アダム・ダニエル・キンジンガー[1](/ˈkɪkŊər/ 1978年2月27日生まれ)は、アメリカの元政治家、CNNのシニア政治コメンテーター。2011年から2023年までイリノイ州選出のアメリカ合衆国下院議員を務めた。共和党所属で、当初はイリノイ州議会第11区、後にイリノイ州議会第16区の代表を務めた。空軍中佐。
Republican Reps. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Liz Cheney of Wyoming are serving on the partisan January 6th Commission to “investigate” the events that took place at the U.S. Capitol.
And now, some GOP colleagues are looking to push Cheney and Kinzinger out of the party.
“The reality is, they’re now basically working with and for the Democrats, and so it’d be awkward for them to be sitting in our committee while we talk about policy, put, you know, strategy and how to stop bad policy from the Democrats and advance good policy from us. It’d be really awkward,” Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona, chairman of the Freedom Caucus, told the Washington Examiner.
Biggs “brought up a resolution during a House Republican conference meeting on Tuesday to expel immediately from the conference any person who sits on a committee that they were not appointed to by the Republican leader or the House Republican steering committee,” the Examiner reported.
Biggs also expressed his sentiments in a tweet attacking the two Never-Trumpers:
A 9/11-style investigative committee assembled by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to investigate the deadly 6 January Capitol riot had its first hearing on Tuesday - and has already prompted heated discussion on social media.
Katie Benner, a New York Times reporter, was criticized on Tuesday after suggesting that supporters of the former US president, Donald Trump, could be deemed "enemies of the state".
In a now-deleted tweet, Benner suggested that the United States faces a "national security dilemma" due to a need to call a "politician’s supporters enemies of the state".
"As Americans, we believe that state power should not be used to work against a political figure or a political party. But what happens if a politician seems to threaten the state? If the politician continues to do so out of office and his entire party supports that threat?", her tweet read.
Her sentiment did not appeal to all, as many users immediately flocked to Twitter threads to slam Benner for what they consider to be a form of "fascism", as well as an attempt to label everyone that does not share a mainstream position as "enemies of the state".
Benner's words come as the select committee formed to investigate the 6 January Capitol riot, for which Trump was impeached - a second time - for inciting, had its first hearing on Tuesday.
With the committee touted as bipartisan, US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is leading, vetoed two Republicans picked by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to become members of the panel. She argued that the two picks, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana, would “jeopardize the integrity of the investigation”.
Out of 13 participants, only two GOP members made it to Pelosi's investigation committee: Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, with McCarthy dubbing them "Pelosi Republicans".
The two are also known for being vocally critical of Trump, as they voted for his second impeachment over "incitement to insurrection" in January. For that, both received labels "RINO" [Republican In Name Only] from the former president, who complained that he wanted to "get rid of them all".
Trump has claimed that the select committee is "highly partisan" and "fake", sarcastically commenting that Pelosi should "investigate herself".
13名の参加者のうち、ペロシ氏の調査委員会に入ったのは、わずか2名のGOPメンバーでした。下院議員の リズ・チェイニー議員とアダム・キンジンガー議員で、マッカーシーは彼らを「ペロシ共和党員」と呼んだ。
この2人は、1月に「反乱の扇動」を理由に2度目の弾劾に賛成したこともあり、トランプ氏を声高に批判することで知られています。そのため、2人は元大統領から「RINO」(Republican In Name Only)というレッテルを貼られ、「全員を排除したい」と訴えていました。