独特の甘みと変化の速い風味 政情不安定で入手困難になっているイエメン産モカはこのサイクロンの直撃も受けるのか?
2015年3月イエメンにおいて、サウジアラビアをはじめとする19カ国による「決意の嵐」(Asifat al-Hazm)と呼ぶ軍事作戦が始った。
Saudi Arabia And Nineteen Other Muslims Nations Are Making Full Out War Against Yemen To Protect Mecca From Iranian Invasion
by Ted on March 26, 2015 in Featured, General
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat
Saudi Arabia and 19 other Muslim nations have made all out war against Yemen in order stop Iran’s expansion towards Mecca, which it is doing through the force of the Houthi Shiite power.
Saudi Arabia, alongside Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan and Sudan, are all fighting against the Houthies in Yemen to defend Arabia, and ultimately, Mecca
Saudi Arabia, alongside Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan and Sudan, are all fighting against the Houthies in Yemen to defend Arabia, and ultimately, Mecca
Iran is subtly making a threatening warning against Saudi Arabia on account of its attack against and bombing of Yemen, an operation called Operation Decisive Storm, in which it has deployed 100 fighter jets, 150,000 soldiers and other navy units for the military campaign. Planes from Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain are also taking part in the operation, it said, adding that Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan and Sudan are ready to participate in a ground offensive. With all of the nations contributing, the amount of fighter jets involved in the major attack has been counted to number 185.
The 100 jet fighters of Saudi Arabia, ready for action
Iran is calling the operation an “invasion” and a “dangerous step” that will escalate in its severity and increase the crisis in the country. The Houthies, who are Shiites and who hate the Sunnis, have made it quite conspicuous that they would invade Mecca. One Houthi commander said that they “wouldn’t stop our expansion at Mecca but rather Riyadh.”
One Saudi news outlets reported that the Houthies do want to invade Mecca and would invade Mecca if it were not for the intense military action of Saudi Arabia:
The Houthis wanted everyone to play by their rules or otherwise be eliminated. They overreached in rejecting political talks, alienating opposite sides of the political spectrum such as the Muslim Brotherhood as well as the tribes, and they went against the Western interests as well as Arab countries, even issuing threats to invade Mecca.
Middle East and Russian sources have confirmed that an Iranian ship has unloaded 185 tons of weapons at Yemen’s Port Saleef to the Houthis, Iran’s Shiite proxies in Yemen. Port Saleef connects directly with the capital, Sanaa, and is only about 500 miles – or 800 kilometers – south of Mecca, the holiest site in Islam, which is currently under the control of Saudi Arabia.
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President Tayyip Erdogan is reported to have affirmed that Turkey may provide logisitical support to the Saudi Arabian military operation in Yemen and called on Iran and “terrorist groups” to withdraw from the country. Erdogan said:
Turkey may consider providing logistical support based on the evolution of the situation
Erdogan said that Turkey may provide logistical support for Saudi Arabia's military operation
Erdogan said that Turkey may provide logistical support for Saudi Arabia’s military operation
Iran’s Chairman for the Committee for Foreign Policy and National Security of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, just recently said:
Saudi Arabia will get the finger burnt in Yemen
Alaeddin Boroujerdi
Alaeddin Boroujerdi
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif made it very clear that Saudi Arabia’s military bombardments against the Shiite Houthies in Yemen will cause major destabilization and violent conflict in the region:
Javad Zarif
Javad Zarif
It is necessary that military actions end as quickly as possible and talks start to find solution… We believe these types of military actions can only escalate tension in the region and they will give no advantage to any country that involves itself in these actions.
What is most ironic is that while Putin is always being condemned because of its alliances with Iran, Putin just told Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, to put an “immediate cessation of military activities”
Putin with Rouhani
Putin with Rouhani
Shoebat.com’s prognosis on the situation is that while many get excited at news like this thinking that the situation could escalate between the Sunni alliance and Iran. Asifat Al-Hazm (the Hazm Storm) as the war is called, is the the Sunni Alliance’s response to Iran’s incursions into Yemen threatening Mecca and Saudi Arabia’s security. The storm on Yemen will postpone Iran’s expansion for a while. Iran would not want to jeopardize its nuclear program and could wait until it makes gains in that area to re-launch its attack against Saudi Arabia. So there is still some time to go and there will be no mushroom clouds until Iran first gains the mushroom (nuke).
© Copyright 2015 Walid Shoebat. All Rights Reserved. Report Website Issue: MoshehWebServices.com
the Houthies
フーシ[1]またはフシ[2](アラビア語: حوثیون、英語: Houthis)は、イエメン北部サアダ州から発展し、北部を拠点に活動するイスラム教シーア派の一派ザイド派の武装組織である[1]。
脚注 編集
^ a b “イエメン政府庁舎を反政府勢力が占拠、首相辞任で停戦合意”. AFP (2014年9月22日). 2015年1月24日閲覧。
^ a b c d “イエメン:シーア派武装組織が掌握…暫定統治機構開設へ”. 毎日新聞 (2015年2月7日). 2015年2月13日閲覧。
^ イエメン空爆を招いた過激派「フーシ派」の正体 イランとサウジアラビアの代理戦争の行方(前篇)JB Press 2015年4月9日
^ 松本 太松本 太 Futoshi Matsumoto 世界平和研究所 主任研究員。東京大学卒。在エジプト大使館参事官、内閣情報調査室国際部主幹、外務省情報統括官組織国際情報官を経て、平成25年より現職。
^ “イエメン、民兵が大統領宮殿を制圧 シーア派系ザイド派”. 日本経済新聞 (2015年1月21日). 2015年1月24日閲覧。
^ “民兵組織がイエメン大統領宮殿を制圧、公邸を襲撃”. AFP日本語版 (2015年1月21日). 2015年1月24日閲覧。
^ イエメン空爆を招いた過激派「フーシ派」の正体 イランとサウジアラビアの代理戦争の行方(前篇)JB Press 2015年4月9日
2015年3月イエメンにおいて、サウジアラビアをはじめとする19カ国による「決意の嵐」(Asifat al-Hazm)と呼ぶ軍事作戦が始った。
Saudi Arabia And Nineteen Other Muslims Nations Are Making Full Out War Against Yemen To Protect Mecca From Iranian Invasion
by Ted on March 26, 2015 in Featured, General
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat
Saudi Arabia and 19 other Muslim nations have made all out war against Yemen in order stop Iran’s expansion towards Mecca, which it is doing through the force of the Houthi Shiite power.
Saudi Arabia, alongside Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan and Sudan, are all fighting against the Houthies in Yemen to defend Arabia, and ultimately, Mecca
Saudi Arabia, alongside Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan and Sudan, are all fighting against the Houthies in Yemen to defend Arabia, and ultimately, Mecca
Iran is subtly making a threatening warning against Saudi Arabia on account of its attack against and bombing of Yemen, an operation called Operation Decisive Storm, in which it has deployed 100 fighter jets, 150,000 soldiers and other navy units for the military campaign. Planes from Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain are also taking part in the operation, it said, adding that Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan and Sudan are ready to participate in a ground offensive. With all of the nations contributing, the amount of fighter jets involved in the major attack has been counted to number 185.
The 100 jet fighters of Saudi Arabia, ready for action
Iran is calling the operation an “invasion” and a “dangerous step” that will escalate in its severity and increase the crisis in the country. The Houthies, who are Shiites and who hate the Sunnis, have made it quite conspicuous that they would invade Mecca. One Houthi commander said that they “wouldn’t stop our expansion at Mecca but rather Riyadh.”
One Saudi news outlets reported that the Houthies do want to invade Mecca and would invade Mecca if it were not for the intense military action of Saudi Arabia:
The Houthis wanted everyone to play by their rules or otherwise be eliminated. They overreached in rejecting political talks, alienating opposite sides of the political spectrum such as the Muslim Brotherhood as well as the tribes, and they went against the Western interests as well as Arab countries, even issuing threats to invade Mecca.
Middle East and Russian sources have confirmed that an Iranian ship has unloaded 185 tons of weapons at Yemen’s Port Saleef to the Houthis, Iran’s Shiite proxies in Yemen. Port Saleef connects directly with the capital, Sanaa, and is only about 500 miles – or 800 kilometers – south of Mecca, the holiest site in Islam, which is currently under the control of Saudi Arabia.
h1 copy
President Tayyip Erdogan is reported to have affirmed that Turkey may provide logisitical support to the Saudi Arabian military operation in Yemen and called on Iran and “terrorist groups” to withdraw from the country. Erdogan said:
Turkey may consider providing logistical support based on the evolution of the situation
Erdogan said that Turkey may provide logistical support for Saudi Arabia's military operation
Erdogan said that Turkey may provide logistical support for Saudi Arabia’s military operation
Iran’s Chairman for the Committee for Foreign Policy and National Security of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, just recently said:
Saudi Arabia will get the finger burnt in Yemen
Alaeddin Boroujerdi
Alaeddin Boroujerdi
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif made it very clear that Saudi Arabia’s military bombardments against the Shiite Houthies in Yemen will cause major destabilization and violent conflict in the region:
Javad Zarif
Javad Zarif
It is necessary that military actions end as quickly as possible and talks start to find solution… We believe these types of military actions can only escalate tension in the region and they will give no advantage to any country that involves itself in these actions.
What is most ironic is that while Putin is always being condemned because of its alliances with Iran, Putin just told Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, to put an “immediate cessation of military activities”
Putin with Rouhani
Putin with Rouhani
Shoebat.com’s prognosis on the situation is that while many get excited at news like this thinking that the situation could escalate between the Sunni alliance and Iran. Asifat Al-Hazm (the Hazm Storm) as the war is called, is the the Sunni Alliance’s response to Iran’s incursions into Yemen threatening Mecca and Saudi Arabia’s security. The storm on Yemen will postpone Iran’s expansion for a while. Iran would not want to jeopardize its nuclear program and could wait until it makes gains in that area to re-launch its attack against Saudi Arabia. So there is still some time to go and there will be no mushroom clouds until Iran first gains the mushroom (nuke).
© Copyright 2015 Walid Shoebat. All Rights Reserved. Report Website Issue: MoshehWebServices.com
the Houthies
フーシ[1]またはフシ[2](アラビア語: حوثیون、英語: Houthis)は、イエメン北部サアダ州から発展し、北部を拠点に活動するイスラム教シーア派の一派ザイド派の武装組織である[1]。
脚注 編集
^ a b “イエメン政府庁舎を反政府勢力が占拠、首相辞任で停戦合意”. AFP (2014年9月22日). 2015年1月24日閲覧。
^ a b c d “イエメン:シーア派武装組織が掌握…暫定統治機構開設へ”. 毎日新聞 (2015年2月7日). 2015年2月13日閲覧。
^ イエメン空爆を招いた過激派「フーシ派」の正体 イランとサウジアラビアの代理戦争の行方(前篇)JB Press 2015年4月9日
^ 松本 太松本 太 Futoshi Matsumoto 世界平和研究所 主任研究員。東京大学卒。在エジプト大使館参事官、内閣情報調査室国際部主幹、外務省情報統括官組織国際情報官を経て、平成25年より現職。
^ “イエメン、民兵が大統領宮殿を制圧 シーア派系ザイド派”. 日本経済新聞 (2015年1月21日). 2015年1月24日閲覧。
^ “民兵組織がイエメン大統領宮殿を制圧、公邸を襲撃”. AFP日本語版 (2015年1月21日). 2015年1月24日閲覧。
^ イエメン空爆を招いた過激派「フーシ派」の正体 イランとサウジアラビアの代理戦争の行方(前篇)JB Press 2015年4月9日