文脈病―ラカン・ベイトソン・マトゥラーナ 斎藤 環

主な著作に,『文脈病 ラカン/ベイトソン/マトゥラーナ』(青土社),『社会的ひきこもり』(PHP新書),『文学の徴候』(文藝春秋),『生き延びるためのラカン』(バジリコ),『アーティストは境界線上で踊る』(みすず書房),『心理学化する社会』(河出文庫)など。
こういう本がなぜか図書館にはないんだよね(斎藤 環はあるのだが)。仕方ないので、1000円中古を注文した。
ジャック=マリー=エミール・ラカン(Jacques-Marie-Émile Lacan、1901年4月13日 - 1981年9月9日)は、フランスの哲学者、精神科医、精神分析家。
グレゴリー・ベイトソン(Gregory Bateson, 1904年5月9日 - 1980年7月4日)は、アメリカ合衆国の文化人類学・精神医学などの研究者。
ウンベルト・マトゥラーナ(スペイン語: Humberto Romesín Maturana、1928年9月14日 - )は、チリの生物学者。神経生物学 (neurobiology) の実験から得られた観察事実に基づいて、哲学や認知科学とも関係した領域の研究を行った。 特に、1970年代はじめに教え子のフランシスコ・バレーラとともにオートポイエーシス[2] Autopoiesis is a word composed of the Greek words for 'self' and 'to produce.' の概念を創出したことで有名である。
Living systems are autonomous entities, even though they depend on a medium for their concrete existence and material interchange; all the phenomena related to them depend on the way their autonomy is realized. A perusal of present-day biochemical knowledge reveals that this autonomy is the result of their organization as systems in continuous self-production. This organization in terms of self-production can be characterized as follows.
There is a class of dynamic systems that are realized, as unities, as networks of productions (and disintegrations] of components that: (a) recursively participate through their interactions in the realization of the network of productions (and disintegrations) of components that produce them; and (b) by realizing its boundaries, constitute this network of productions (and disintegrations) of components as a unity in the space they specify and in which they exist. Francisco Varela and I called such systems autopoietic systems, and autopoietic organization their organization (Maturana & Varela, 1973). An autopoietic system that exists in physical space is a living system (or, more correctly, the physical space is the space that the components of living systems specify and in which they exist) (Maturana, 1975).
In this characterization of the organization of living systems, nothing is stipulated about their structure, which can be any form that satisfies it. Also, nothing is said about the medium in which an autopoietic system may exist, or about its interactions or material interchanges with the medium, which can be any that satisfy the constraints imposed by the actual structure through which the autopoiesis is realized. In fact, to the extent that an
[2] Autopoiesis is a word composed of the Greek words for 'self' and 'to produce.'
文脈病―ラカン・ベイトソン・マトゥラーナ 斎藤 環

主な著作に,『文脈病 ラカン/ベイトソン/マトゥラーナ』(青土社),『社会的ひきこもり』(PHP新書),『文学の徴候』(文藝春秋),『生き延びるためのラカン』(バジリコ),『アーティストは境界線上で踊る』(みすず書房),『心理学化する社会』(河出文庫)など。
こういう本がなぜか図書館にはないんだよね(斎藤 環はあるのだが)。仕方ないので、1000円中古を注文した。
ジャック=マリー=エミール・ラカン(Jacques-Marie-Émile Lacan、1901年4月13日 - 1981年9月9日)は、フランスの哲学者、精神科医、精神分析家。
グレゴリー・ベイトソン(Gregory Bateson, 1904年5月9日 - 1980年7月4日)は、アメリカ合衆国の文化人類学・精神医学などの研究者。
ウンベルト・マトゥラーナ(スペイン語: Humberto Romesín Maturana、1928年9月14日 - )は、チリの生物学者。神経生物学 (neurobiology) の実験から得られた観察事実に基づいて、哲学や認知科学とも関係した領域の研究を行った。 特に、1970年代はじめに教え子のフランシスコ・バレーラとともにオートポイエーシス[2] Autopoiesis is a word composed of the Greek words for 'self' and 'to produce.' の概念を創出したことで有名である。
Living systems are autonomous entities, even though they depend on a medium for their concrete existence and material interchange; all the phenomena related to them depend on the way their autonomy is realized. A perusal of present-day biochemical knowledge reveals that this autonomy is the result of their organization as systems in continuous self-production. This organization in terms of self-production can be characterized as follows.
There is a class of dynamic systems that are realized, as unities, as networks of productions (and disintegrations] of components that: (a) recursively participate through their interactions in the realization of the network of productions (and disintegrations) of components that produce them; and (b) by realizing its boundaries, constitute this network of productions (and disintegrations) of components as a unity in the space they specify and in which they exist. Francisco Varela and I called such systems autopoietic systems, and autopoietic organization their organization (Maturana & Varela, 1973). An autopoietic system that exists in physical space is a living system (or, more correctly, the physical space is the space that the components of living systems specify and in which they exist) (Maturana, 1975).
In this characterization of the organization of living systems, nothing is stipulated about their structure, which can be any form that satisfies it. Also, nothing is said about the medium in which an autopoietic system may exist, or about its interactions or material interchanges with the medium, which can be any that satisfy the constraints imposed by the actual structure through which the autopoiesis is realized. In fact, to the extent that an
[2] Autopoiesis is a word composed of the Greek words for 'self' and 'to produce.'