“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”
- Deuteronomy 31:6
My oldest son, Matt, is a lawyer. He does not speak with me so I am unable to communicate words of love and faith to him. If your heart moves you to write and express your stories and feelings of faith with him, perhaps it would help awaken him to the world outside of Austin. I think he would benefit from loving words from followers of Jesus Christ. Not a request to write him, but only a request to follow your heart. I do not believe he is allowed to know what I am trying to do for others or the persecution I am enduring. His email is mwood@wshllp.com.
God bless you. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. I will continue to pray for you.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
長男のマットは弁護士です。彼は私と話をしないので、私は彼に愛と信仰の言葉を伝えることができません。もしあなたの心が彼と一緒に自分の物語や信仰の気持ちを書いて表現したいと思うならば,オースティンの外の世界に彼を目覚めさせる助けになるかもしれません。彼はイエス・キリストの信者からの愛の言葉から恩恵を受けると思います。彼に手紙を書けと言っているのではなく、あなたの心に従ってほしいと言っているだけです。私が他の人のために何をしようとしているのか、私が迫害に耐えていることを彼が知ることは許されないと信じています。彼のメールは mwood@wshllp.com です。
リン 🙏❤️🇺🇸
神の祝福がありますように。あなたの一日を楽しんでください。- リン 🙏❤️🇺🇸
After 3 decades of loving them and sacrificing to make their lives better, my 4 children do not speak to me. They do not like my politics or share my faith. I did not hear from them on Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.
I was hurt beyond words.
They have joined the mob that attacks me.
I still love them. I am always ready to forgive them. They are my children.
I have not seen my grandson who is named after me in a year when I saw him on his first birthday. He turned 2 a few days ago. I am not sure if I will ever have the joy of seeing him or holding him again. But his image at age one is emblazoned in my mind.
If I never see him again, I know that as he grows older and after my time on Earth is over, he will want to know who I am, what I stood for, what was important to me, what hills I was willing to die on. I want him to be proud of his grandfather.
He will know my message even if he does not know the messenger.
Thanks for letting me share these personal feelings with you. I share them to make a point - we are all imperfect messengers, but at the end of the day, our message is all that matters.
God bless you. Enjoy your day. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Good afternoon. Busy morning pouring water on the false fires. Your words of support, love, and faith help inspire me to be a formidable firefighter. I find my strength in the Lord.
BREAKING NEWS! I have changed my legal residence from the State of Georgia to the State of South Carolina!
I have lived in Georgia since I was 3 years old (65 years). I still love the Peach State but Georgia has deteriorated over the years to become one of the most corrupt states in the country, if not the most corrupt.
Every state has problems. Like individuals, states are imperfect. But Georgia has spun out of control and is heavily influenced by the CCP through corrupt state officials.
I love the land in the Lowcountry of South Carolina and the people here are simply wonderful. South Carolina has welcomed me. Georgia has falsely accused me and shunned me.
I am thrilled about my change of residency.
I started my life in North Carolina in 1952 and plan to live in South Carolina until the Lord calls me back north to my eternal home in Heaven.
Sometimes in context, going from the North to the South is a really good thing.
Now I can vote against Lindsey Graham!
God bless each of you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
こんにちは 忙しい朝、偽装火災に水を注いでいます。皆さんからの応援と愛と信仰の言葉が 私を奮い立たせてくれています 私は立派な消防士になります 私の強さは主にあります。
ブレイキング・ニュース! 私はジョージア州からサウスカロライナ州に転居しました!私は幼い頃からジョージア州に住んでいました。
一人一人に神の祝福がありますように - リン 🙏❤️🇺🇸