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KININARU 技術 29「量子固体」室温超伝導

2020-02-06 17:05:00 | 経済指標(製造業)

本研究は、物質・材料研究機構 磁性・スピントロニクス材料研究拠点の只野央将研究員、東北大学理学研究科の是常隆准教授、東京大学大学院工学系研究科の有田亮太郎教授 (理化学研究所創発物性科学研究センター計算物質科学研究チームチームリーダー) 、バスク大学のIon Errea博士、マックス・プランク研究所のAntonio Sanna博士、ソルボンヌ大学のMatteo Calandra博士、ローマ・ラ・サピエンツァ大学のFrancesco Mauri教授、José A. Flores-Livas博士らからなる国際研究チームによって行われました。また、本研究の一部は科研費 (No. 16H06345)「強相関物質設計と機能開拓 - 非平衡系・非周期系への挑戦 - 」、 (No. 18K03442)「第一原理計算に基づく多面的なアプローチによる超伝導物質探索」、 (No. 19H05825)「量子液晶の理論構築」の一環として行われました。
本研究成果は、Nature誌にて現地時間2020年2月5日午後6時 (日本時間6日午前3時) にオンライン掲載されます。
Published: 11 December 2019
Phonon heat transfer across a vacuum through quantum fluctuations

King Yan Fong, Hao-Kun Li, […]Xiang Zhang
Nature volume 576, pages243–247(2019)Cite this article

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1 Citations
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Heat transfer in solids is typically conducted through either electrons or atomic vibrations known as phonons. In a vacuum, heat has long been thought to be transferred by radiation but not by phonons because of the lack of a medium1. Recent theory, however, has predicted that quantum fluctuations of electromagnetic fields could induce phonon coupling across a vacuum and thereby facilitate heat transfer2,3,4. Revealing this unique quantum effect experimentally would bring fundamental insights to quantum thermodynamics5 and practical implications to thermal management in nanometre-scale technologies6. Here we experimentally demonstrate heat transfer induced by quantum fluctuations between two objects separated by a vacuum gap. We use nanomechanical systems to realize strong phonon coupling through vacuum fluctuations, and observe the exchange of thermal energy between individual phonon modes. The experimental observation agrees well with our theoretical calculations and is unambiguously distinguished from other effects such as near-field radiation and electrostatic interaction. Our discovery of phonon transport through quantum fluctuations represents a previously unknown mechanism of heat transfer in addition to the conventional conduction, convection and radiation. It paves the way for the exploitation of quantum vacuum in energy transport at the nanoscale.


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