Gregg Jarrett1 日前
証言が進むにつれて、FBIに蔓延する悪意、堕落、腐敗についてさらに多くのことが明らかになることが予想されます。ご期待ください。 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。
The FBI Put A $1 Million Bounty On Trump As The Bureau Sought To Frame Him
Gregg Jarrett1 day ago
An FBI analyst dropped a bombshell in a Virginia federal courtroom Tuesday: the FBI secretly offered Christopher Steele $1 million if the ex-British spy could only corroborate his phony dossier that accused Trump of colluding with Russia.
Think about that. James Comey and his crooked cronies at the bureau were so desperate to topple Trump that they put the equivalent of a a taxpayer-funded bounty on the president’s head to frame him. Bring us the evidence, and we’ll make you rich!
The stunning revelation came on the first day of the criminal trial of Igor Danchenko who is charged by special counsel John Durham of lying to the FBI about the dossier.
Of course, Steele could not possibly prove any of his dossier because it was pure fiction —totally made up. And the FBI knew it almost from the outset because Steele’s primary source told them so. Early on, Danchenko confessed to the FBI that the document was utterly bogus. He admitted to agents that it was nothing more than a devious composition of rumors, innuendo, multiple hearsay, and outright lies.
Declassified documents show that the entire collusion smear was invented by Hillary Clinton herself in the summer of 2016 and funded by her campaign. Independently, the agency had already debunked it but told no one.
The falsity of the dossier didn’t stop the FBI from exploiting it to go after Trump with a vengeance. The fraudulent document fueled the FBI’s dishonest investigation against the president. The bureau also used the dossier to lie to FISA court judges to gain intrusive and lawless warrants to spy on Trump associate, Carter Page.
Comey, Andrew McCabe and others assured the court under oath that the dossier was credible and that Steele was reliable when they knew that both were untrue. Indeed, Steele had been fired from the FBI payroll for lying, but that vital fact was carefully concealed from the court.
Steele wasn’t the only one the FBI was funneling money to. Danchenko was also a paid informant for the bureau to drum up evidence against Trump, even though the Russian national was considered to be a counter-intelligence threat. Again, Comey’s machinations demonstrates just how frantic top officials at the FBI were to bring down Trump —doling out large sums of taxpayer money to nefarious people to support their spurious case against him.
The mainstream media that convicted Trump in the court of public opinion for more than two years are still serving up a goulash of lies. On NBC News Tuesday, a reporter told viewers that the FBI never used the dossier in the Trump probe. That is utterly untrue, as demonstrated by the FBI’s own records that have been made public. So, don’t expect truth, accuracy, and fairness from the Trump-hating media in its coverage of the Danchenko trial.
As the testimony unfolds we can expect to learn even more about the malevolence, depravity, and corruption that has infected the FBI. Stay tuned.
The FBI Put A $1 Million Bounty On Trump As The Bureau Sought To Frame Him
An FBI analyst dropped a bombshell in a Virginia federal courtroom Tuesday: the FBI secretly offered Christopher Steele $1 million if the ex-British spy could only corroborate his phony dossier that accused Trump of colluding with Russia.
Think about that. James Comey and his crooked cronies at the bureau were so desperate to topple Trump that they put the equivalent of a a taxpayer-funded bounty on the president’s head to frame him. Bring us the evidence, and we’ll make you rich!
The stunning revelation came on the first day of the criminal trial of Igor Danchenko who is charged by special counsel John Durham of lying to the FBI about the dossier.
Of course, Steele could not possibly prove any of his dossier because it was pure fiction —totally made up. And the FBI knew it almost from the outset because Steele’s primary source told them so. Early on, Danchenko confessed to the FBI that the document was utterly bogus. He admitted to agents that it was nothing more than a devious composition of rumors, innuendo, multiple hearsay, and outright lies.
Declassified documents show that the entire collusion smear was invented by Hillary Clinton herself in the summer of 2016 and funded by her campaign. Independently, the agency had already debunked it but told no one.
The falsity of the dossier didn’t stop the FBI from exploiting it to go after Trump with a vengeance. The fraudulent document fueled the FBI’s dishonest investigation against the president. The bureau also used the dossier to lie to FISA court judges to gain intrusive and lawless warrants to spy on Trump associate, Carter Page.
Comey, Andrew McCabe and others assured the court under oath that the dossier was credible and that Steele was reliable when they knew that both were untrue. Indeed, Steele had been fired from the FBI payroll for lying, but that vital fact was carefully concealed from the court.
Steele wasn’t the only one the FBI was funneling money to. Danchenko was also a paid informant for the bureau to drum up evidence against Trump, even though the Russian national was considered to be a counter-intelligence threat. Again, Comey’s machinations demonstration just how frantic top officials at the FBI were to bring down Trump —doling out large sums of taxpayer money to nefarious people to support their spurious case against him.
The mainstream media that convicted Trump in the court of public opinion for more than two years are still serving up a goulash of lies. On NBC News Tuesday, a reporter told viewers that the FBI never used the dossier in the Trump probe. That is utterly untrue, as demonstrated by the FBI’s own records that have been made public. So, don’t expect truth, accuracy, and fairness from the Trump-hating media in its coverage of the Danchenko trial.
As the testimony unfolds we can expect to learn even more about the malevolence, depravity, and corruption that has infected the FBI. Stay tuned.
Gregg Jarrett5 分前
考えてみてください。 ジェームズ・コミーと彼の不正な取り巻きは、トランプを倒そうと必死で、大統領をはめるために、税金で賄われた懸賞金と同等のものを大統領の頭にかけたのだ。 証拠を持ってくれば、金持ちにしてやるぞ!」と。
もちろん、スティールが作成した一件書類の内容は、まったくの作り話であり、証明することは不可能だった。 そしてFBIは、スティールの主要な情報源がそう語ったので、ほとんど最初からそれを知っていたのである。 ダンチェンコは早い段階で、この文書が全くのでっち上げであることをFBIに告白した。 彼は捜査官に、この文書は噂、当てこすり、複数の伝聞、そして全くの嘘を巧妙に組み合わせたものに過ぎないことを認めた。
機密解除された文書によると、共謀中傷はすべて2016年夏にヒラリー・クリントン自身が考案し、彼女の選挙運動が資金を提供したものであることがわかった。 独立した機関では、すでにそれを論破していたが、誰にも伝えていなかった。
文書が虚偽であっても、FBIはそれを悪用してトランプを執拗に追いかけることを止めなかった。 この不正文書は、FBIの大統領に対する不誠実な捜査を煽った。 FBIはまた、FISA裁判所の裁判官に嘘をつき、トランプ大統領の仲間であるカーター・ペイジをスパイするための押し付けがましい無法な令状を得るために、この文書を使っていた。
コミー、アンドリュー・マッケイブらは、どちらも真実でないことを知っていたのに、宣誓のもとに、文書が信用でき、スティールが信頼できると裁判所に断言した。 実際、スティールは嘘をついたとしてFBIを解雇されていたが、その重大な事実は法廷では慎重に隠蔽された。
FBIが資金を流していたのは、スティールだけではありません。 ダンチェンコもまた、ロシア人が防諜上の脅威とみなされていたにもかかわらず、トランプに不利な証拠を集めるためにFBIの情報提供者として金をもらっていた。 繰り返すが、コミー氏の策略は、FBIのトップがいかにトランプ氏を陥れようと必死であったか、つまり、トランプ氏に不利な偽証を裏付けるために、多額の税金を悪意のある人物に流していたことを示すものである。
2年以上にわたって世論の法廷でトランプを有罪にした主流メディアは、いまだに嘘の塊のようなものを提供している。 火曜日にNBCニュースで、レポーターが視聴者に、FBIはトランプ捜査で一件書類を使ったことはないと言った。 これは、公開されているFBI自身の記録で証明されているように、まったく真実ではない。 だから、トランプ嫌いのメディアがダンチェンコ裁判の報道で真実、正確さ、公正さを期待してはいけない。
証言が進むにつれて、FBIに蔓延する悪意、堕落、腐敗についてさらに多くのことが明らかになることが予想されます。 ご期待ください。