


2019年01月20日 | 英会話
・レッスン: 2019年1月20日(日)9:00~9:30
・差出人: Lexi さん

Hello Mr. Smily during our class for today, you were able to discuss the following in class: Today's weather is cloudy./ Bananas were imported from the Philippines./ The term of part-time job is scheduled from January 7th to January 10th./ Watched a soccer game on TV last Thursday.
Japan played against Uzbekistan and won 2 to 1./ Will attend the swimming class once a week./ Will attend a guitar lesson twice a month./ Watched a movie mission impossible series starring Tom Cruise on TV.

今日は、スマイリーさん、今日の授業中に、クラスで以下の点について話し合うことができました。今日の天気は曇りです。/バナナはフィリピンから輸入されました。 /先週の木曜日にテレビでサッカーの試合を見ました。日本はウズベキスタンと対戦し、2対1で勝利しました。/週に1回水泳教室に参加します。/月に2回ギターのレッスンに参加します。トム・クルーズ主演の映画ミッションインポッシブルシリーズをテレビで見た。

 今月4回目の英会話レッスンを受講しました。「習うより慣れよ」(All things are difficult before they are easy)の精神でどんどん会話を楽......


2019年01月20日 | 英会話

Good morning! Happy Sunday!

I’m fine, thank you. (Everything is great.)

Today's weather is cloudy.
The temperature is 0 ° C.

☆My journal
I took my usual breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
Bananas are imported from the Philippines.

I was working part-time job.
The term of part-time job is scheduled from January 7th to January 17th.
I ended part-time job of storing and organizing rental fixtures.
A new encounter between an industry I did not know before
(a company that provides rental fixtures for events) and people who are working hard in the industry was a valuable experience.
My wife said a word. "It would have been difficult, it was a hard work."

I watched a soccer game on TV last Thursday.
Japan played against Uzbekistan and won 2 to 1.
Japan has advanced into the final tournament.
Unfortunately, the Philippines lost in primary.

I will attend the swimming class once a week.
This swimming class will be held from January 11th to March 15th.
I took a swimming class last Friday.
I enjoyed swimming.
Everyone practiced intently.

I will attend a guitar lesson twice a month.
I took a guitar lesson yesterday.
I enjoyed a guitar.

Recently, I watched a movie mission impossible series starring Tom Cruise on TV.
Just a little, I got to catch English.

Goodbye, Ms. Lexi.
See you next time and good night!


2019年01月20日 | ギターの弾き語り

☆Notes I created and sent to Mrs.Zhel☆

2019年01月20日 | 英会話


Good afternoon! Happy Saturday!
I’m fine, thank you. (Everything is great.)
Today's weather is cloudy.
The temperature is 1 ° C.
☆My journal
I ended part-time job of storing and organizing rental fixtures the day before yesterday.
A new encounter between an industry I did not know before
(a company that provides rental fixtures for events) and people who are working hard in the industry was a valuable experience.
My wife said a word. "It would have been difficult, it was a hard work."
I watched a soccer game on TV the day before yesterday.
Japan played against Uzbekistan and won 2 to 1.
Japan has advanced into the final tournament.
Unfortunately, the Philippines lost in primary.
I took a swimming class afternoon yesterday.
I enjoyed swimming.
Everyone practiced intently.
My presentations is finished.
Goodbye, Mrs. Zhel.
See you next time and good night!


・レッスン: 2019年1月19日(土)13:00~13:30
・差出人: Zhel さん

Happy Saturday Mr. Seiki! Thank you so much for choosing me to be your instructor again. You did an awesome job today and I had fun studying with you. You managed to describe what men and women generally wear in offices in your country. You did great in our pronunciation activity by reading the sentences with good intonation. I also appreciate your effort for always sharing a lot of things in class (Example: swimming class, weather, sports etc.) Keep it up! We just need to continue building your vocabulary to be able to express your thoughts better. I really look forward to talking with you again. See you. Have a wonderful weekend!

ハッピーサタデー、生木さん! 私がまたあなたのインストラクターになることを選んでいただきありがとうございます。 あなたは今日素晴らしい仕事をしました、そして私はあなたと一緒に勉強するのを楽しんでいました。 あなたは男性と女性があなたの国の事務所で一般的に着ているものを説明することができました。 あなたは良いイントネーションを使って文章を読むことによって私たちの発音アクティビティで素晴らしいことをしました。 クラスでたくさんのことを常に共有するためのあなたの努力に感謝します。(例:水泳のクラス、天気、スポーツなど)。 私たちはただあなたが自分の考えをもっとよく表現できるようにあなたの語彙を作り続ける必要があります。 またお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。 それでは、素晴らしい週末を!