9.11テロ事件が、自作自演であったことが暴かれていることは、夙に有名である。そして、その破壊に『純粋水爆=mini NUKE』が使用されたことは、密かに語られている。いわゆる最高機密事項がその爆破方法である。
9.11テロで現場で放射能が二義的に発生したことは明らかだ。このことは隠されている。政府が支援しようとしないのはこの為である。放射能を生成する放射線を発する爆破は核爆弾以外考えられない。それが、『純粋水爆=mini NUKE』説の有力なエビデンス(証拠)となる。
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24 August, 2009, 08:49
New York's emergency services were among the first on the scene of the
9/11 disaster but put their personal safety in jeopardy. Those involved
in the rescue and clean-up operation quickly became national heroes.
But now 85 per cent of them are suffering from lung diseases which
they say were caused by the huge clouds of dust. Those people are now
calling on the state for medical support.
So far the US government has refused to help.
Read more
NYC firefighter hero
John McNamara is the most recent ground zero first responder to die
from cancer. He battled to save lives that day but lost his own battle
aged just 44 ? a victim of his own bravery.
His courage was commemorated at St. Patrick’s cathedral, where McNamara’s funeral took place.

Twin Towers hero (Photo by Mark M. Lawrence)
Today his son Jack McNamara is still too young to understand his
father’s actions that day. All he knows is that dad was a firefighter.
“I and the other families of the victims are so devastated that
so many of these valiant firefighters who struggled to find my son and
to save others are now paying the price,” says Sally Reigenhardt whose son died in the 9/11 attacks.
City, state and federal officials have not acknowledged a direct
link between the cancer cases and ground zero toxins. Congress has yet
to approve 9/11 health legislation calling for federal financial
coverage of health costs for rescue workers.
John McNamara spent about 500 hours at ground zero aiding in rescue
and recovery. Nearly eight years later, the scene here is all about
rebuilding. But as the hole in the ground grows smaller the list of
9/11 related deaths is growing longer and longer.
“The government pays for these and I pay for these”
Retired police officer Mike Valentin has had four biopsies for a
precancerous tumor in his throat and has to take 15 pills a day. He
calls 9/11 America's Chernobyl.
“The people that will die from illnesses will surpass the number
of people that were killed on 9/11. I am talking about thousands, tens
of thousands of people that will come down with cancers,” forecasts 9/11 first responder Valentin.
Valentin says he spent four months digging through debris at ground zero, after US officials announced the air was safe.
Valentin, the father of three, says he spends $15,000 a year on
medication the government won’t cover and that the US leaders have
turned their backs on the heroes they promised never to forget.
“Our families are not looking to put Mercedes Benz on the front yard. We’re not looking to take European trips,” says Valentin, “We’re looking to take care of our families when we die.”
With the time he has left, Mike Valentin vows to continue fighting
for the compensation he believes 9/11 first responders deserve.
Valentin founded a 9/11 police foundation to help retired first
responders in need of medical assistance ? among them Patrick Triola
who spent months searching the ground zero and then became a victim of
kidney cancer.
During those days, Stephen Grossman’s son Robert was also aiding in
rescue and recovery. He was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in
2006, at just 39 years old. Today, he remains in a coma.【転載終了】