第四部 Generalist in 古都編



2020-03-22 02:39:32 | 総合診療
自分の研究の一番大事にしているメイン論文のReviewer2がかなり細かい指摘(勘違いされていると思うのだけど)で、Minor revisionなのですが遂に我が師匠に相談してしまいました。師の判断としては、記述を追加して乗り切るようにとのご指示。明日頑張ります。
とっておきのBrief report は夢のCIDにまず。
Case はBMJ Case reportに
近未来のPeer reveiwシステムのように感じます。一度も騙されたことはないですが僕が大嫌いなハゲタカ雑誌のように高額ボッタクリとは異なり、お金はちゃんとした文章と形態をとっていれば【原則無料】です。
ただ、もちろんIFなどは多分ありません。しかし、ちゃんとPubMed掲載でPeer Reviewだそうです(質は一流しに比べて劣るでしょうが)。Reviewerは5人もあげる必要がありました。査読がどうしても断られる御時世賢いやり方ですね。
*追記:採択率は(2020年)現在50%程度でした。これは他のOpen Journalとあまり変わらないかもしれませんが、分野によるようです。また現在MHQSの同級生 集中治療医インド系アメリカ人も僕に自慢げにCureusに載っけた症例を提示してきたので、もしかしたら今後流行するかもしれません。Pub Med掲載は間違いないです!2020年ではIFはあるとする海外の雑誌評価サイトと、今のところ無いと記載されているのがありよくわかりません。随時確認ください。なんせケースレポートがメインなので。
特に気に入った文面がこれ、”Peer review, not peer rejection” 
Peer reviewは特に勉強になるので、私は原則すべて受けることとしているのと、査読してもらったのも原則とても勉強になるのですが、速く世に出したい時には良いかもしれないですね。やはり建設的なアドバイスをもらって改善して投稿できるようにしたいものですので。

Cureus takes the pain out of peer review. Your work is no longer at the mercy of an opaque and mysterious panel. Efficient pre-publication peer review and community-based, post-publication examination and discussion ensure that your article receives a helpful and informative review.

投稿受付けている文章はOriginal 、Review、Case report、Technical report、Editorialなどがあるようです。百聞は一見に如かず。

Accepted Article Types

Cureus accepts five article types. To be considered for publication, each article type must include the sections listed below. Only original articles may include abstract subheadings.

  • Original article

    Original articles report original research and are classified as primary literature. This is the most common type of journal manuscript used to publish full reports of data from research. Original articles may also be referred to as research article, research, or just article, as this format is suitable for many different fields and different types of studies. Meta-analysis articles should be submitted as original articles. Cureus is very selective regarding submissions that utilize survey-based methodologies concerning general knowledge, awareness and attitudes without a clear scientific impact.

    Original articles are limited to 30 references and contain the following sections: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references.

  • Review article

    Review articles give an overview of existing literature in a field, often identifying specific problems or issues and providing a balanced analysis derived from available published work on the topic. Review articles provide a comprehensive summary of research on the selected topic, and a perspective on the state of the field and where it is heading. Review articles can be one of two types, broadly speaking: literature reviews or systematic reviews. Cureus does not accept “brief” or “mini” reviews. Bibliometric analysis articles are only accepted when correctly submitted to a Cureus channel.

    Review articles are limited to 5 authors and 50 references and contain the following sections: abstract, introduction and background, review, conclusions, references.

  • Case report

    Case reports present the details of real patient cases from medical or clinical practice. Cases may contribute significantly to the existing knowledge on the field or showcase less novel results. The report is expected to discuss the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of a disease. A goal of case reports is to make other researchers aware of the possibility that a specific phenomenon might occur.

    Case reports are limited to 5 authors and 20 references and contain the following sections: abstract, introduction, case presentation, discussion, conclusions, references.

  • Technical report

    Technical reports are formal reports designed to convey technical information in a clear and easily accessible format. They are typically divided into sections which allow different readers to access different levels of information. A technical report (also scientific report) is a document that describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. It might also include recommendations and conclusions of the research.

    Technical reports are limited to 5 authors and 20 references and contain the following sections: abstract, introduction, technical report, discussion, conclusions, references.

  • Editorial

    Editorials include perspective pieces, opinion articles or commentaries. Before submitting an editorial, the author must communicate via email with Cureus Editors-in-Chief to directly convey the rationale and importance of the proposed article. Editorials will only be approved if submitted by senior clinicians or researchers with an established publishing history.

    Editorials are limited to 5 authors and 5 references and contain the following sections: abstract, editorial, references.


5 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (Unknown)
2020-12-10 15:29:28
consent form (たり)
2020-12-09 14:10:09

author information では、

a copy of the consent form should be provided as supplemental information 

Unknown (Unknown)
2020-12-09 13:49:43
Case reportの投稿を検討しています。よろしくお願いいたします。
Unknown (たり)
2020-10-25 10:41:19
CUREUS 個人的は斬新な発想のJournalだと思いました。

Unknown (Unknown)
2020-10-22 05:24:32
