みなさま こんにちわ。 毎週末の講演やWSで自分の時間がありません。孤独になって内省・内観するのが好きなのですが、どうしても課題課題に巻き込まれますね。 さて、チーム発表3 Digitalis Studyが終わりまして。 その3日後には個人課題のElevator Pitchの動画撮影があります。
どうも詳しく見ると、1分以内でCapstone Project(要は自分のResearch proposalです)のアイデアを話せるように練習しろと。 なんでも米国では上司に自分のアイデアや企画を話すために、要点をまとめて面白くエレベーターの中で話す必要があるそうです。
その練習です、その後同級生の1分プレゼンを厳しくFeed backするのも課題になるようです。 ちなみに、僕が一生懸命数時間考えた(つもり)の課題にしようとしたRCTは、関連話題として今週NEJMで小児のRCTが出てました。オイオイ。 でど直球の内容は、なんと心の友のひろみず君たちのチームがすでにやっていたと今さら判明。医中誌検索してなかったし。
もう時間ないです。 ならば無理やりFINERを少し変えて、新規性を出しますかね。何より「お前一人で、俺らがいなくても実行できるレベルの内容がイイぜ」とのことであったので尚更焦りますね。 もう数日しかないですが、、、しかも週末は学会で講演ですが、、、隙間時間でやるしかありません。 みなさまアディオス。
As referenced in the Capstone Outline webinar, we have posted a new individual assignment on Canvas designed to: get you thinking about your Capstone Project develop your oral presentation skills develop your skills in giving feedback Please review this document for instructions on how to access and complete the assignment. The exercise contains three stages: Challenge Peer Review Recap Only the first stage (the Challenge) needs to be completed at this time. Once everyone completes this stage, we will provide details on stage two (the Peer Review.) Stage 1: Challenge - due by November 25 Use the ApprenNet software that has been built into Canvas to prepare and record a one-minute “elevator pitch” of a research question of your choice. While we encourage you to use a question that you are considering for your Capstone Project, this is not a requirement.
三年生に寄生虫と原虫の講義(あまりにも範囲が広いので、個人の興味は捨てて、彼らのminimum reruirementを重視してすべてのCBTと国家試験を分析して出るところだけは特に重点的にやりました)
家に帰ってきたらで、Harvard GCSRTのTeam会議でスライドづくりを南アフリカ、ボルトガル、デンマーク、サウジアラビア、日本で作りました。
Survey Design Elective 複雑なデザインの作成と統計STATA
This course covers the crafting of survey questions, the design of surveys, and different sampling procedures that are used in practice. Longstanding basic principles of survey design are covered. Statistical aspects of analyzing complex survey data will be featured, including the effects of different design features on bias and variance. Different methods of variance estimation for stratified and clustered samples will be compared, the handling of survey weights will be discussed, and the capabilities of Stata for such analyses will be emphasized. This elective consists of a blend of recorded online lectures and interactive webinars. The recorded lectures have an associated individual assignment (quiz). Your fourth (4th) team assignment of the year occurs within this elective. This is the only assignment conducted with your new (temporary) team. Teams should select a Presenter and an Alternate Presenter. These should be individuals who have not presented during the first three team assignments.
Secondary Analysis Elective 二次分析・既存のデータをどのように解析していくか?
Secondary analysis involves the use of existing data to conduct research beyond the primary question which the original study was designed to answer. This course covers topics commonly encountered in such research, including subgroup analysis, meta-analysis, non-linear relationships, and longitudinal data analysis. Relevant statistical methods will be presented and the capabilities of Stata for such analyses will be emphasized. Common mistakes and ways to avoid them will be highlighted. The pre-recorded lectures in this elective are supported by interactive webinars and have an associated individual assignment (quiz). Your fourth (4th) team assignment of the year occurs within this elective. This is the only assignment conducted with your new (temporary) team. Teams should select a Presenter and an Alternate Presenter. These should be individuals who have not presented during the first three team assignments.
Drug Development Elective 薬の開発・臨床研究・治験
Seminar topics include: How are Drugs Discovered and Developed, Case Study of the Pre-clinical Stages of Drug Development, Moving a Compound through the Drug Development Process, Good Manufacturing Practices--a Global Perspective, and Overview of Diagnostic Device Development. Entirely webinar based, this elective consists of weekly webinar discussions (generally held at 9 am Eastern Time) by experts from academia, industry, and government who have years of hands-on experience with large and small pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and related organizations. There are no individual homework assignments and students have the opportunity to interact with the faculty in real time. For these reasons, participants in this course are expected to attend all live sessions. Your fourth (4th) team assignment of the year occurs within this elective. This is the only assignment conducted with your new (temporary) team. Teams should select a Presenter and an Alternate Presenter. These should be individuals who have not presented during the first three team assignments.
ニューオーリンズの学会で3演題(2つは臨床研究、一つはclinical case)久々に自宅に帰ってきた気がします。
やることが多すぎて悩んでいました。研究課題だけでも7個ほどありますし、Submitt 直前のCase3つや、なにより締切波状攻撃の商業誌の原稿などが多数あり、
0) まずファミリー
1) 最優先すべきは時間と集中力と知恵を用いるOriginal researchであり、これを進めることに徹すること(そしてこれが師弟の関係的に一番楽しいですよね)
2) 夜のWebカンファなどが続く問題に対しては、Protect timeを初めに設定してしまい、あとから入れないこと。(GCSRTの授業とチームミーティングは日本は極東なので仕方ない・・がそれ以外はCut off)
3) なるべくリサーチの執筆はその夜のプロテクトタイムか朝5-7時の誰も邪魔しない時間にやるようにする、なので深酒しない。
4) あまり医学的進歩・国の医療レベルでの進歩につながらない原稿は極力断る(が、師からの依頼は絶対にて、すべて受ける)
5) 上記で自分でないほうがいいのは、極力後輩に譲る。
6) マインドフルネスと筋トレも利用してみる(これは既にやってます)
DEM 通信1