Those Tweets were NOT Racist. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body! The so-called vote to be taken is a Democrat con game. Republicans should not show “weakness” and fall into their trap. This should be a vote on the filthy language, statements and lies told by the Democrat Congresswomen, who I truly believe, based on their actions, hate our Country. Get a list of the HORRIBLE things they have said. Omar is polling at 8%, Cortez at 21%. Nancy Pelosi tried to push them away, but now they are forever wedded to the Democrat Party. See you in 2020!
一方、トランプ大統領は11日、テキサス州エルパソでの集会に向かう途中に記者団に対し、オマル議員の謝罪は十分でないと批判。「彼女は自分を恥じるべきだ。とても不快な発言だった」と語った。』『オマル議員は10日夜のツイッターでのメッセージで、米国の対イスラエル政策は資金とAIPACの影響を受けているとの見方を示唆した。オマル氏は以前にもイスラエル政府を批判していた。』》←アメリカ・イスラエル公共問題委員会The American Israel Public Affairs Committee=AIPAC、エイパック)は、アメリカ合衆国において強固な米以関係を維持することを目的とするロビイスト団体、利益団体である。アメリカにおいて、全米ライフル協会をも上回る、もっとも影響力のあるロビー団体
WSJ《Like Ms. Omar, Ms. Tlaib vents toward Israel and Jews an obsessive, focused hostility, which she takes no pains to hide. In 2006 she contributed a column to Louis Farrakhan’s blog. When former CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill echoed Hamas’s language in calling for a “free Palestine from the river to the sea” and defended terrorism against Israeli civilians, Ms. Tlaib praised him for “calling out the oppressive policies of Israel.” Last month, she invited a Hezbollah and Hamas supporter to a private family dinner celebrating her elevation to Congress—a man who has said Israel has no right to exist and called for “Zionist terrorist” Jews to return to Europe. Lest anyone fail to get the message, immediately upon being sworn in, Ms. Tlaib affixed to a map in her office a Post-it Note reading “Palestine” and pointing to Israel.》
Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party in the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents.
In American history, many parties were named by their opponents (Federalists, Loco-Focos, Know Nothings, Populists, Dixiecrats), including the Democrats themselves, as the Federalists in the 1790s used Democratic Party as a term of ridicule.[19] Addressing a gathering of Michigan Republicans in 1889, New Hampshire Republican Congressman Jacob H. Gallinger said:
"The great Democrat party, laying down the sceptre of power in 1860, after ruling this country under free trade for a quarter of a century, left our treasury bankrupt, and gave as a legacy to the Republican party, a gigantic rebellion and a treasury without a single dollar of money in it."[20]
The 1919 New Teachers' and Pupils' Cyclopaedia entry for Woodrow Wilson states that "In 1912, Wilson was the Democrat Party nominee for President ..."[21] In July 14, 1922, a newspaper in Keytesville, Missouri, posted an advertisement for its primary elections with the Democratic candidates identified as "Representing: Democrat Party".[22]
Democrat Party は有害なだけの歴史を持つが、その時代の負け犬が大統領選挙に出るための足がかりであって、一定の考え方があるというわけではない。1912年まではブルボン民主党という超保守もあった。Bourbon Democrat was a term used in the United States in the later 19th century (1872–1904) to refer to members of the Democratic Party, usually Southern, who were ideologically aligned with conservatism or classical liberalism, especially those who supported presidential candidates Charles O'Conor in 1872, Samuel J. Tilden in 1876, President Grover Cleveland in 1884–1888/1892–1896, and Alton B. Parker in 1904. ブルボンとバーボンは同じ。USAがかつてフランスブルボン朝を応援した歴史が地名に残る。
^20Michigan Club, Detroit (1890). Proceedings... Annual Meeting of the Michigan Club: 1889. p. 43.
^ 21Holst, Bernhart Paul (1919). The New Teachers' and Pupils' Cyclopaedia. VI. Chicago, IL: Holst Publishing Company. p. 3158.
^ 22Chariton County Clerk (July 14, 1922). "Notice of Primary Election". Chariton Courier. Keytesville, MO. p. 6.
一方、トランプ大統領は11日、テキサス州エルパソでの集会に向かう途中に記者団に対し、オマル議員の謝罪は十分でないと批判。「彼女は自分を恥じるべきだ。とても不快な発言だった」と語った。』『オマル議員は10日夜のツイッターでのメッセージで、米国の対イスラエル政策は資金とAIPACの影響を受けているとの見方を示唆した。オマル氏は以前にもイスラエル政府を批判していた。』》←アメリカ・イスラエル公共問題委員会The American Israel Public Affairs Committee=AIPAC、エイパック)は、アメリカ合衆国において強固な米以関係を維持することを目的とするロビイスト団体、利益団体である。アメリカにおいて、全米ライフル協会をも上回る、もっとも影響力のあるロビー団体
WSJ《Like Ms. Omar, Ms. Tlaib vents toward Israel and Jews an obsessive, focused hostility, which she takes no pains to hide. In 2006 she contributed a column to Louis Farrakhan’s blog. When former CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill echoed Hamas’s language in calling for a “free Palestine from the river to the sea” and defended terrorism against Israeli civilians, Ms. Tlaib praised him for “calling out the oppressive policies of Israel.” Last month, she invited a Hezbollah and Hamas supporter to a private family dinner celebrating her elevation to Congress—a man who has said Israel has no right to exist and called for “Zionist terrorist” Jews to return to Europe. Lest anyone fail to get the message, immediately upon being sworn in, Ms. Tlaib affixed to a map in her office a Post-it Note reading “Palestine” and pointing to Israel.》
Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party in the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents.
In American history, many parties were named by their opponents (Federalists, Loco-Focos, Know Nothings, Populists, Dixiecrats), including the Democrats themselves, as the Federalists in the 1790s used Democratic Party as a term of ridicule.[19] Addressing a gathering of Michigan Republicans in 1889, New Hampshire Republican Congressman Jacob H. Gallinger said:
"The great Democrat party, laying down the sceptre of power in 1860, after ruling this country under free trade for a quarter of a century, left our treasury bankrupt, and gave as a legacy to the Republican party, a gigantic rebellion and a treasury without a single dollar of money in it."[20]
The 1919 New Teachers' and Pupils' Cyclopaedia entry for Woodrow Wilson states that "In 1912, Wilson was the Democrat Party nominee for President ..."[21] In July 14, 1922, a newspaper in Keytesville, Missouri, posted an advertisement for its primary elections with the Democratic candidates identified as "Representing: Democrat Party".[22]
Democrat Party は有害なだけの歴史を持つが、その時代の負け犬が大統領選挙に出るための足がかりであって、一定の考え方があるというわけではない。1912年まではブルボン民主党という超保守もあった。Bourbon Democrat was a term used in the United States in the later 19th century (1872–1904) to refer to members of the Democratic Party, usually Southern, who were ideologically aligned with conservatism or classical liberalism, especially those who supported presidential candidates Charles O'Conor in 1872, Samuel J. Tilden in 1876, President Grover Cleveland in 1884–1888/1892–1896, and Alton B. Parker in 1904. ブルボンとバーボンは同じ。USAがかつてフランスブルボン朝を応援した歴史が地名に残る。
^20Michigan Club, Detroit (1890). Proceedings... Annual Meeting of the Michigan Club: 1889. p. 43.
^ 21Holst, Bernhart Paul (1919). The New Teachers' and Pupils' Cyclopaedia. VI. Chicago, IL: Holst Publishing Company. p. 3158.
^ 22Chariton County Clerk (July 14, 1922). "Notice of Primary Election". Chariton Courier. Keytesville, MO. p. 6.