[Capricious Model Rail Factory] ** 気まぐれ鉄道模型工房 **

European/British/Japanese railway modelling in OO/HO/N

OO Heljan BR Class 77 (EM2) Exchange the pantograh

2017-03-04 23:21:32 | [en] British OO gauge Models

The orignal pantographs have functional and cosmetic issues. The biggest issue is the collector head that cannot be kept its horizontal position. DC kits supplies the replacement parts for EM1/EM2.


The original pantographs are glued onto the roof tightly together with the insulator bases. Detach the original parts carefully by digging the glue from inside using a pin vice and a drill bit. Cut the insulators at the bottom using a saw and reuse the insulator bases.



Drill the 2mm dia installation holes of the new pantographs at the centre position of the 4 holes for the original insulator bases. It's better to locate the centre position by using the template.



The pitch of the insulators of new pantograph is a little smalle than that of original one, and the insulators of new pantograph don't sit on the insulator bases. So the insulator bases must be expanded by gluing small pieces of stylene rods.   



File the top surface of the base, and paint in similar colour.



Install new pantographs by screws. Fixed it!



The exchange works were complicated, but I'm happy with the results.


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