Majesty D@MINION in power!


‘We feel incredibly betrayed’: Thousands of Guardsmen forced to vacate Capitol
Guardsmen were later let back into facilities after an outcry from lawmakers.
POLITICO obtained photos showing the Guard members packed together in the parking garage, sleeping on the ground.
National Guard
A group of National Guardsmen rests in a parking garage near Dirksen Senate Office building on Jan. 21, 2021. | POLITICO
All National Guard troops were told to vacate the Capitol and nearby congressional buildings on Thursday, and to set up mobile command centers outside or in nearby hotels, another Guardsman confirmed. They were told to take their rest breaks during their 12-hour shifts outside and in parking garages, the person said.
Top lawmakers from both parties took to Twitter to decry the decision and call for answers after POLITICO first reported the news Thursday night, with some even offering their offices to be used as rest areas. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) tweeted: “If this is true, it's outrageous. I will get to the bottom of this.” And Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) noted that the Capitol complex remains closed to members of the public, “so there’s plenty of room for troops to take a break in them.”
By 10 p.m., Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) said the situation was “being resolved” and that the Guardsmen would be able to return indoors later in the night.
“Just made a number of calls and have been informed Capitol Police have apologized to the Guardsmen and they will be allowed back into the complex tonight,” added Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), who lost both of her legs in combat. “I’ll keep checking to make sure they are.”
A Guard source confirmed late Thursday night that all troops in the parking garages were ordered to return inside the Capitol.
Brig. Gen. Janeen Birckhead, the Guard’s Inauguration Task Force commander, confirmed in a statement to POLITICO shortly after midnight that the troops were out of the garage and back into the Capitol building as authorized by the Capitol Police Watch Commander. They will take their breaks near Emancipation Hall going forward.
In a statement, Capitol Police spokesperson Eva Malecki said the department recently asked that troops’ shifts be reduced from 12 hours to eight in order to allow for additional rest hours away from the Capitol complex. The statement did not explain why the Guardsmen were forced into parking garages.
On Friday morning, Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman insisted in a statement that the department “did not instruct the National Guard to vacate the Capitol Building facilities.”
“The Department is also working with the Guard to reduce the need for sleeping accommodations by establishing shorter shifts, and will ensure they have access to the comfortable accommodations they absolutely deserve when the need arises,” Pittman added.
Guardsmen who spoke with POLITICO were not given a clear reason why they were asked to vacate the buildings. The first Guardsman said it may have been due to a complaint that some troops were not wearing masks, but denied that was the case.
“We have strict guidance that masks are to be worn at all times unless soldiers are eating and drinking,” the Guardsman said.
Capitol Police asked troops to move their rest area on Thursday, said Guard spokesperson Maj. Matt Murphy.
“As Congress is in session and increased foot traffic and business is being conducted, Capitol Police asked the troops to move their rest area,” Murphy said. “They were temporarily relocated to the Thurgood Marshall Judicial Center garage with heat and restroom facilities. We remain an agile and flexible force to provide for the safety and security of the Capitol and its surrounding areas.”
Guard leadership did not make the decision and are “doing their best to provide rest shelter for troops who are still on 12-hour shifts protecting the Capitol and congressional grounds,” the second Guardsman said.
“There really may be an important reason for us to vacate and it just hasn’t been well communicated yet,” the second Guardsman said.
The troops are particularly concerned about being packed in tight quarters with limited bathroom access during a pandemic. At least 100 Guardsmen have tested positive for Covid-19, according to two Guardsmen. Some are quarantining in hotels.
A spokesperson previously declined to provide a specific number for troops who have tested positive for the virus.
After images went viral last week of troops sleeping on the floor in the halls of Congress, Guardsmen protecting the Capitol were initially provided cots, POLITICO first reported.
Thousands of troops have already left Washington after around 25,000 were called to D.C. to help defend it from potential threats ahead of President Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday.

2021年1月21日、ディルクセン上院議員事務所ビル近くの駐車場で休憩する州兵の一団。| 兵隊さんの写真|POLITICO
2021年1月21日、ディルクセン上院議員事務所ビル近くの駐車場で休憩する州兵の一団。| 兵隊さんの写真|POLITICO
"我々は信じられないほど裏切られたと感じている 衛兵の数千人が国会議事堂を明け渡すことを余儀なくされた
2021年1月21日、ディルクセン上院議員事務所ビル近くの駐車場で休憩する州兵の一団。| 兵隊さんの写真|POLITICO
両党からのトップ議員は、決定を非難し、POLITICOが最初にニュースを報告した後、木曜日の夜に答えを求めるためにツイッターに取った, いくつかのも、休息エリアとして使用されるために彼らのオフィスを提供していると. 上院の主要なリーダー、チャック・シューマー (D.N.Y.) はツイートした。"これが本当なら、それは言語道断だ。真相を究明します" トム・コットン上院議員(アラスカ州)は 議事堂の複合施設が 一般市民には閉鎖されたままであることを指摘した "軍隊が休憩を取るための十分なスペースがある"
"何度も電話をして、キャピタル警察が警備員に謝罪し、今夜、警備員は複合施設に戻ることが許可されることを知らされた "と、戦闘で両足を失ったタミー・ダックワース上院議員(D-Ill.)は付け加えました。"確認を続けます"
木曜日の夜遅くに 警備隊の情報源が確認した 駐車場にいる全ての部隊は 議事堂内に戻るよう命じられた
衛兵の就任タスクフォース司令官ジェーン・バークヘッド准将は真夜中にポリティコの声明で確認した部隊はガレージを出て議事堂の建物に戻ったと議事堂警察監視司令官の許可通りに 彼らは今後、奴隷解放ホールの近くで休憩を取ることになります。
"我々は、兵士が飲食をしていない限り、マスクは常に着用しなければならないという厳しい指導を受けている "と衛兵は述べた。
議事堂警察は、木曜日に彼らの休息エリアを移動するように部隊に依頼した、と警備隊のスポークスマンのMaj. Matt Murphyは言った。
"議会が会期中であり、増加した足の交通量とビジネスが行われているので、議事堂警察は、彼らの休息エリアを移動するように部隊に依頼した "とマーフィーは言った。"彼らは一時的に熱とトイレのあるサーグッド・マーシャル司法センターのガレージに移されました。我々は、議事堂とその周辺地域の安全とセキュリティを提供するために、機動的で柔軟性のある部隊であり続けます」とマーフィーは述べた。