The Chief Electoral Officer of the Federal Election Commission made a Bombshell statement, saying that, from what he saw in Pennsylvania, and news that he had come from elsewhere in the world, this election was unconstitutional.
It’s very explosive news. The Chief Electoral Officer, Trey Trainor, has stated that, in his expert view, “the referendum has not been open” and “this election is invalid.”
He dropped the bomb on the liberal news media in Newsmax as he revealed that he claimed: “that there was election fraud in some areas.”
There is no valid justification at all to refuse observers’ access to the counting of ballots. Ipso facto, the counting of ballots would be “illegitimate.” It’s not just anyone’s making the announcement. Trey Trainor isn’t just a state election officer, he’s a federal officer.
And on top of that, he’s the chairman of the whole commission. Unlike the leftist media hackers who were in a rush to call state elections for the Democrats and the presidency for Biden, Trainor knows one or two about the fairness of the election.
Speaking to Newsmax, Chairman Trainor said, “After securing a court order that would allow Trump’s campaign to send observers to watch the counting of votes in Pennsylvania from six feet away, ‘the polling stations have not been allowed in a substantive way.'”
Trainor pointed out that “as observers were able to watch, the goalpost was pulled forward.” Simply put, “there was little accountability in the election.”
“Our whole political culture is focused on accountability in order to prevent the appearance of corruption,” says Trainor. “State law requires observers to be present. If the rule is not observed, this election is ‘illegitimate.'”
Trump’s team held a news conference on Saturday to make a major statement of its own.
They also announced that they will go to war over this in the courts. As Rudy Giuliani said, the media can’t determine who won the election — the judges do.
Chairman Trainor, an old Texas school gunslinger named by Trump, is with them all the way. What Team Trump says are “very credible charges,” he admits, which need to be “completely tested” by the legal system. He expects that the allegations are serious enough to “finish in the Supreme Court.”

連邦選挙管理委員会の選挙管理責任者は爆弾発言をしました ペンシルバニア州で見たものや 他の地域から来たニュースからは 今回の選挙は違憲だと言っていました
非常に爆発的なニュースです。選挙管理責任者のトレイ・トレイナー氏は、専門家の見解として "国民投票は開かれていない" "この選挙は無効だ "と述べています。
彼はリベラル系ニュースメディアに 爆弾を投下しました 彼の主張を明らかにしたことで "いくつかの地域で選挙の不正があった "と主張したことを明らかにし、リベラル系ニュースメディアに爆弾を投下した。
投票用紙の集計のためのオブザーバーのアクセスを拒否する正当な理由は全くありません。事実上、投票用紙の集計は "違法 "となります。誰かが発表しているわけではありません トレイナーは州の選挙管理官ではなく 連邦政府の役員です
おまけに委員会の議長でもある 民主党の州選挙とバイデンの大統領選に 慌てた左翼メディアのハッカーとは違い トレーナーは選挙の公平性について 一つや二つ知っています
トレーナー氏は、「オブザーバーが監視できるようになったことで、ゴールポストが前に引っ張られた」と指摘した。簡単に言えば、"今回の選挙では説明責任がほとんどなかった "ということだ。
これを巡って法廷で争うことも発表した。ルディ・ジュリアーニが言ったように、メディアは誰が選挙に勝ったかを決めることはできない - 裁判官が決めるのだ。