公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-11-13 15:35:00 | 経済指標(物流と金融)


公金のマネロン やることがまさかの大きさというところがコンフィデンスマンの真骨頂である。

* The Big Con



Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of crypto exchange company FTX, and the second biggest donor to the Democrat party, is in hot water as his company is in financial freefall with over $1 billion missing.

According to Fortune, "30-year-old Bankman-Fried has been a major force in Democratic politics, ranking as the party’s second-biggest individual donor in the 2021–2022 election cycle."

暗号交換会社FTXのCEOで、民主党への2番目に大きな献金者であるSam Bankman-Friedは、彼の会社が10億ドル以上の欠損で財務的に暴落しているので、ホットな状態になっています。


Gateway Pundit

Did you ever wonder where all those billions of dollars were going in Ukraine? Did you ever wonder why anyone was trusting the elites in US politics like the Bidens with billions in funds going to Ukraine? Today it turns out that these were excellent questions.

We have information that the tens of billions of dollars going to Ukraine were actually laundered back to the US to corrupt Democrats and elites using FTX cryptocurrency. Now the money is gone and FTX is bankrupt. Earlier today we reported that the FTX cryptocurrency appeared to be used in a ponzi scheme involving the Democrats and Ukraine. The word is now out. The Democrats sent tens of billions to Ukraine and then laundered this money back to Democrat pockets and funds in the US. Now the company is bankrupt and the funds are nowhere to be found.

This information was shared on Twitter and we can confirm from our sources that this is accurate.

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