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2023-05-06 05:10:00 | あらかじめ決められた空白

50兆ドルは何のため?ケネディ、バイデン気候変動学者を呆れさせる 「カーボンニュートラル」をめぐって激しい応酬を展開


ケネディが、タークのいう「専門家」の何人かが50兆ドルという見積もりが正しいかどうかを尋ねると、タークは首をかしげ、"何兆ドルもかかるのは間違いない "と言った。

"アメリカ合衆国で2050年までにカーボンニュートラルになるために50兆ドル使うとして、それで世界の気温をどれだけ下げられるのか?"とケネディが聞いた会話は続いた(書き起こし via the Daily Caller)。









そして、完全にあきれ果てたタークは、"私の心の中では、米国がリードしない限り、気候変動に対して世界が行動を共にすることはありえない "と言うのです。


$50 Trillion For What? Kennedy Dumbfounds Biden Climate Peddler In Fiery Exchange Over 'Carbon Neutrality'

Biden Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk highlighted the absurdity of the climate grift this week during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, when Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) couldn't get a straight answer out of him over the cost of going 'carbon neutral.'

In a tense exchange, Kennedy repeatedly attempted to get Turk to give a straightforward answer to just how much American taxpayers will have to pay to achieve the Biden administration's goal of reaching US carbon neutrality by 2050.

When Kennedy asked whether some of the "experts" Turk referred to earlier were correct in a $50 trillion estimate, Turk nodded his head, and said "It’s gonna cost trillions of dollars, there’s no doubt about it."

"f we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?" Kennedy replied. The conversation continued (transcription via the Daily Caller)

Turk: “So, every country around the world needs to get its act together. Our emissions are about 13% of global emissions right now…”

Kennedy: “Yeah, but if you could answer my question. If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral in the U.S. by 2050, you’re the Deputy Secretary of Energy, give me your estimate of how much that is going to reduce world temperatures.”

Turk: “So, first of all, it’s a net cost. It’s what, um, benefits we’re having from getting our act together and reducing all of those costs and climate benefits…”

Kennedy: “Let me ask you. Maybe I’m not being clear. If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?”

Turk: “This is a global problem, so we need to reduce our emissions and we need to do everything to, uh…”

Kennedy: “How much of we do our part is it going to reduce global temperatures?”

Turk: “So, we’re 13% of global emissions…”

Kennedy: “You don’t know, do you? You don’t know, do you?”

A fully flabbergasted Turk then says "In my heart of hearts, there is no way the world gets its act together on climate change unless the U.S. leads."

Watch (with full exchange here):

As energy expert David Blackmon writes in the Daily Caller;

And there we have it. Americans are being asked to accept the force-feeding of an incredibly radical set of policies with a price tag that is unprecedented in global history to achieve a “carbon neutrality” goal, whose benefits are so nebulous, negligible and wholly reliant on the cooperative actions of other countries beyond U.S. control that they cannot be measured in any reliable way.

Instead, we are being told by senior political appointees forcing those policies into being that we should simply trust them because they think it is the right thing to do in their “heart of hearts.”

This is madness. For some context, $50 trillion is an amount that exceeds the gross domestic product of the U.S., China, India, Germany and Japan, combined. It is a number that drastically exceeds total U.S. national debt. It is more than 135 times the $369 billion in green energy subsidies contained in last year’s Orwellian-named Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

That is five new IRAs each year for the next 27 years. Madness.

Madness indeed.

エネルギーの専門家であるDavid BlackmonがDaily Callerに書いている通りです;






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