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2021-08-20 09:39:00 | 偽ホワイトハウス POTUS

「バイデンが違法行為を行った場合、我々は弾劾に踏み切るだろう」とマッカーシーはFox Newsに語った。「しかし、政治的な目的のために弾劾を動かすつもりはありません」。


After admitting that “the Democrats used impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy emphasized that Republicans “think impeachment is so serious it should only be taken” in extreme cases.

“If Biden takes an illegal action, we would move impeachment,” McCarthy told Fox News. “But we’re not going to move impeachment for political purposes.”





The Senate acquitted.

But thus far in his term, Biden has ignored federal immigration laws and in fact has made it increasingly easy for our country’s territorial boundaries to be breached.

He has ignored a Supreme Court ruling that said the Executive Branch doesn’t have the authority to issue eviction moratoriums.

And his pull-out from Afghanistan has become an unmitigated disaster, with thousands of Americans trapped behind Taliban forces that have ringed the airport in Kabul.


ABC accused of cutting unflattering portions of Biden’s interview
Emily Crane

President Biden said he is sure Beau "had regrets comin' out of Afghanistan" -- before correcting himself, saying, "I mean Iraq." Abc News/ZUMA Press Wire
ABC is being called out for editing out portions of President Biden’s interview on the deadly chaos in Afghanistan where he made gaffes about his son Beau — the network included the lines in the transcript, but did not put them on air.

A day after Biden’s interview with George Stephanopoulos aired on Wednesday, ABC published the full transcript online.

Sections of the interview revealed in the full transcript, including a part where Biden mistakenly said his late son Beau served in Iraq with the Navy instead of the Army, and in Afghanistan, where he wasn’t deployed, were omitted from airing.

Asked to respond to a veteran saying he wished the US could have left Afghanistan with honor, Biden said: “Look, that’s like askin’ my deceased son Beau, who spent six months in Kosovo and a year in Iraq as a Navy captain and then major – I mean, as an Army major. And, you know, I’m sure he had regrets comin’ out of Afghanistan– I mean, out of Iraq.

Afghan refugees gather at the Iran-Afghanistan border in Sistan-Blochestan province, Iran, on August 16, 2021.
Afghan refugees gather at the Iran-Afghanistan border in Sistan-Blochestan province, Iran, on August 16, 2021.
“He had regrets to what’s– how– how it’s going. But the idea– what’s the alternative? The alternative is why are we staying in Afghanistan? Why are we there? Don’t you think that the one– you know who’s most disappointed in us getting out? Russia and China.”

Beau was deployed to Iraq for a year in 2009 with the US Army Delaware Army National Guard.

Republican lawmakers are now demanding the ABC release the full footage of Biden’s interview.

ABC is accused of removing parts of its interview with President Joe Biden Biden where he mistakenly said his late son Beau served in Iraq with the Navy instead of the Army.
ABC is accused of removing parts of its interview with President Joe Biden Biden where he mistakenly said his late son Beau served in Iraq with the Navy instead of the Army.
Abc News/ZUMA Press Wire
Rep. Jim Banks, who is an Afghanistan veteran, tweeted: “@abc should release the tape now! American lives are at stake. America deserves to know if their Commander in Chief is up for the job.”

Fox News Tucker Carlson led the criticism against the ABC and Biden, accusing the outlet of editing the interview to avoid making the president seem “incoherent and confused.”

“Toward the end of his interview with ABC there was a telling exchange. That exchange was never broadcast on camera,” Carlson during his show on Thursday.

Taliban fighters patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan, on August 19, 2021.
Taliban fighters patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan, on August 19, 2021.
AP/Rahmat Gul
“Now television networks edit interviews very often for time. But ABC News appears to have edited out portions that made Joe Biden look – how to put it. Not presidential. Incoherent. Confused.”

Others on Twitter said it was “suspicious” ABC had released a small section of the interview and accused the network of “intentionally hiding” that Biden wasn’t competent.

Biden also made some inaccurate claims that were aired during his interview.

When he was asked about the “pandemonium” outside Kabul airport in recent days, Biden claimed during the interview – filmed on Wednesday afternoon – that “no one’s being killed right now.”

Officials said on Monday there had been five deaths amid the chaos at Kabul’s airport when thousands of Afghans rushed onto the tarmac to try and board US military planes. The officials updated that figure to 12 deaths on Thursday.

The deaths near Kabul airport were caused by stampedes of people trying to get to the airport or by gunshots fired in the area, a Taliban official told Reuters. At least two – including an ex-soccer player – plunged to their deaths mid-air after clinging to a US military plane when it took off.

Biden also appeared to inflate troop numbers in Afghanistan but deflate the number of troops in Syria during the interview, according to the Washington Post.

The president referenced the 300,000 Afghan troops the US had been training but a 2021 report from the International Institute of Strategic Studies found Afghanistan has an active force of 178,800.

A Taliban fighter walks past a beauty salon with images of women defaced with spray paint in Kabul, Afghanistan.
A Taliban fighter walks past a beauty salon with images of women defaced with spray paint in Kabul, Afghanistan.
WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP via Getty Images
Biden also suggested there was no US military presence in Syria.

A senior Biden administration officials told Politico last month that there were 900 troops stationed in Syria — and that figure was unlikely to change.


バイデン大統領は、ボーが「アフガニスタンから出てきたことを後悔している」と確信していると語ったが、その後「イラクのことだ」と訂正した。Abc News/ZUMA Press Wire







Abc News/ZUMA Press Wire
アフガニスタンの退役軍人であるジム・バンクス議員は、こうツイートしました。"@abcは今すぐテープを公開すべきだ! アメリカ人の命がかかっている。アメリカ人の命がかかっている。アメリカは、最高司令官が仕事に適しているかどうかを知るべきだ」とツイートしました。



AP/Rahmat Gul








WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP via Getty Images


As Kabul fell to the Taliban, the puppet Biden regime experienced its worse crisis to date: How to contend with a U.S. military that had largely divorced itself from a criminal U.S. government masquerading as a legitimate government body. And when Biden—or the actor portraying him—sought Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s advice in matters involving the deteriorating crisis in Afghanistan, a powerless Austin conceded he had no control over the military and no answer on how to exfiltrate American citizens trapped behind enemy lines.
“Oh, well, fuck them. If they die, we’ll blame Trump,” Biden said of Americans trapped in Afghanistan.
The ubiquitous “blame Trump” trope is an excuse the Deep State employs whenever it sees diminishing returns on its stranglehold on the citizenry. And Biden’s failure to safeguard American lives drew sharp criticism from his media and political allies, so much so that Nancy Pelosi has begged Democratic lawmakers to “stand behind Biden,” to prevent an exodus of Deep State support.
As the Taliban retook province after province and American dominance in the region waned, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reached out to his most recent nemesis, Marine Corps General and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff David H. Berger, pleading for military support in evacuating endangered Americans.
“You don’t care about Americans. All you care about is saving face and protecting your handlers. You sold your soul, but you know what, we, the real Americans, will not let our brethren die. We’ve already made plans to get our people home. Not because of you and certainly not because of Biden. But because we care for American lives,” Gen. Berger reportedly lambasted Austin, according to a confidential source in the general’s office.
“America will thank you,” Austin replied.
“Don’t pretend to represent America. You’re concerned with popularity; I’m concerned with saving lives,” Gen. Berger replied.
It was Berger and other Joint Chiefs of Staff who orchestrated the deployment of 6,000 troops to protect American lives, our source said.
But team Biden, upon learning of the military’s plan, quickly took credit, pretending as if he and his criminal cadre had mustered military support.
“He really didn’t give two shits about American lives until he realized his approval rating would drop as quickly as Harris’ is. We know that he was ready to throw in the towel and let any dead Americans be counted as collateral damage. We have Trump and the military to thank for saving American lives, not Biden, not his people,” our source said.
Note: When this website uses the name “Biden,” it is not necessarily referring to the real Joseph R. Biden, as many body doubles and actors, including Arthur Roberts, have portrayed him in public and on national television.
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カブールがタリバンに占領されたとき、傀儡のバイデン政権はこれまでで最悪の危機を経験した。それは、正統な政府機関を装った犯罪的な米国政府からほとんど切り離された米軍にどう対処するかということだった。 また、バイデン(彼を演じた俳優)が、悪化するアフガニスタンの危機に関してロイド・オースティン国防長官に助言を求めたところ、無力なオースティンは、軍をコントロールすることはできず、敵陣に閉じ込められたアメリカ市民を脱出させる方法についても答えられないと認めた。
注:本サイトで「バイデン」という名前を使用する場合、アーサー・ロバーツを含む多くのボディダブ ルや俳優が公の場やテレビで彼を演じているため、必ずしも本物のジョセフ・R・バイデンを指しているわけではありません。


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