ディープステート」国務省は、ペンシルベニア州中部のどこかの冷蔵バンカーに、汚染されていない、つまりワクチンを接種していない血液を備蓄しており、表向きは国家非常事態の際に自分たちに使うためだと、米軍サイバー軍(ARCYBER)関係者がReal Raw Newsに語った。
ディープステートがワクチン接種していない血液を入手することに興味を持ったのは、政権がワクチン接種した血液もワクチン接種していない血液も同じように安全であると断固として主張していたため、軍の好奇心を刺激した。FDAは、"複数回にわたり、ワクチン接種者から提供された血液の安全性に関連する懸念を支持する証拠がないことを確認している "と述べています。
"彼らは国民に嘘を言っている "と、我々の情報源は言った。「なぜなら、ディープステートは、少なくともそのほとんどがワクチン未接種だからです。彼らはワクチン接種を受けたことがないのです。アンソニー・ファウチ、デボラ・ビルクス、フランシス・コリンズがワクチン未接種であることは、逮捕時の検査で確認されています。ディープステートの全組織は、ワクチン汚染物質と無縁でいたいと考えており、それは我々が見た電子メールで証明されています。"
彼は、オットーが1月下旬にHHS長官Xavier Becerraに送ったメールに言及しました。"ご指示の通り、私たちは採取したすべての血液に汚染物質がないことを確認するため、ドナーを厳格に審査しています。しかし、残念ながら、ワクチンの普及が進み、ワクチン未接種のドナーを見つけることが難しくなっています。十分な供給量を確保するために、私たち自身が献血を始めなければならないかもしれません」と、その一部を紹介しています。
ディープステートがワクチン未接種のドナーをどこでどのように隔離しているのか、どの機関(赤十字など)が代理で血液を集めているのかは不明ですし ディープステートがワクチン未接種の愛国者を騙して献血させているかもしれないと思うと恐ろしいですね。
"明確な情報がなければ、干し草の中から針を見つけるようなものだ "と、この情報筋は言っています。「私的な血液バンクを維持することに犯罪性はなく、ほとんどのホワイト・ハット施設がそうであるように、私たちもワクチン未接種のドナーからの血液の余剰を維持しています。しかし、HHS、州、CDC、FDAは二枚舌で、あることを言いながら別のことをしており、その動機は極悪非道である。"
Fetterman, Feinstein Died at Hospitals
By Michael Baxter - March 12, 2023
Two United States senators have recently died in hospitals, said a U.S. Army Cyber Command source who claims his agency intercepted conversations in which Democrat leaders discussed the deaths of Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman and California Senator Dianne Feinstein, who allegedly perished within days of setting foot in hospitals.
Fetterman entered Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in mid-February for clinical depression and hasn’t been seen since, causing critics of the Lurch-like senator to question whether a man of diminished capacity can legislate from the seclusion of a hospital bed. Our source said that if Fetterman’s legislating anything, he’s undertaking it from Hades.
Cyber Command’s belief that Fetterman is dead stems from a February 27 phone call between Chuck Schumer and Senator Gary Peters (D-MI.) in which they discussed ways of imposing novel anti-firearms legislation. Before concluding the call, Peters asked Schumer to “send John my regards when you talk to him,” prompting Schumer to respond, “Hey, he’s gone, but we’re keeping it quiet to avoid a media frenzy until our contingency plan is ready. I thought you were in the loop and knew. He died two days ago, massive f****** heart attack.”
Fetterman had a protracted history of heart ailments. In 2017, he received a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm, and although his cardiologist got him started on a regimen of medication and exercise, Fetterman did not follow through. Fetterman suffered a stroke, one of the direst consequences of AF, on May 13, 2022, and miraculously survived.
When Peters asked Schumer to send his condolences to Gisele, Fetterman’s wife, Schumer chuckled and said, “Her? Hell, she killed him. Not in the direct sense of the word. She cuckolded the poor bastard and made him watch her having sex with other men. She humiliated the s*** out of him, telling him how unusual it was for a 7-foot-tall man to have a 4″ penis. It’s no wonder John was depressed. He had no will to live, and that probably caused his heart to break, literally.”
“How do you know all this?” Peters reportedly asked.
“Oh, we know,” Schumer replied. “She’s shedding no tears and will get a big payout.”
On March 2, wicked, wretched Dianne Feinstein, a six-term senator and the oldest member of Congress at age 89, was admitted to a San Francisco hospital to be treated for shingles, a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters in a localized area. It’s hard to imagine why she, a staunch vaccine advocate, hadn’t been inoculated, unless she was, and the shingles vaccine, like so many other fake shots, was merely a placebo.
According to our source, Cyber Command has a copy of a death certificate that says Feinstein died of a pulmonary embolism at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center on March 4. It was signed by Dr. Christopher Liverman, MD, PhD., San Francisco County’s coroner’s chief medical examiner. Cyber Command authenticated the certificate and Dr. Liverman’s signature.
Moreover, Cyber Command has a video of a dead Feinstein being pushed on a gurney from an operating room to the hospital morgue.
On March 7, the MSM—including Fox News—announced that Feinstein made a miraculous recovery and would soon be back at her post legislating for Democrat values. The MSM declared her “alive and well” not based on physical evidence but on Tweets from her Twitter account.
“Fetterman and Feinstein are dead, and good riddance,” our source said. “But the Deep State will resurrect them through body doubles or clones. I can’t imagine anyone finding a body double for Fetterman; he’s a real mongloid, an aberration. Have you ever seen the movie The Hills Have Eyes? Fetterman looks like one of the ax-wielding maniacs from the movie. The Democrats can’t risk losing seats, and that could happen if their senators suddenly croaked.”
Although California’s Senate seats are secure, Pennsylvania’s are in flux. If Fetterman’s death becomes a matter of public record, Republicans could demand that Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a Deep State stooge, hold a special election to fill the vacuum. Per the 17th Amendment, if a vacancy occurs due to a senator’s death, resignation, or expulsion, the governor can appoint a temporary replacement until a special election occurs.
Fetterman squeaked (cheated his way) past Republican contender Mehmet Oz in the midterms.
“These evil-doers want to keep their dead alive to stop a balance of power. They’ve been using clones and body doubles to fool the world. But their time is ending,” our source said.
We’ve corrected the spelling of Sentator Peters name.
U.S. Army Rangers on Saturday arrested Operation Warp Speed architect Moncef Slaoui, the Moroccan-born pharmaceutical mogul who in May 2020 spearheaded the administration’s efforts to poison 300 million Americans by January 2021, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
Slaoui largely flew under the radar throughout the Plandemic. The media seldom mentioned his name, focusing instead on publicly influential figures like Fauci, Birx, and Collins, articulate public servants who spoke better English. Our source said Slaoui was relegated to media obscurity because the administration thought he looked shady and that Americans wouldn’t trust him.
And Americans would have been right not to trust a man who spent 30 years as GlaxoSmithKline’s head of vaccines department and was working at Moderna when Trump picked him to helm Warp Speed. At the time, Trump called Slaoui “one of the most respected men in the world in the production and, really, on the formulation of vaccines,” but was merely parroting what subordinates Michael Pence, Alex Azar, Admiral Brett Giroir, and Robert Redfield told him. They and others, our source said, were part of a major conspiracy to deceive President Trump into putting Slaoui in charge of OWS.
Slaoui faced criticism for holding $10 million in Moderna stock options and working as an advisor to Brii Biosciences, a firm with sizable Chinese investments. To avoid a conflict of interest, he begrudgingly resigned from those positions, then began working with then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar—who praised Slaoui as “arguably the world’s most experienced and successful vaccine developer”—to hasten Warp Speed.
Our source said that Slaoui, despite resigning from Moderna, continued receiving payouts exceeding $56 million after the FDA granted Moderna emergency-use authorization on December 8, 2020.
However, the military was less interested in Slaoui’s financial motivations than his knowledge that Moderna’s experimental vaccine had killed 34 of 600 Phase II trial participants in June 2020. White Hats, our source said, now have a wealth of evidence—physical and digital documents authored by Slaoui—proving he knew the vaccine caused myocarditis and potentially lethal blood clots but never publicly disclosed that information, even after Trump personally asked him if the shots were truly safe and effective.
“We have a treasure chest of incriminating evidence on Slaoui. This guy was one of the biggest violators of the Plandemic. We got a letter he wrote to Pence, saying he knew vaccines would kill people and that they could blame Trump for pushing Operation Warp Speed on the public. We have tons more that will be made available when he faces a military tribunal and hopefully gets hanged. We had more than enough proof to get him,” our source said.
The arrest, he added, came after Gen. Smith talked with Colonel J.D. Keirsey, a White Hat council member and commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment, the U.S. Army’s premier light infantry unit and special operations force within the United States Army Special Operations Command.
On Saturday morning, Rangers bashed down the door to Slaoui’s 7,500-sq-ft home in Zebulon, North Carolina. One of his three sons, Hussein Mohamad Abdul Slaoui, was present and pulled a pistol on the Rangers. He was shot dead, and the Rangers took Slaoui into custody. He shouted, “sayantaqim li allah,” or “Allah will avenge me,” as the Rangers shoved him into a civilian vehicle.
“We got him. We got the bastard,” our source said. “He’s just one of many. But we’re chipping away at them.”
As an aside, Slaoui was fired from chairman of the board of directors of Galvani Bioelectronics, a subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline, in March 2021 after several young male employees accused him of sexual harassment.
米陸軍レンジャーは土曜日、2020年5月に2021年1月までに3億人のアメリカ人を毒殺するという政権の取り組みの先頭に立ったモロッコ生まれの製薬界の大物、ワープスピード作戦の設計者Moncef Slaouiを逮捕したと、Eric M. Smith将軍の事務所の関係者はReal Raw Newsに語った。
「私たちはスラウイに関する有罪の証拠の宝箱を手に入れたのです。この男はプランデミックの最大の違反者の一人だった。彼がペンスに書いた手紙を入手した。"ワクチンが人を殺すことを知っていて、ワープスピード作戦を国民に押し付けたことをトランプのせいにできる "と。さらに、彼が軍事裁判にかけられ、うまくいけば絞首刑になるであろう、大量の証拠があります。私たちは、彼を逮捕するのに十分すぎるほどの証拠を持っていました」と、この情報筋は述べている。
スミス将軍は、ホワイト・ハット評議会のメンバーで、アメリカ陸軍特殊作戦司令部の中にあるアメリカ陸軍最高の軽歩兵部隊であり特殊作戦部隊である第75レンジャー連隊の司令官であるJ.D. ケアシー大佐と話した後に、この逮捕に至ったと、彼は付け加えた。
土曜日の朝、レンジャーたちはノースカロライナ州ゼブロンにある7,500平方フィートのスラウイの家のドアをぶち壊した。3人の息子の1人、フセイン・モハマド・アブドゥル・スラウイはその場にいて、レンジャーに拳銃を突きつけた。彼は射殺され、レンジャーはスラウイを拘束した。彼は、レンジャーズが彼を民間車両に押し込むと、「sayantaqim li allah」(アラーは私に復讐する)、と叫びました。