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'Kiss of Shiraz' Goes Viral

2022-11-17 19:41:34 | イランおよびトルコ シリア

'Kiss of Shiraz' Goes Viral as Iranian Regime Continues Brutal Crackdown on Protesters

イラン政権がデモ参加者への残忍な弾圧を続ける中、「Kiss of Shiraz」が大流行
By Bob Hoge|2022年11月17日 12:00 AM



イランの人々は、9月に起きたクルド人出身の22歳の女性、マハサ・アミニの死を非難するために街頭に出ていた。彼女は、スカーフをきちんと被っていなかったためにイランの刑務所に入れられ、3日後に死亡している。彼女は殴られた形跡があったという。同僚のNick Aramaは、10月の抗議行動と、反響に直面することを承知で自らをさらけ出した人々の信じられないほどの勇気について述べている。



「ノルウェーに本拠を置くイランの人権団体のディレクター、Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddamは、AFP通信に次のように語っています。

少なくとも21人が、有罪になれば死刑になる罪に問われている。その罪状には、"神への敵意 "や "地上の堕落 "といったものが含まれている。イランはイスラム教の法制度であるシャリア法の下で運営されており、コーランから派生しています。



Radio Free Europe/Radio Libertyのビデオで、デモの一部とイラン当局の残忍な対応を見ることができます。警告:いくつかの画像は生々しいです。 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。


By Bob Hoge | 12:00 AM on November 17, 2022

It’s a simple photo of a man and a woman kissing on a busy street Tuesday evening in Shiraz, Iran. Although the identity of the photographer is not known, the snap has gone viral on social media around the world because it shows the enduring desire for freedom in a country ruled by autocratic zealots.

Kissing in public is prohibited in Iran, you see, and she’s not wearing a hijab. But that didn’t stop these brave two romantics:

Iranians have been taking to the streets for months now to decry the September death of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old woman of Kurdish origin who perished in an Iranian prison three days after being hauled in for not wearing her headscarf properly. There were reportedly signs that she’d been beaten. My colleague Nick Arama described the protests in October and the incredible bravery of those putting themselves out there, knowing they would face repercussions.

Those protests continue:

Iran’s ruling mullahs have reacted with predictable savagery, rounding up thousands of protesters and sentencing some to death after quick show trials. The BBC reports that at least five death sentences have already been handed down, and the “guilty” have little recourse:

“Protesters don’t have access to lawyers in the interrogation phase, they are subjected to physical and mental torture to give false confessions, and sentenced based on the confessions,” the director of Norway-based Iran Human Rights, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, told AFP news agency.

At least 21 others have been hit with charges that will result in the death penalty if convictions are achieved. The charges include things like “enmity against God” and “corruption on Earth.” Iran operates under Sharia law, which is Islam’s legal system and is derived from the Quran.

In an odd twist, many outlets including ours covered a story concerning a Newsweek claim that 15,000 people had already been sentenced to death. The claim went viral after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other celebrities tweeted about it, but on Wednesday it turns out that’s the number who have been arrested, not given the death penalty.

At least 348 people have been killed in the protests, and a staggering 15,900 arrested. The regime not surprisingly blames “America and the Zionist regime” for the uprisings.

Here’s a video from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty that shows some of the demonstrations and the brutal response from Iranian authorities. Warning: some of the images are graphic.

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