Transgender woman is crowned Miss Nevada USA
このページェントの歴史上初めて、トランスジェンダーの女性がミス・ネバダUSAの栄冠を手にしました。Kataluna Enriquezは、日曜日に他の20人の女性を抑えて優勝しました。
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Transgender woman is crowned Miss Nevada USA
By Jenny Goldsberry
Transgender woman is crowned Miss Nevada USA
By Jenny Goldsberry
For the first time in the pageant’s history, a transgender woman snagged the Miss Nevada USA crown. Kataluna Enriquez was the winner over twenty other women on Sunday.
Enriquez is a 27-year-old Filipino American. She also won the Miss Silver State pageant in March according to the Las Vegas Journal. Next, she will compete in the Miss USA pageant on November 29th. Enriquez has been competing in beauty pageants for five years.
She also reportedly made all of her own gowns. “I did not always have money and it’s hard for women to find dresses that fit their bodies,” Miss Nevada USA told the Journal. “Pageantry is so expensive and I wanted to compete and be able to grow and develop skills and create gowns for myself and other people.”
You can follow Jenny Goldsberry on Twitter @jennyjournalism.