自分の部屋にMark Rothkoの絵を飾ったら、やっと部屋らしくなった。家で過ごす時間が短いせいか、まだまだ全然部屋ができていない感じだったし(引っ越してからいったい何ヶ月経ってんだ?)、なんか殺風景だったんだよね。
それにしてもダ。 Just think, on these days last year, I was finishing take home exams and gonna go to Peru. It seems like ages ago, and yet time also seems to be flying by! I can't believe it's already 2005 Christmas time!! I feel lost, it's like "where did my 2005 fall go?" This past three months were crazy...
本当に、感覚はtime flies! で、日々はcrazy!だったこの3ヶ月(そういや、京都に居たのに紅葉も見に行けなかったよ)!
それにしてもダ。 Just think, on these days last year, I was finishing take home exams and gonna go to Peru. It seems like ages ago, and yet time also seems to be flying by! I can't believe it's already 2005 Christmas time!! I feel lost, it's like "where did my 2005 fall go?" This past three months were crazy...
本当に、感覚はtime flies! で、日々はcrazy!だったこの3ヶ月(そういや、京都に居たのに紅葉も見に行けなかったよ)!