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2024-08-26 06:23:00 | グレートリセット



ジョセフ・S・ナイ・ジュニア(Joseph S. Nye Jr.)は、アメリカの政治学者で、ハーバード大学ジョン・F・ケネディ行政大学院の前学長。




著書『ソフト・パワー:世界政治における成功の手段』(2004年)に登場するソフト・パワー理論のパイオニア。他にも著書がある: Understanding International Conflict』(2004年第5版)、『The Power Game』(2004年)など The Power Game:A Washington Novel』(2004年)、『 The Powers to Lead』(2008年)、『The Future of Power』(2011年)などがある。


ザック・クーパー(American Enterprise Institute(AEI)シニアフェロー)3
ウェンディ・クーパー(アジア・ソサエティ政策研究所 副所長)
マチュー・P・グッドマン(外交問題評議会(Council on Foreign Relations(CRF)国際経済政策特別フェロー)
Joseph Nye
Member of BGF's Board of Thinkers
Joseph S. Nye Jr., is an American political scientist  and former Dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard Univesity.He currently holds the position of  University Distinguished […]
Joseph S. Nye Jr., is an American political scientist  and former Dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard Univesity.He currently holds the position of  University Distinguished Service Professor.
He received his bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from Princeton University, did postgraduate work at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship, and earned a PhD in political science from Harvard.
He has served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Chair of the National Intelligence Council, and Deputy Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science and Technology. Besides, he is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, The British Academy, and a member of the American Academy of Diplomacy.
The 2011 TRIP survey of over 1700 international relations scholars ranks Joe Nye as the sixth most influential scholar in the field of international relations in the past twenty years. In 2011, he was named by Foreign Policy magazine to its list of top global thinkers
He pioneered the theory of soft power, which is appeared in his book, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics(2004). He also published other books: Understanding International Conflict (5th edition, 2004); and The Power Game: A Washington Novel (2004), The Powers to Lead(2008) and The Future of Power(2011).

The U.S.-Japan Alliance in 2024: Toward an Integrated Alliance

The U.S.-Japan Alliance in 2024: Toward an Integrated Alliance

The U.S.-Japan alliance is at a moment of historic strength, even as both countries confront daunting challenges in the international system. This report calls f...


 1 初めてアーミテージ・ナイレポートが発表されたのは2000年。その後、2007年、2012年、2018年、2020年に公表されている。
 2 本レポートは以下のURLから入手できる。
  The U.S.-Japan Alliance in 2024: Toward an Integrated Alliance (csis.org)

4 ファイブ・アイズ・パートナーシップは米・英・加・豪・ニュージーランド5カ国の機密情報共有の枠組みの呼称
5 AUKUSは2021年に発足した米英豪の安全保障枠組み。二つの柱から構成され、第1の柱はオーストラリアへの原子力潜水艦の配備、第2の柱はサイバー、AI、量子技術、海洋戦略、極超音速兵器などの先端技術分野での協力。第2の柱での日本の協力が検討されている。


ザック・クーパー(American Enterprise Institute(AEI)シニアフェロー)3
ウェンディ・クーパー(アジア・ソサエティ政策研究所 副所長)
マチュー・P・グッドマン(外交問題評議会(Council on Foreign Relations(CRF)国際経済政策特別フェロー)
Joseph Nye
Member of BGF's Board of Thinkers
Joseph S. Nye Jr., is an American political scientist  and former Dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard Univesity.He currently holds the position of  University Distinguished […]
Joseph S. Nye Jr., is an American political scientist  and former Dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard Univesity.He currently holds the position of  University Distinguished Service Professor.
He received his bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from Princeton University, did postgraduate work at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship, and earned a PhD in political science from Harvard.
He has served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Chair of the National Intelligence Council, and Deputy Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science and Technology. Besides, he is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, The British Academy, and a member of the American Academy of Diplomacy.
The 2011 TRIP survey of over 1700 international relations scholars ranks Joe Nye as the sixth most influential scholar in the field of international relations in the past twenty years. In 2011, he was named by Foreign Policy magazine to its list of top global thinkers
He pioneered the theory of soft power, which is appeared in his book, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics(2004). He also published other books: Understanding International Conflict (5th edition, 2004); and The Power Game: A Washington Novel (2004), The Powers to Lead(2008) and The Future of Power(2011).

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