以下の言葉は映画ファウンダーの冒頭部、マルチ5軸ミキサーの売上げに行き詰まるレイがホテルの部屋でかけるポジティブ思考啓蒙レコードの言葉であり、この男の本質 ビジネスの本質
レイ・クロック(英語: Ray Kroc, 1902年10月5日 - 1984年1月14日)は、アメリカ合衆国の実業家。正式にはレイモンド・アルバート・クロック(Raymond Albert Kroc)。
After the war, Kroc explored a number of career options, working as a pianist, musical director and real estate salesman. Eventually, he found stability as a salesman for the Lily-Tulip Cup Company, rising to the rank of Midwestern sales manager.
Kroc's business dealings connected him with ice cream shop owner Earl Prince, who invented a machine capable of generating five milkshake batches at the same time.
The first McDonald's restaurant opened by Ray Kroc, later made into a museum in Des Plaines, Illinois, U.S.
By the 1940s, Kroc had left Lily-Tulip to focus on selling these "multi-mixers" to soda fountains around the country.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence,
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius won't unrewarded genius is practically a cliche education.
The world is full of educated assistance and determination alone are all powerful. Show that you don't have to design anything that you can have peace of mind.
And then never ceasing energy. If you assemble each and every day when see these things, the results themselves, obvious to you what it may sound like a magical notion. It is a new era.
The greatest discovery of my generation is
the plan, man is what he thinks about all day long.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
天才は報われない 天才は事実上、陳腐な教育である。
The McDonald brothers retired happily to travel and tend their real estate investments in Palm Springs. Maurice died a few years later and Dick moved back to New Hampshire and married his childhood sweetheart, a pleasant person named Dorothy French, daughter of a Manchester banker. Her first husband had died and Dick and his first wife were divorced, so the reunion was fortunate. I’m told that the marriage has mellowed Dick’s New England crustiness to the point where he now recalls our association as “the finest business relationship we ever had.” I was happy too, except for one part of the deal that stuck in my throat like a fishbone. That was the McDonald brothers’ last minute insistence on retaining their original restaurant in San Bernardino. They were going to have their employees run it for them. What a goddam rotten trick! I needed the income from that store. There wasn’t a better location in the entire state. I screamed like hell about it. But no way. They decided they wanted to keep it, and they were willing to pull the plug on the whole arrangement if they didn’t get it. Eventually I opened a McDonald’s across the street from that store, which they had renamed The Big M, and it ran them out of business. But that episode is why I can’t feel charitable or forgiving toward the McDonald brothers. They went back on their promise, made on a handshake, and forced me into grinding it out, grunting and sweating like a galley slave for every inch of progress in California.
This is gonna be a gas.