducing a new major platform for Americans of all political positions. He noted that such a platform would need to be well-funded and could be a multi-year undertaking.
“It’s a tremendously difficult set of challenges — and I realized I might be the only person in America with the megaphone, the resources, the experience, and the desire to make it all happen. So with the same ‘can-do’ spirit that has always allowed Americans to persevere, that is exactly what I am doing,” Trump said.
Former President Trump was banned from social media giants Twitter and Facebook following the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol.
Trump was banned from social media giants Twitter and Facebook following the January 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.
Christopher Sadowski
Trump then introduced a “Big Tent” platform called Truth Social, for people of “all political stripes.”
“Unlike with the Big Tech platforms, there will be no shadow-banning, throttling, demonetizing, or messing with algorithms for political manipulation. We will not be treating users like lab rats for social experiments, or labeling alternative views as ‘disinformation.’ We will not silence our fellow citizens simply because they might be wrong — or worse, because we think that Americans ‘can’t handle the truth.’”
TMTG also plans to launch an on-demand video streaming service to combat “woke” and “politicized ‘entertainment’.” Trump revealed the company may also stretch its resources to web services and payment processing.
Former President Trump has said that his app will “challenge the dominance of the Big Tech giants," and will address the "corruption" of major tech platforms.
Trump has said his app will “challenge the dominance of the Big Tech giants” and will address the “corruption” of major tech platforms.
AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File
“In the end, a small number of powerful people who all think the same and wish to silence anyone who thinks differently cannot be trusted to control almost every major media, technology, and entertainment company in America,” Trump concluded. “I am determined to break their chokehold over the voices of the American People — not just for myself and my own supporters, but for the United States of America!”
It has been speculated that Trump would attempt to enter the media landscape after he left the White House and was banned from Facebook and Twitter following the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol.
Earlier this year, he briefly experimented with a blog-style platform called “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” which enabled him to make posts that could be shared on Facebook and Twitter by others, but the platform shut down during the summer.