公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2016-05-18 03:05:47 | 日記

『苫米地氏によると、電通はわざわざスイスの銀行口座を経由し、バージン諸島に「DENTSU SECURITIES INC」という会社を設立しているそうだ。苫米地氏は電通について「かなり意図的にやっています」と指摘。他にも「DENTSU INC」で調べると、電通の所在地である東京都東新橋がデータとして出てくるといい、「電通さん、これ、風評被害というのはかなり厳しいと思います」と電通側の主張に異議を唱えた。』 さてMXTVを徹底的に無視するのか、圧力かけて出演停止にするのか、それがれば訴訟に及ぶ可能性もありの展開。


苫米地英人. 自伝 ドクター苫米地「脳の履歴書」 (p.104). Kindle 版. 


苫米地英人. 自伝 ドクター苫米地「脳の履歴書」 (p.104). Kindle 版. 

One of the most memorable events during the president's overseas trip was a visit to the home of former UN Secretary-General Waldheim. Mr. Waldheim was the Secretary-General of the United Nations during the Cold War era, but after leaving the UN due to the problems caused by his Nazi Party membership prior to World War II, he was President of Austria at the time. Jotaro Takamoto, then president, current president Tadashi Kimura, and I visited him, and I was very surprised by the greeting that Mr. Waldheim uttered at that time. I was very surprised by Waldheim's greeting: "I look forward to working with you in the next war.

Afterwards, the three of us discussed what he meant by that line, but I still don't know what he really meant. Did he misunderstand that it was Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which developed the Zero fighter in World War II, or did he correctly understand that the Mitsubishi Estate was the former headquarters of the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu conglomerate? However, Mr. Waldheim is a descendant of the Habsburgs, the most prestigious royal family in Europe, so perhaps he was speaking as a member of a European royal family. As he had served as the Secretary General of the United Nations for a long time, the living room of Waldheim's residence was decorated with two-shot photos of him with successive heads of state, and there was also a photo of Emperor Showa signing his autograph in English in his handwriting. I remember well that he had signed his name "HIROHITO" in romaji The

Hideto Tomabechi. Jiben Dr. Tomabechi "Resume of the Brain" (p.104). Kindle edition. 

Kurt Josef Waldheim (German: [ˈkʰʊɐ̯t ˈvalthaɪm] (audio speaker iconlisten); 21 December 1918 – 14 June 2007) was an Austrian politician and diplomat. Waldheim was the fourth Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1972 to 1981, and President of Austria from 1986 to 1992. While he was running for the latter office in the 1986 election, the revelation of his service in Greece and Yugoslavia, as an intelligence officer in Nazi Germany's Wehrmacht during World War II, raised international controversy.

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