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歴代首相株価 と 来週のトランプ劇場は

2018-09-21 16:16:23 | カウンター・グレートリセット

来週は 通称国連 連合国United Nations General Assembly 総会がある。スパイも見つかったしエージェントの自由な活動を許している国連各委員会の下のNGOに対しても一部の国のエージェントであると言及して来るかもしれない。昨年40分より長くなるのか?

President Trump will address world leaders next Tuesday at the United Nations General Assembly with a speech focused on “protecting U.S. sovereignty” and expanding relations with countries that share similar values, according to U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

By sovereignty, Ms. Haley offered the example of the U.S. decisions to exit the U.N.’s Global Migration Compact and the international Paris Accord, because both agreements imposed mandates on the U.S. that weren’t in line with administration policies.

“The focus will be very much on the United States, what our role is in the world, the relationships we want to continue to build,” Ms. Haley said Thursday. “We really value sovereignty of the country. We think every other country should as well, regardless of who the country is.”
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