Biden Hires Crisis Actors to Portray U.S. Marines
"あれは絶対に本物の海兵隊員ではない "と、我々の情報筋は言った。"完全に詐欺だ。危機感を持った役者だ"
余談だが、バイデンが2021年2月9日、CNNの小児性愛者アンダーソン・クーパーが主催するタウンホール会議に参加するために、ウィスコンシン州ミルウォーキーに向かうために、大統領が搭乗するときはエアフォース・ワンというコールサインを持つボーイング747を改造したVC25に初めて搭乗しようとしたとき、同様の事態が起こったのだ。しかし、米空軍は、"本物の大統領ではない "と言って、彼のアクセスを拒否した。バイデンの(ディープな)国務省は、この自明の不公平感を改善するために、ドイツの空母ルフトハンザから退役した747を購入し、VC-25を模して青と白に塗り直し、機体にUnited States of Americaと刻み込んだのだ。彼は、1週間後に再塗装が完了するまで、タウンホールを延期した。
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The criminal Biden regime employed actors to portray Marine guards during the illegitimate president’s hellish speech Thursday night, a source in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.
Standing before an ominous backdrop and basking in the glow of crimson lights the color of blood, Biden (or his body double) delivered the most divisive speech in the history of politics and made clear he was declaring war on the tens of millions of Americans who support the Make America Great Again ideology.
Flanking him were what appeared to be two squared away Marine Sentries. They stood motionless, eyes forward, as a raging Biden vilified and demonized President Trump, his supporters, an MAGA adherents from coast to coast. But the men in uniform, our source said, were not Marines at all. They were imposters.
According to him, the entirety of the Corps renounced Biden as a fake president after the White Hat coalition firmly established that he had indeed stolen the 2020 presidential election. Since then, the Corps, under Gen. Berger’s orders, has waged a war of attrition against Biden and his Deep State cabal.
“Those were absolutely not real Marines,” our source said. “Total fraud. Crisis actors.”
Following Biden’s remonstrative screed against MAGA, U.S. Marine Corps Cyberspace Command tried without success to verify the identities of Biden’s sentries.
“I can’t go into methods, but those men were not Marines. Someone in Biden’s camp hired people to play Marines,” our source said. “I can say Gen. Berger is fuming mad. He’s called this an affront to the Corps, and blatant stolen valor. Only true and honorable Marines who have been through Parris Island or MRCD San Diego get to wear that uniform,” our source said.
Thursday night’s charade was not an isolated incident. Biden has since the start of his stolen presidency been seen in the company of so-called Marines many times. Our source said these were all fakes, for no true Marine would dishonor himself by being seen anywhere near the faux president.
As an aside, a comparable situation occurred when Biden first attempted to board a VC-25, a modified Boeing 747 that bears the call sign Air Force One when POTUS is aboard, on February 9, 2021, for a trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he was scheduled to participate in a townhall meeting hosted by CNN pedophile Anderson Cooper. The U.S. Airforce, though, denied him access, saying he was “not a real president.” To remedy this self-perceived inequity, Biden’s (Deep) state department purchased a retired 747 from German aircraft carrier Lufthansa and repainted it to mimic the look of a VC-25, blue and white with United States of America etched on the fuselage. He postponed the town hall until the repaint was completed a week later.
“The fraud going on here is unlike anything this country’s ever seen. They’ve gone too far now, and it will unravel. If it makes a difference, only time will tell,” our source said.
Edit: Corrected story to correctly indicate that Lufthansa is a carrier, not a manufacturer.
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