公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2021-02-18 09:36:00 | 意見スクラップ集


"私は秋に法科大学院で公民権のコースを教える予定だった。私たちはそれについて話し合っていました、一種のそれを計画していました。私は彼らに手紙を書いて、私は言った '知っておいて欲しい、私は弾劾事件でドナルド・トランプの代理人になるつもりです。それがあなたの決定に影響を与えるかどうかは全く知らない』と、上院の前に議論した3人の弁護士の1人、デビッド・ショーン氏はエポック・タイムズ紙に語った。





An attorney who represented President Donald Trump during the recent impeachment trial says a law school canceled a civil rights law course he was going to teach and he was suspended from a civil rights lawyer email discussion list.

“I was hoping to teach a civil rights course at a law school in the fall. We’ve been in talks about it, kind of planning it out. I wrote to them and I said, ‘I want you to know, I’m gonna be representing Donald Trump in the impeachment case. I don’t know if that impacts on your decision at all,’” David Schoen, one of the three attorneys who argued before the Senate, told The Epoch Times.

“And they said, you know, they appreciated my writing and, frankly, it would make some students and faculty uncomfortable, so I couldn’t do it.

“That was sad for me because I really want to go more and more into teaching. I like doing that,” Schoen said.

Schoen, an Alabama-based lawyer recognized for his civil rights litigation, declined to name the school that canceled his course. He likewise declined to name the legal organization behind the email list that suspended him.

“They actually spent 48 hours discussing this with their board and so on. And they decided that they needed to suspend me from the list,” Schoen said. “It’s a very important one to me. It’s very prominent civil rights lawyers and fine people.”

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