Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide
Miranda DevineがHannityに出演し、いつものように的確な意見を述べています。
"35%をドナルド・J・トランプを悪者にし、2020年の再選を阻止するために「必要なあらゆる行動」をとることに向けるという条件で、陳東生から7500万ドルを15回に分けて受け取っていた。 2019年1月19日の返信メールでハンターは、「トランプのことは心配しなくていい。トランプのことを心配する必要はまったくありません。お金は十分に使われています。トランプは、もし彼が全くいなければ、大統領にはならないだろう」"
クランドール少将は、Chen Dongshengが普通の中国市民ではないことを指摘した。普通の億万長者でもない。
"弁護士には期待しています これらのアイテムはハンター・バイデンの所有物であるとデジタル認証されていることを委員会に保証します。指紋が付いていても気にしない。これらの所有権は議論の余地がありません。
Chen Dongsheng(陈东升)(1957年12月17日~)は、湖北省天門市出身で、中華人民共和国の実業家である。
1993年に中国ガーディアン・インターナショナル・オークション社を設立し、1996年には会長兼CEOとして太康生命保険社を設立しました。 陳は、「Fortune」誌が2012年に発表した「中国で最も影響力のあるビジネスリーダー50人」で19位にランクインしています。 雑誌「ニューフォーチュン」が発表した2013年の「ニューフォーチュン500リッチリスト」では、陳東生と孔東明は50億元の資産で242位にランクインしている。陳東生と前妻の呂安は大学の同級生で、共に董振に師事し、息子の陳逸倫をもうけた。陳逸倫は1996年に孔東梅(毛沢東の孫娘)と交際し、3人の子供をもうけた。
Although the military had plenty to charge Hunter Biden with, Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall, standing for the prosecution, said at the start of Monday’s tribunal that he would focus only on the most egregious charges and ignore lesser crimes to avoid dragging out the tribunal and wasting the military’s time.
He told the 3-officer panel he was confident in JAG’s ability to convict Biden on charges of treason and conspiracy, rape, and child sex crimes.
Despite facing a capitol case and a potential death sentence, Biden, handcuffed at the wrists, swaggered into GITMO’s south courtroom and flashed an artificial grin at the officers tasked with weighing the military’s case against him. His smile was artificial because years of chronic drug use—crack-cocaine and crystal meth—had rotted his natural teeth to the jawbone.
Hunter Biden, a lawyer, had declined outside counsel in favor of representing himself.
“This trial is a circus,” Biden said in an opening statement, “and I am innocent of all charges. Yes, I’ve made some poor decisions in my life—but those decisions affected me and only me. There is no proof, absolutely none, that I have committed crimes in or against the United States of America. I am the First Son, and my father will see that this commission is prosecuted for its crimes against law-abiding American citizens—like me.
Rear Adm. Crandall introduced into evidence a laptop that once belonged to Hunter Biden, calling it the “infamous computer” that elicited protracted media controversy.
The basics of the story are well-documented: The New York Post had obtained from the laptop emails showing that Biden had received $10m from Chinese billionaire Ye Jianming for an introduction to the “big guy,” ostensibly Joseph Biden. A former business partner of Hunter Biden’s, Tony Bobulinski, later confirmed the allegations, saying that the Bidens began receiving large Chinese payouts as early as June 2017.
The $10m payout was only the beginning, Rear Adm. Crandall told the tribunal, for Hunter had taken numerous payouts from several influential Chinese billionaires with ties to the PRC and that nation’s Ministry of State—China’s version of the CIA.
He laid on the defense table a second laptop and an iPad that the military had seized during a raid on Hunter Biden’s Venice, California, estate. They, too, held innumerable emails and financial records proving that Biden had received approximately $250m in Chinese payouts between 2017 and the time of his arrest.
“Seventy-five million dollars in 15 installments from Chen Dongsheng under the condition that 35% be put toward demonizing Donald J. Trump and taking ‘any action necessary’ to prevent his 2020 reelection. In a January 19, 2019, response email, Hunter wrote back, “You don’t need to worry about Trump. You don’t have to worry about Trump at all. Monies are well spent. Trump won’t be president if–he’s around at all.””
“We know he wouldn’t talk during his first deposition. Maybe he’ll talk now. Hunter, did you collect that cash on behalf of dear old dad? Did he coerce you?”
Hunter shut his mouth.
Rear Adm. Crandall then pointed out that Chen Dongsheng was no ordinary Chinese citizen. No common billionaire.
“It’s known to us that Dongsheng is a PRC asset, and I find it hard to believe that the Biden’s didn’t know,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “Documents on his devices show he’s been privy to all his father’s dealings and intelligence for over 12 years. Hunter was the point man for an operation to solicit funds from foreign actors that stood to gain from a Biden presidency and suffer if Trump got reelected. This wasn’t a fundraising campaign; it was treason.”
In all, he showed the tribunal 250 emails and 645 pieces of financial documentation detailing Biden’s dealings with shadowy figures from the bowels of the Communist nation’s security and secrecy agencies.
Biden objected: “None of this proves anything. These devices aren’t mine. Never owned them. Never saw them. The military invented them to trap me.”
“I’d expect better from a lawyer. I assure the commission that these items have been digitally authenticated as belonging to Hunter Biden. And he didn’t care that he left his fingerprints all over them. Ownership of them is indisputable.
After another round of irrelevant objections, Rear Adm. Crandall put the tribunal in recess until Tuesday morning.
The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Wednesday convicted and sentenced Hunter Biden to death after 6 women appeared via ZOOM to testify how Biden and his handlers had lured them into no-escape situations where they were drugged, raped, and threatened to remain silent “or else.”
The first, a woman identified only as “Ashley,” recounted a disturbing tale about how her parents had introduced her to Hunter Biden at a 2016 diplomatic function in Washington, D.C. She was 15 at the time of the encounter.
“My parents were political donors and got invites to events. That man…Hunter Biden was at one of them. I was with my parents and their friends when he came over to say hello. He gave off creepy vibes to me right away…I was about to excuse myself to grab a soda when Hunter said he’d get it for me. I started to say ‘no thank you,’ but he was already walking toward the bar…or whatever it was. As he handed me the drink, he brushed a finger over mine and it sent chills down my spine. I shouldn’t have drank the drink. I felt lightheaded and my legs felt rubbery. Everything went blurry. And next thing I know he is holding my hand, leading me up a staircase.”
Rear Adm. Crandall and the 3-officer panel sat in silent contemplation as Ashely relived the horrid event in her mind. Handcuffed and seated across from them, Hunter Biden glanced away from the screen on which Ashley, tears welling in her eyes, continued her story.
“It was like my parents had just vanished. My body literally went numb and my speech was slurred. Next I’m on a bed, and he’s looming over me undressing himself and then…me. Everything was fuzzy but it was him. And then he put a camera on a tripod and got into the bed with me…and raped me, vaginally and anally.”
Rear Adm. Crandall asked her if she saw the villain in the tribunal chamber. She pointed directly at Hunter Biden and said, “Him.”
He then set a laptop on the prosecution table and told the officers they would bare witness to Hunter Biden’s crimes shown on a grotesque video, although everything except Hunter and Ashely’s faces had been blurred. The video showed a naked Hunter Biden flopping around atop a top a young girl whose face was identical to Ashely’s. She seemed spaced out, crying “stop, stop, stop” as Biden repeatedly raped her.
“We obtained this video from one of Biden’s devices. Ashley, is this you in this video. I know it’s difficult to see,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
“Yes,” she muttered.
Hunter Biden objected: “May I pose a question? Is this tribunal expected to believe I whisked this girl away, drugged her, and did these things—when she was accompanied by her parents? This video is fabricated, false.”
“When I came to and realized what had happened and told my parents, they called me a liar, too,” Ashley said. “They told me it never happened. That it must have been a nightmare. I no longer speak to them.”
Five more young women appeared on Zoom to tell eerily related stories, and the 3-officer panel had to suffer through video snippets of Hunter Biden’s assault on each of them. Biden made vain and ineffective attempts at refuting their testimony and the veracity of the videos, but the tribunal didn’t give any credibility to his rebuttals. The last girl to testify claimed that Hunter and his father raped her together, but the video only showed Hunter, not Joe.
Regardless, the tribunal reached a swift decision, finding Hunter Biden guilty on all charges and recommending he receive the death sentence for his crimes. Rear Adm. Crandall agreed, and he scheduled Hunter’s hanging for October 15.