公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2024-07-23 11:48:43 | カウンター・グレートリセット
ホワイトハットは、政権の最も悪質な軍事的忠誠者を逮捕した:  チャールズ・Q・ブラウン統合参謀本部議長であり、2024年の大統領選挙でドナルド・トランプが勝利した場合、その大統領を支持しないよう、無数の軍将校に電子メールを送ったバイデン指名の無能な人物である。

勇敢なトランプ大統領が凶悪な暗殺未遂事件から生還した翌日、キャンプ・ペンドルトンのスミス将軍は、ブラウンの公式アドレス "ドットミル "から送られた電子メールを受け取った。CC欄に記載された名前からすると、630人の将校がこの通信を受け取ったことになるが、そのほとんどはブラックハットで、スミス将軍のほかに著名なホワイトハットも2人いた。





「しかし、彼は長い間レーダーに捕らえられていた。 あのメールは反逆罪だ。このピエロ・ブラウンの助言は、ディープ・ステートがウクライナに無限の資金を与えてきた理由の一部でもある。スミス将軍はGITMO行きを早めるときが来たと判断した」。








White Hats have arrested the regime’s most malevolent military loyalist:  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Q. Brown, a feckless Biden appointee who emailed myriad Armed Forces officers instructing them to disavow Donald Trump if he wins the 2024 presidential election.
The day after a valiant President Trump survived a heinous assassination attempt, General Smith at Camp Pendleton received an email sent from Brown’s official dot mil address. Based on the names listed in the CC field, 630 officers received the correspondence, mostly Black Hats but also two prominent White Hats, in addition to Gen. Smith.
“Commander in Chief, President Joe Biden’s terrible debate performance—he was sick with a cold—and Trump unfortunately surviving the bullet have put us in a calamitous situation. He will win in November, and not by a small margin. We’re looking at a repeat of 1984’s Regan landslide—a real Red wave. When that happens, we’re doomed unless we recruit others who value Democracy and the rule of law over chaos and division. If you’re receiving this email, I know you and can count on your backing… I (and many of you) will be fired on Jan 20, 2025, if Trump wins, and the risk of us, collectively, going to GITMO is real. None of us want that one-way trip.”
He then addressed the likelihood of Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democrat nominee.
“By Monday, Kamala Harris will probably be picked to lead us into an era of prosperity, unity, and strength. Should that take place, she has my full support, and she should have yours, too. Let your conscience guide you, not outside influence or existential crises. If Biden withdraws, we must rally behind Harris. If we find her a path to win, she would be our future,” Brown continued.
A source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that General Smith thinks Brown screwed up, accidentally, somehow, adding Smith’s name to the list of recipients—an unfathomable mistake.
“Can’t imagine how he fucked up like that,” our source said, “but he‘s been on the radar a long time.  That email was treason. This clown Brown’s advice is part of the reason the Deep State’s been giving Ukraine limitless money, too. Gen. Smith decided it was time to hasten his trip to GITMO.”
The general and his allies at Joint Special Operations Command began planning Brown’s arrest on July 16. They tasked Delta Force with conducting the operation, which involved grabbing Brown following his appearance at the Aspen Security Forum’s D.C. campus, where Brown and Fox News political correspondent Jennifer Griffin had a warm chat about the United States’ role in worldly affairs last Friday—not long after an allegedly accidental global IT outage affected 8.5 million Windows devices.
While Griffin and a bespectacled, soft-spoken Brown discussed Biden’s competency—Brown answered her questions evasively—Delta was already outside his Arlington, Virginia house probing his security system for weaknesses. As luck had it, the cascading cyber outage had affected Brown’s wireless alarm, allowing Delta unobstructed access to the interior. They had Brown’s unpublished itinerary and knew he would return home Sunday afternoon. And they’d be waiting.
On schedule, Brown pulled into his driveway at approximately 6:00 p.m. Stepping inside, he found himself face-to-face with a trio of Delta Operators whose weapons were pointed at his head and torso. Brown was told he was being placed under arrest for treason and shown a military arrest warrant.
He commanded Delta to stand down, saying that he, the highest-ranking military officer in the country, had been appointed by President Joseph R. Biden and that his authority over all Armed Forces was absolute. His ordinarily calm demeanor turned to belligerence, and he ferociously threatened to court martial Delta for disobeying a superior officer’s direct orders.
His attitude earned him a rifle butt to the head, and he fell unconscious.
He awoke gagged and bound in the back of a van as it headed toward a JAG processing center.
“He’ll soon join his companions at GITMO,” our source said. “His fate will be no different from theirs.”
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