公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-05-30 18:18:00 | 今読んでる本
vision. In addition to his charisma, A.P. had a commanding physical presence: six feet two-and-a half inches tall, powerfully built with wavy black hair, a neatly trimmed mustache, and piercing dark eyes. He was a talented and fascinating individual who could be charming and gregarious.15 He took pride and care in his appearance, wearing on special occasions a Prince Albert coat, a top hat and gloves, and carrying a gold-tipped cane. He had a stately presence and was certainly not unnoticed by the young women of North Beach. Although he kept a sharp eye on business, he also had keen ambitions in his private life: a successful marriage could benefit both his public and private affairs. In 1891, while attending Mass at the old Spanish church between Mason and Powell streets, A.P. spotted in the choir a pretty young lady, Clorinda Agnes Cuneo, who also happened to be the youngest daughter of Joseph Cuneo, a very wealthy Italian-American in North Beach. Joseph was an immigrant from the Genoa area, who had made a fortune in real estate.16 A.P. immediately “made up his mind he would never marry any other woman” and, as far as we know, she was his first and only love.17

ビジョン カリスマ性に加え、A.P.は、身長1メートル半、力強い体格、ウェーブのかかった黒髪、きれいに整えられた口ひげ、鋭い黒い瞳など、圧倒的な存在感を放っていた。15 身だしなみにも気を配り、特別な日にはプリンス・アルバートのコートを着て、トップハットと手袋を着用し、金色の杖をついていた。プリンス・アルバートのコートを着て、帽子をかぶり、手袋をして、金色の杖をついて、堂々としている。ビジネスにも目を光らせていたが、私生活にも強い意欲を持っていた。1891年、メイソン通りとパウエル通りの間にある古いスパニッシュ教会のミサに出席していたA.P.は、聖歌隊の中にクロリンダ・アグネス・クネオという若い美女を見いだした。ジョセフはジェノバ地方からの移民で、不動産業で財を成していた16。A.P.はすぐに「他の女性とは絶対に結婚しないと心に決めた」そうで、知る限り、彼女は彼の最初で最後の恋だったようだ17。

Clorinda, the youngest of Joseph Cuneo’s fourteen children, was a well-known singer and already engaged to a young doctor from North Beach, who at the time was in Germany doing postgraduate work. They had made plans to marry as soon he returned to San Francisco. A.P. did not consider the fiancé to be a serious problem. He initiated a relentless courtship campaign, taking Clorinda out to picnics, theatrical productions, sending flowers and candy but above all, composing ardent love letters in his impeccable handwriting. Clorinda was not initially convinced but soon became more and more attracted to his magnetic personality and self-assurance. In the end she broke off the engagement and agreed to marry A.P. A deliberate six-month courtship to win her affection resulted in their elaborate wedding on September 12, 1892 in Old St Mary’s, their parish church, consecrating a union that was to last for half a century. Later that day, after a reception at Clorinda’s family home in North Beach, the newlyweds left for their two-week honeymoon by train to Carmel, an idyllic retreat along the Monterey Peninsula.18 Once again, A.P. had overcome a challenge and defeated his competitor with the same single-minded intensity that had characterized him in business.19 The newlyweds moved into a small furnished house close to fashionable Russian Hill and a few months later into a more convenient Victorian-style frame house on Green Street, next to Washington Square, the heart of North Beach, a few steps away from the waterfront that continued to be the center of A.P.’s life. After one year of marriage, Clorinda gave birth to their first son, Amadeo Peter Giannini Jr. Over the next twelve years, four more sons and three daughters, two of whom died in infancy, would complete the family.20



Bank of America, Los Angeles had been established in 1923 by Orra E. Monnette. Giannini began investing in the Bank of America, Los Angeles because conservative business leaders in Los Angeles were less receptive to the Bank of Italy than San Franciscans had been. Bank of America, L.A. represented a growth path for Giannini, and Monnette, president and chairman of the board, was receptive to Giannini's investments. Upon finalizing the merger, Giannini and Monnette concurred that the Bank of America name idealized the broader mission of the new bank. By 1929, the bank had over 400 banking offices in California. The new institution continued under Giannini's chairmanship until his retirement in 1945; Monnette retained his board seat and officer's position. Furthermore, as a condition of the merger, Monnette was paid for handing Giannini the "Foundation Story" rights to the bank, a decision that Monnette later came to regret. Prior to Monnette's creation of the Bank of America Los Angeles network, most banks were limited to a single city or region. Monnette was the first to create a system of centralized processing, bookkeeping and cash delivery. By diversifying the scope of community that the Bank of America served following its merger, the institution was better prepared to ride out minor, local economic issues.[10][11]

Giannini helped nurture the motion picture and wine industries in California. He loaned Walt Disney the funds to produce Snow White, the first full-length, animated motion picture to be made in the US. During the Great Depression, he bought the bonds that financed the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. During World War II, he bankrolled industrialist Henry Kaiser and his enterprises supporting the war effort. After the war, he visited Italy and arranged for loans to help rebuild the war-torn Fiat factories. Giannini also provided capital to William Hewlett and David Packard to help form Hewlett-Packard.

Giannini founded another company, Transamerica Corporation, as a holding company for his various interests, including Occidental Life Insurance Company. At one time, Transamerica was the controlling shareholder in Bank of America. They were separated by legislation enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1956, with the passage of the Bank Holding Company Act, which prohibited bank holding companies' involvement in industrial activities.[12]

Giannini had long been a Republican, but with the collapse of the Republican Party in the Great Depression, he concerned himself with Democratic state politics. In the 1934 California gubernatorial election Giannini worked hard to block left-wing novelist Upton Sinclair from winning the primary for the Democratic nomination. He failed, and with support from the White House, he endorsed and helped finance the Republican candidate, incumbent Frank Merriam, who did defeat Sinclair. [13]

Upon Giannini's death in 1949, his son Mario Giannini (1894–1952) assumed leadership of the bank. Giannini's daughter, Claire Giannini Hoffman (1905–1997), took her father's seat on the bank's board of directors, where she remained until the 1980s. Giannini is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Colma, California.[14]

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