
クロスボウで狩るにはかなりの大きさの熊だ。また、エプスは多くの点で非常に印象的な人物である。彼はアメリカ海兵隊に所属し、最終的には海兵隊の軍曹にまで昇進しました。彼の以前の公的な肩書きは「SGT USMC」(Surgant, US Marine Corp)で、プライベートではFacebookでノスタルジックな思いを語っています。
AZ Centralは、「In video, Trump supporter says, 'We need to go into the Capitol'」というオリジナルの見出しでエプスに関する同時期の記事を掲載し、最初に国会議事堂での抗議活動への参加を確認しています。
このことについて尋ねられた彼は、まずThe Republicに対し、ビデオを見る必要があると答えました。そのコメントの記録を読むと、彼は「唯一の意味は、他の人たちと同じようにドアを開けて入るということでした。彼らの入り方は完全に、間違っていました。" [AZ Central].
There is good reason why AG Garland ran from Massie’s question faster than he could find words — and why he couldn’t even keep eye contact as he was dodging Massie’s gaze.
After months of research, Revolver’s investigative reporting team can now reveal that Ray Epps appears to be among the primary orchestrators of the very first breach of the Capitol’s police barricades at 12:50pm on January 6. Epps appears to have led the “breach team” that committed the very first illegal acts on that fateful day. What’s more, Epps and his “breach team” did all their dirty work with 10 minutes still remaining in President Trump’s National Mall speech, and with the vast majority of Trump supporters still 30 minutes away from the Capitol.
Secondly, Revolver also determined, and will prove below, that the the FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1, just one day after Revolver exposed the inexplicable and puzzlesome FBI protection of known Epps associate and Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. July 1 was also just one day after separate New York Times report amplified a glaring, falsifiable lie about Epps’s role in the events of January 6.
Lastly, Ray Epps appears to have worked alongside several individuals — many of them suspiciously unindicted — to carry out a breach of the police barricades that induced a subsequent flood of unsuspecting MAGA protesters to unwittingly trespass on Capitol restricted grounds and place themselves in legal jeopardy.
Corroborating Ray Epps’s Identity
Identifying the individual in Thomas Massie’s video as Ray Epps was a surprisingly quick and easy task for the Internet.
It took less than a week after January 6 for online researchers to track down Epps down and confirm his identity. Researchers uncovered his personal Facebook profile, where Epps shared his life story on Mark Zuckerberg’s social media app, under his real name.
On Facebook, Epps posted photos of himself boating, on horseback, and bear-hunting with a crossbow.
hat’s a pretty big bear to hunt with a crossbow. And in many respects, Epps is quite an impressive figure. He served in the US Marines and ultimately worked his way up to full Marine Sergeant, according to his previous public title “SGT USMC” (Sergeant, US Marine Corp) and his private Facebook nostalgic musings.
Researchers went on to locate Epps’s ranch in Arizona, his events business, his private holding company, along with every publicly discoverable record imaginable. They even found his Facebook likes, religious affiliation, and preferred insurance agents and plumbing services, which we’ll avoid reporting in the interest of sparing unnecessary private details.
Epps, who grew up in Arizona and still lives there today, was contacted directly by local newspaper Arizona Central on January 11 — less than a week after January 6, and just three days after Epps was added to the FBI Most Wanted list, a detail upon which we will elaborate later on in this report.
AZ Central, which published its contemporaneous article on Epps under the original headline, In video, Trump supporter says, ‘We need to go into the Capitol’, first confirms his attendance at the Capitol protest:
A Queen Creek man who acknowledges he was in Washington, D.C., for last week’s rally by President Donald Trump also appears to be shown in videos taken the night before talking about plans to go inside the U.S. Capitol.
In one video that has been widely viewed on Twitter, he can be heard saying, “I don’t even like to say it because I’ll be arrested. I’ll say it. We need to go into the Capitol.”
Ray Epps told The Arizona Republic in a brief telephone interview Monday that he had traveled to the capital for the event, and that he had been advised by an attorney not to speak about it.
“I think the truth needs to get out,” he said.
A video online appears to show him saying, “We’re here to defend the Constitution” and “We need to go into the Capitol.
Epps didn’t stop at simply confirming his presence at the Capitol. Epps effectively corroborated on record that he was the exact same man telling Trump supporters they needed to go inside the Capitol.
Asked about it, he first told The Republic he would need to see the video. When read a transcript of the comments, he said, “The only thing that meant is we would go in the doors like everyone else. It was totally, totally wrong the way they went in.” [AZ Central]
The video below compiles shortened versions of five separate exchanges apparently involving Epps at various hours during the night of January 5 and afternoon of January 6.
<iframe class="rumble" src="https://rumble.com/embed/vllafl/?pub=tdek7" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
As you process the video above and the information to follow, it is important to keep in mind: Ray Epps is a free man. He has never been arrested or charged. Nearly 10 months after January 6, the FBI and Justice Department still refuse to comment on whether Epps has ever been served a search warrant.
But we do know that at least rank-and-file FBI investigators were intensely interested in Ray Epps in the immediate aftermath of January 6.
By January 8, the FBI Capitol Violence Most Wanted List featured a big fat friendly face shot of Ray Epps. The FBI’s Washington Field Office, in a tweet the same day, called for the public’s help in identifying Epps. Epps, dressed in full camo with a bright red “Trump” hat, is the FBI’s “Suspect 16” in the bottom-left quadrant of both images reproduced below: